Oh god , not again !!

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This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only 😊

Time jump , End of January 2011...

Emma's POV ....

There is nothing worse than Detroit weather , cold wet and snowy this time of year .

The holidays were great we spent Christmas morning just myself and DJ and then went over to Kim and Rob's for dinner , Marshall also joined as he didn't want to spend Christmas without the girls .

Since I came back from my trip in Ireland, things between me and Marshall were awkward at first but now it's like nothing happened and we were back to normal minus the sex that is .  He would come over and hang out with myself and DJ or the other way around .
But the last 2 weeks have been different he's been avoiding outside of work and it has all to do that I went on a date with a guy called Charlie who I have began to really like and he's great i told him about DJ on out second date and it didn't bother him one but that I was a single mom .

I'm currently sitting in the doctors office waiting to get my blood results and that back that I got done last week , I wasn't feeling well and I was hoping it was just a Detroit cold .

" Miss Mathews , sorry to keep you waiting " Dr Roxanne smiled taking a seat .

" Oh your ok , no need to apologise." I smile .

" So how are you feeling ? " she asks .

" eh not to bad, I think I'm over the worst of it .  I'm still tired and getting the headaches but other than that I'm pretty good " I say .

" That's great , we'll I have your blood work back but I was hoping you would let me just do scan if that's okay? " she asks.

" A scan ? Is there something wrong ? " I panicked.

" It's just routine , and I want to make sure your 100% healthy before leaving here " she smiled .

" oh okay well in that case we can do a scan " I say .

" great , just hope up on the bed there and I'm going to just wash my hands . " she said getting up and going over to the sink.

I lay on the bed with my shirt pulled up to my chest , a sudden sickness and panic came over me .

" This will be cold " she warned before putting gel on my stomach and taking a seat on a stool beside the bed .

" it's okay " I barely whisper .

She turned the screen so that she was the only one that could see it and moved the wand around my stomach after a few minutes she turned to me .

" Well miss Mathews , looks like the blood work was right . Congratulations your pregnant " she smiled turning the screen to show me what looked like a little blob on it .

" you've got to be shitting me " I shout . I can't believe this is fucking happening .

" I'm sorry , but you are and it's seems your about eight weeks . I didn't want to tell you before I did the scan with your history of ectopic pregnancy so I wanted to make sure " she smiles .

" Eight weeks ? Oh god " I cry .

" I'm guessing this wasn't planned ?" She asked.

" No definitely not planned " I sigh .

" Well you clean yourself up and il just do up a report for you and print out  the scan . " she says handing me tissues and getting up .

I wipe myself with the tissue and get off the bed making my way to the bin and then back to the chair I was sitting on before the scan .

" So Emma , I know this comes as a surprise. But it's still very early you have a few options that you can chose if having this baby isn't what you want right now .  Il set up an appointment for 3 weeks time and you come see me and let me know what you want to do . But if you need or want to see me before then just give me a call especially if there is something wrong " she says .

" eh-um - okay thank you ." I mumble .

" Here's your report , the scan is suggesting that your due date is August 25th .  And here's your picture" she smiles handing me the piece of paper and the scan photo .

" Thank you " I say getting up .

" Bye Emma , let me know if you need anything " she says as I walk out .

How the fuck is this happening again . How am I going to tell Marshall he freaked the last time and this is going to be worse . What about Charlie ? He's going to leave me and we only started .  Why is my life such a fucking mess , I cried in my car outside the doctors office for about 20 minutes .
That 20 minutes turned my crying into anger this was all Marshall's fault he was the one that wanted to have one more night and used his fucking charm to get his way the piece of shit .

I start the car and head towards work no way was I going to hold of telling him he should feel how I'm feeling right now .
When I get there I grab my things as well as the doctors report and scan and make my way to his office . I'm pretty sure people tried to talk to me on the way up there but I had no time for that all I seen was red .

" Is Marshall in ?" I ask Marge .

" Yes he is, il call into him " she smiled picking up her phone .

" Go ahead in dear " she says .

I open the door to him sitting at his desk writing something down in his lyric book .

"Emma" he says looking up to me .

"Don't fucking Emma me you asshole . What was it that you said to me in Ireland? oh yeah , just one more night what happens In Ireland stays in Ireland . Well you were fucking wrong about that Mr Mathers " I shout slamming the doctors report and scan down on the table before him .

I look him dead in the eyes , he takes his eyes of me and looks at the scan his eyes widen .  I take that as my queue to leave .
I walk out door as he calls my name but I just kept walking tears streaming down my face , I walk past my office mumbling to Leah I was leaving . I'm pretty sure she asked me something but I didn't stop , I just need to get home and be alone .

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