This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
Marshall's POV.....
What is the actual fuck? . I can't believe she knows this is ridiculous man I'm so fucking stupid.
" Marshall, Bruce, Mathers, you have some explaining to do" Paul screams as he walks into my office, along with Porter and Swift.
*cough cough* " The third" * cough cough* Porter laughs.
" yo what the fuck man?" I said standing up from my desk.
" you're a screwing tech Jane while Emma is fucking pregnant are you for real?" Paul asks.
" how is everybody fucking finding out about this, did she say something?" I ask..
"Leah heard moaning coming from your office and when she went to leave , she seen Jane leaving your office fixing her clothes and hair " Paul explains.
" You're some dumb fuck Marshall " Porter laughed .
" Yo shut up man , it's not like you haven't fucked up in the past !. " I shrug .
" Yeah the past slim " swift laughed nudging Porter .
" Look Marshall , we came here to talk some sense into you cause obviously you haven't any ! . We all know you're in love with Emma ,why can't you tell her how you feel and settle down ? . What you're doing right now is stupid and it's going to go nowhere if you both don't realise yous have feelings for each other " Paul says .
" I think ye all need to butt out of my business with Emma , look if I wanted your help I would have asked for it . It's bad enough I have Kim and girls on my case 24/7 about I don't need you guys to . Il do it in my time , yo this is big for me , I promised myself never to get tied down again and look at me now " I shrug .
" Slim, we only on your case cause we fucking like Emma , she's so right for you man . She ain't like any chick you have been with before , ye don't fight or stalk each other not like the way you and Kim were . We just want to make sure you make the right decision " swift says .
" Yo you and Kim were toxic , Yano to think of I think I got food poisoning when you guys were together I swear I was sick for like a week . And the funny thing is that I was the only one sick yo and we all ate the same fucking chicken " Porter says .
" Dude what the fuck has that to do with Emma and Marshall? I swear to god you're still smoking the green you talk some crazy shit . How does your women put up with you ?" Swift laughs .
" Eh we were talking about Kim and Em , so shut up man " porters shouts at swift with his arms folded.
" And this is why I told you guys I would handle this on my own , but nooooo what you guys say *cause we're in the band it's a group problem *" Paul's says rolling his eyes .
" what the fuck do you know swift leave my women -" Porter was saying .
"You always talking shit dude " swift interrupting him laughing .
" guys seriously " I shout .
" yo shut up slim I'm trying to talking here , swift man I'm sorry . I shouldn't have taken that tone with you . You know how I get when I'm hungry ,I'm starving man " Porter cried .
" it's okay dude , you wanna go get some fried chicken will that help?" Swift asks rubbing Porter on the back .
" Yeah I think it would " Porter says as the two of them get up and leave the office .
Paul looks at them as they leave and then back at me .
" what the hell just happened ?" He asks .
" I don't know " I shrug .
" so eh yeah you and Emma , Marshall just please talk to the girl and figure something out . You're older and sober now , things will be different then how they were with Kim or any other girl . Emma is great for you I know there is a 11 year age gap but she's way more mature than any women the same age as you and that's for sure . All we're asking is to consider giving it a shot . " Paul smiles .
" Look Paul I appreciate it what you guys are doing and all the advice , but this is something I need to do on my own alright . I need some time to think and make sure it's a hundred percent what I want cause you know me il fuck it up . Don't get me wrong I love the girl and I haven't felt like this about anyone , I just want to make sure so I don't break her . Paul I can't break her !" I sigh .
" I understand, I'm happy that you're going to think about it . But just know I'm here for you whenever you need yeah ? And Marshall please don't be going around sticking to Jane or any other girl for that matter !" He smirks getting up and walking towards the door .
" Yeah thanks Paul , I promise no more office hook ups until I sort my shit out " I laugh .
" Oh before I go , I need your schedule cleared on Friday . I can't tell you what for it's important all the department heads have been given the same information and Dre is flying in . See you later " he says and then leaves .

Started with a bet
FanfictionFormerly know as - For the love of law -. Emma Mathews is a lawyer from Ireland, after heartache and fall out she decides to take up a job offer working as head of legal for shady records. After befriending Marshall Mathers Ex wife Kim Scott and...