This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. :)
Emma's POV .
The weeks leading up to the release party was hectic to say the least , everyone has been so busy to try and make this a success I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life I was working around the clock not just as a lawyer but anything Paul or Marshall needed I was there to help.
Also my social has gotten better myself , Kim and Leah have became great friends doing lunch and dinner dates after work to hanging at the weekend it was great to actually have friends here . The only thing that bothered me about it all was they were constantly on my case about getting myself a man and even suggested Marshall a couple of times but it was completely bizarre he's my boss and I respect our work friendship that I didn't think for even a second it would be a good idea .It was the day of the release party and thank god it was a Friday cause I couldn't wait to have a sleep in the morning . Because the party started at 8pm Paul and the rest of the management decided that all staff could finish at 3pm to go home and get ready which was great . I looked at my watch and it 12:05pm I had some last minute paper work to leave with Paul so I decided to drop them on my way to lunch . When I left my office I thought it was strange for Leah not be sitting at her desk she normally lets me know when she is stepping out just incase of phone calls etc .
When I got to Paul's office and Dave his assistant was no where to be seen so I grabbed a post it note to write on it and leave it with the paper work on his desk for Paul , as I was writing it I heard voices coming from Paul's office I turned my head in that direction and noticed the door was open a little and to my surprise I seen Kim , Leah and Paul sitting around his desk . I didn't think much of it until I heard my name been mentioned -
"Look I don't think Emma is catching on to what we're trying to do here , we keeping brining up Marshall's name but she ignores it " leah says .
" yeah she has mentioned that he's her boss and she's not like that to get involved with people she works with " Kim said .
" look ladies this is going to happen i can guarantee it , Iv been putting the idea into Marshall's head all week and by the looks of things he seems interested " Paul laughed .
" so you think he will make a move " Kim asks .
" I bet you $100 it will happen tonight , even if it's just a kiss or flirt " Paul laughed.
"You have yourself a bet Paul but I can tell you will have to wait atleast till the end of the month" Kim said .
I heard movement coming from the office I quickly grabbed the papers I couldn't leave them there as they would know I was around .
I couldn't believe them making a bet on me I was so angry and upset .
"Hi Emma , how can I help you dear " Marge Marshall's secretary asked .
"Ehhh-" is all that came out of my mouth , I didn't realise I was outside his office .
"Are you here to see mr mathers?" She asked with a smile .
"Oh emmm yeah that would be great if he's not busy " I smiled . But to be honest I wasn't quite sure what I was doing .
I looked at her she was on her phone I was to caught up in my thoughts to hear why she was saying .
"You can go ahead in emma " she smiled.
"Thank you Marge " I replied .
I walked into his office he was sitting on black couch flicking through channels on the tv, when he seen me he stood up .
" yo Emma, what's up ? I didn't realise we had a meeting sorry " he said.
" hi Marshall, we don't just eh I need to talk to you about something personal " I gave him a half smile .
"Oh ok take a seat so " he said rubbing his hand through his hair and sitting back down .
"Do you know about the bet" I asked taking a seat and looking down at my feet.
"What bet?" He questioned.
" the one Paul , Kim and Leah has " I said looking up at him.
"Yo what the fuck! What is the bet for Emma " he said with abit of anger in his voice .
"They have a bet on to see how long it will take for you and me to get together , I over heard them talking about it just there and then I came straight here " I said.
"The fuck..!! What the hell are they playing at I'm gunna fucking kill them " he stood angrily.
" Marshall don't say a thing they will wanna know how you found out and I don't want to fall out with anyone, I just started making friends here " I said hanging my head .
" how are you not fucking pissed about this Emma ? Huh unless you knew about it and your just coming here to cover your ass" he said staring at me .
" I - I swear I didn't know a thing , I thought you did that's why I came here , I can't believe they have a bet I honestly thought they were my friends " I mumbled I could feel tears reaching my eyes .
" yo Emma I'm sorry , you know come to think of it, Paul has been at me the last couple of weeks to get to know you and suggesting that I ask you for dinner and that " he laughed .
" really? Yano Kim and Leah been brining up you a lot in conversation every time they tell me I need to find a man " I laughed quietly.
