Back to the booty call

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This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only..

Marshall's POV....

Walking into Emma's office to see her lying on the couch with a cloth on her face , I walk towards her and cough just to let her know someone is here .

Whoever you are , I would advise you to leave "  She says .

" Emma are you okay ?" I ask  .

" I have a migraine and I'm tired so please leave me alone " She sighs frowning .

" Oh okay , eh I need to ask you something " i say.

" Marshall seriously, can this wait till later . I'm not in the mood right now , If it's that important go ask Alex " She shouts looking angry .

" Well This I can't ask Alex , he might think I'm being to creepy " I laugh .

" Fuck off Mathers , I swear if you don't leave me alone and come back later il make you regret coming into this office right now " She shouts .

No wonder she has a migraine all she does lately is bitch and shout , I thought to myself .

" It will only take a second , eh well I was just wondering what would you think about us getting married " I smirk, knowing that will get her attention .

She freezes , after a few seconds she throws the cloth on the table and sits up .

" Um sorry what?! " She mumble's staring at me .

I try my best to look serious , but I can't hold it I burst out laughing .

" OH my god , you should see your face " I laugh clenching my sides .

" Your a fucking asshole Marshall, I nearly had a mini heart attack " she growls . ( yes you read that right , the bitch growled at me ).

" Yo chill, was the only way I could get your attention " I smirk.

" Still your a douchebag , what do you want ?" She sighs , lying back down on the couch .

" I came to check on you to make sure you ate and took your tablets " I say , sitting on the chair opposite her .

" Are you serious ? That's why you wouldn't leave me alone while I'm in pain . Marshall I appreciate you worrying and checking up on me , but this could have waited till later I told you I had a migraine and that . Now we're doing this again ! Fighting over something so fucking stupid . When I say leave me alone for awhile I mean it don't keep fucking at me ! I need to be feeling better so I can pick DJ up and spend some time with him this evening and I can't do that if your here on my lunch talking shit when I can be having a hour nap .. so I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, get the fuck out before I grab your balls and staple them to your desk so you can't come and annoy me ! " she shouts glaring me .

" Geez calm the fuck down Emma , I just wanted to make sure you and baby were getting enough to eat . I know your exhausted and shit , but damn do you have to be so bitchy the whole fucking time ? " I ask leaning my head on the chair .

" Bitchy ? Seriously Marshall ! ... I'm 12 weeks pregnant with your baby. My boobs are killing me , I'm constantly hungry and tired , my back and feet ache and if I don't stop peeing I'm going to have to start wearing diapers .! So excuse me for being bitchy, but I think I have the right to be . I wouldn't be like this if you kept your Detroit dick in your fucking pants you prick " she shouts getting of the couch .

" I think I'm going to leave , before i say something il regret . Yo I'm sorry I was just checking in and wanted to make sure you were alright . Il just text next time " I sigh getting up and walking to the door .

" I think that's a brilliant idea , now run along and don't be annoying me again . Il text you later , if you even text me before that I won't answer for hours .. so please leave me alone " she says glaring at me and taking a seat at her desk .

I look at her one more time and leave her office .
  Even when she's angry she is still so fucking hot, Fuck I'm so turned on right now imma need to sort this out .
I get to my office and pull out my phone.

To Jane Tech -  Yo , any chance your up for a quickie? . I need to let out some steam . - Marshall .

In the back of my mind I knew I shouldn't have texted her . It's been months since we've hooked up , well last may to be priciest. I stoped having quick office sex with Jane when I developed my little Crush on Emma . She never seemed to mind that I didn't text her or call her looking for sex , cause at the end of the day that's all it was , 10 minutes of pleasure in my office and we would go back to work like nothing happened . We didn't even talk if we seen each other so it was a win / win .

From Jane tech -  don't you have a girlfriend now ? I that's why you stopped with the booty calls .. LOL 😂 .

To Jane tech - No I don't , wouldn't be asking if I did .. So are u going to come to office or not ?.

From Jane tech - Good, cause I don't wanna be ruining anyones relationship. Yes il be up in 5 .

To Jane tech - Cya in 5 .

Im guessing she doesn't know about Emma being pregnant , cause I'm pretty sure if she did she wouldn't have agreed to this . The good thing about Jane is, she has never once said it  to anyone about our little hook ups so I know word won't get back to Emma .  Im Pretty sure if she found out she would kill me with the mood she's been in lately , I wouldn't be surprised if she really did staple my balls to my desk .

A light knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts, I look over and in walks Jane tablet  and phone in one hand and a file in the other . She always makes it look like she's coming in to see me about work .
She smiles and locks the door behind her , walking to the coffee table and putting her stuff down .

" Where do you want me Mathers ?" She laughs .

" Bent over my desk, pull up the skirt and loose the panties " I smirk getting up of my seat and walking towards her .

" As you wish " She smiles , pulling up her skirt , removing her panties as she bends over the desk putting her face and hands on it .

" Not a word out off you " I grin, stuffing her panties into her mouth.

I pull my joggers and boxers down and put on a condom .( can't get another bitch pregnant ).  I trust into her while pulling her hair , I can hear her muffled moans as I go harder and deeper . Sweat dripping off me as Im going faster and faster , a couple of more seconds and my body shakes as I release my load .
I pull myself out of her and remove the condom throwing it in the trash can . I quickly grab some tissues to clean myself and handing some to Jane for her to do the same .

" Yo thanks , I needed that badly " I laugh pulling back up my joggers .

" Happy to help , now if you don't need me for anything else? I'm going to get back to work " she smiles getting dressed and fixing herself.

" No I'm good " I say walking back around to my desk chair .

" Well in that case , il see you later " She smiles picking up her things and leaving my office .

Fuck ! .. As good as that felt, then why on earth do I feel so guilty ? ...

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