Cold hearted

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Sorry that it took so long to update , but some personal stuff came up .

This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only 😊



Emma's POV....

I sat at the kitchen table on my laptop looking through emails , it's been 5 days since me and DJ arrived and I haven't heard from anyone back in Detroit .

" Emma you seriously working today ?" My sister Maria asks .
" Not really just checking some emails , il be done soon to help setting up " I laugh.
" Good , myself and Amy are doing all the work . " she said .
" Hey I helped mom do all the food last night while you guys got drunk " I laughed .
" Whatever , so anyways have you heard from Mr shady ?" She asks .
" Nope I haven't heard a thing from anyone but look it is what it is , not much I can do about it " I sigh .

I was about to put my laptop away and go outside and help set up for dads party tonight until my Skype went off .

" Maria can you give me a minute , looks like Paul is calling me" I say .
" yeah sure " she says leaving in the kitchen alone .

" Hi Paul , how are you ? " I say answering the Skype call .
" Hello Emma , I'm good how are you? " he asks .
" I'm great thanks enjoying my time here and DJ is so happy to be back " I smile .
" Thats great , I was just calling to let you know I'm out off office till Tuesday myself and the wife are off to San Diego for a few days so if you need anything just send me a email " He says .
" Oh that sounds lovely , enjoy your break away " I say .
" I will thank you , oh and Marshall and denaun are out off office till further notice " He says .
" Oh okay that's no problem." I say .
" Right I gotta go but enjoy your holiday and say hello to everyone to me " He says .
" You to Paul , talk soon " I say and then hanging up .

I gathered all my stuff and put it up the room that me and DJ we're staying in , I couldn't help but to think where Marshall was it's not like him to go anywhere without Paul if it's for business. I change into leggings and top and go out to the big tent to help decorate before Maria and Amy come for me .

Sending Kim a text before heading outside .

To Kim- Hey kimmy , how are you guys ? Hope your all well and not missing me to much LOL ;) . Any news on the state side ? XO - Emma .

Looking through the drawers in my room for something to wear tonight there was a knock on the door .

" Come in " I shout, still with my head stuck in the drawers.
The door opened and closed .

" Hey Emma " I heard .
I turned around in shock Marshall was standing there infront of me.

" Marshal , what the hell ! Why are you here ? " I ask .
" Don't I even get a hug?" He smiled .
" Yeah , but seriously how are you here ?" I ask hugging him.
" Well me , Porter and swift got on a plane and that plane flew us across the ocean and we got a car from the airport to here " He laughed .
"Haha very funny . But the guys are here where are they ?" I smile .
"Eh there down at the cabin , jack set us up there while we're here ." He says .
" So jack was involved in all this , imma kill him " I whisper .
" I told him not to tell you or anyone cause I wanted to surprise you and your dad tonight . But I couldn't be this close to you and not see you so I caved and jack snuck me in here " he says .
" Dad will be over the moon , thank you " I smile .
"I really wanted to talk to you and sort this all out , it was killing me leaving it the way we did I made such a mistake and I'm stupid " he sighs .
" What you mean you made a mistake?" I ask .
" Well look, I shouldn't have ended things between us . You were literally the only real thing going on in my life and I fucked it up by letting you go " He sighs taking a seat on the bed .
" So you came the whole way here to tell me that you fucked up? A simple phone call or message would have done the job . You could have waited till I got back to have this conversation, I have so much stuff to do right now and your here telling me all this " I say with a bit of anger.
" I thought you would appreciate the jester , but obviously I was fucking wrong as always . Why did I even bother , if I knew you were going to react like this I would have stayed the fuck home ." He shouts .
" It's not that I don't appreciate it , it's just this time last week you decided to end things cause you needed to sort yourself out , so your telling me that it only took you one week to get your shit together or do you feel bad cause you think I got the wrong idea when I seen you last in the studio when all those girls where there ? " I shout back walking closer to him .
" Emma , I still have fucking shit to sort out and that . But everyone was on my case telling me I fucked up cause I let you go and it was only that day you walked away from me that I realised they where right , I should have never ended it and I -" He was saying till I cut him off .

I could feel myself getting annoyed .

" Are you kidding me right now ? This is so fucking stupid . Marshall you didn't have me to let me go , we were just friends that had sex . You made it very clear to me many times that you didn't want a relationship and I accepted that because at the time I didn't want one either . when you decided that you wanted to end whatever we were doing made me realise that I needed to put myself and DJ first I can't be going around like a 20 year old sleeping with whoever . I need a relationship that's going to go somewhere you know marriage and maybe another child and if you can't give me that there is no point of you being here , I'm sorry but I'm not going to go back as your fuck buddy I respect myself way to much for that shit " I said looking him dead in the eyes .

" I - um - I can't " he whispered .
" Exactly, that's what I thought " I said .
" I'm sorry Emma , I just can't do the whole marriage and kid thinly with you . look il stay for the party and surprise your dad and we will be gone tomorrow " He says .
" I know . Thank you though, that will mean a lot to him . But he doesn't know your here so if you wanna leave you can " I sigh .
" No I'm staying I promised jack . I just hope we can still be friends Yano , this isn't how I imagined all this to play out " He laughed nervously.
" And for that I'm sorry Marshall. But il always be your friend regardless I don't hate you , it's just I think it's time I settled down . " I shrugged .
" Yeah I get that, you and DJ deserve a happy ever after " He smiled .
" Thank you . And so do you Marshall don't forget that " I say hugging him .
" I don't believe in that shit for myself, I'm going to get back to cabin and go through some songs with Porter . Also I need to organise flights for tomorrow and that so il see ya at the party " He said still hugging me .
" You don't have to leave tomorrow you could stay we're still friends at the end of the day " I sigh .
" I think it's for the best if we just spend some time apart until you get back to the D " He smiled letting me go .
" If that's what you want , il be back next Thursday" I say.
" Sounds good Emma , cya in a few " he says leaving my room .
"Ugh" I shout to myself and walk over to my closet .

finally found a mini red dress in my closet after searching for what seemed like hours . I showered, did my make up and put some wave curls in my hair .
I took a seat on my bed to put on my shoes when my phoned beeped .

From Kim : Emma , what the hell happened ? I just got of the phone with Marshall and he said you shot him down !! What the actual fuck ?!.. He's really hurt , he wouldn't tell me what happened so I hope you do . *sigh* sorry for the outburst but I'm just so shocked I thought he would call saying you guys were together .. again sorry and I hope your ok? Call me when you can ... Xo Kim .

Shit this is really the last thing I needed she must thing I'm a cold hearted bitch , I'm suppose to enjoy my dads party and have fun with my friends but no , instead I'm worrying about how hurt Marshall fucking Mathers is !!!

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