" oh really and you never considered it " he smirked .
" stop trying to change the conversation we're having here Marshall , what the fuck are we going to do about this bet? " I asked looking at him .
" yo I was playing Yano trying to make light of the situation, but how about we play with them?" He smirked.
" what you mean ?"I asked .
" well they have a bet on to see how long it will take for us to get together, how about we pretend to hate each other " he suggested.
" And how exactly are we going to make them think that , I'm not good with hating people " I smiled .
Just when he was about to answer me his desk phone rang , he picked it up it must have been Marge because I heard him say give him 5 minutes and then send him in .
" yo Paul's here to see me , and apparently Kim and Leah are waiting around his office door . So this is what we're going to do ". He smiled explaining his plan .
I got up off my seat and walked to the door before I opened I looked back and smiled at him , I went to opened the door and it was time to put the plan in play .
" I can't fucking believe you Marshall , you are a sick person thinking with you dick instead of your head " I shouted looking at him while I stood outside his office.
" yo bitch why you fucking mad , it's not like everyone ain't thinking it be the last time i fucking offer up my services your nothing but a stuck up bitch to good for anyone cause your a fucking lawyer " he stood from his desk shouting .
I could feel 4 sets of eyes staring our way .
"Your a prick Marshall, just because I said no to you .. you literally walk around here like your gods gift it was about time someone pulled you down to earth and said no to you, and honestly I'm so happy that it was me just goes to show you never really know a person " I shouted trying to make tears in eyes .
" oh but baby I know I'm fucking gods gift , just because you a little Irish girl turned me down I'm suppose to cry about it well let me tell you this Emma , your on my side of the pond so I suggest you keep your mouth shut and crawl back to your office otherwise it will be the first fucking plane home for you " he said walking right up to me .
I turned around finally after making myself cry , Paul and Marge stood there looking shocked with there mouths wide open .
"Emma I" Paul said grabbing my arm.
" I'm okay Paul Iv got to get back to my office eh I have work before i go home " I mumbled .
" if you need me call , il take care of this asshole " he said smiling , walking into Marshall's office slamming the door .I could here muffled shouting come from the room but I kept walking meeting Leah and Kim on my way I looked at them with a half smile as they stood there still in shook I think . I got to my office when I sat down my phone beeped meaning a text message .
From Marshall - yo that was brilliant ,Paul is here giving me shit about it . I can't believe we pulled that off yo , anyways il cya tonight for round 2 ? . Marshall.
I smiled at the thought of Paul going mad , payback is a bitch mr Rosenberg .
To Marshall - oh I can imagine , hope he's not giving you to much grief . payback is a bitch though ha . Great il cya tonight and thank you . Emma .
I put my phone in my handbag when Kim and Leah walked into my office looking very concerned.
" Emma are you okay? What happened doll ?" Kim asked taking a seat .
" I'm okay honestly, just sorry I don't mean to offended you Kim but your ex husband is a dickhead and I honestly would be happy if I never speak to that man again " I said with a blank expression on my face .
Kim and Leah both looked at each other and then back to me .
"You need to talk to him and that you have to work together and not being friends with Marshall makes things extremely hard " Kim said .
" I don't want to talk to him again okay , I would rather catch a flight home then do . Now could you both please leave alone I just need time to get this all done before I head off " I smiled politely.
" okay but your still going to the party tonight I don't care , Robert is dropping us to your house at 6 so you have no other choice " Kim said getting up and walking towards the door with Leah .
" ugh right ok " I said .
" cya then girl " Kim said walking out .
"If you need anything il be right out here " Leah smiled closing the door behind her.I can't believe they actually believed me , just wait till tonight be the last time they put a bet on .
From Marshall - I'm in Paul's bad books apparently I have to make it up to you tonight ;) put your boxing gloves on cause it's going to be a nasty one . Marshall .
I laughed at the text and had a feeling tonight was going to be a good one ......

Started with a bet
FanfictionFormerly know as - For the love of law -. Emma Mathews is a lawyer from Ireland, after heartache and fall out she decides to take up a job offer working as head of legal for shady records. After befriending Marshall Mathers Ex wife Kim Scott and...