The one were they say I LOVE YOU

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This story is completely  fictional and for entertainment purposes only .
Please read authors note at the end of this chapter .

Emma's POV...

Friday slowly crept upon us, and I'm sitting here in my office, waiting for the day ahead..
My mind is going crazy, I know I can't be mad at Marshall but, it hurts so much to know that he slept with Jane while I'm pregnant.

I had a bit of a breakdown last night I was on the phone to Jack and I was contemplating whether or not to move back home. Even when I was pregnant with DJ, I have never felt so shitty in my life. and I guess it's true, what they say when you love someone so much it hurts.

It's 11 am and I still haven't heard anything from Paul since I didn't sleep much last night I decided it's best if I take a nap on the couch.
Just as I'm about to lay down, Leah comes into my office.

" hey girl, no offence, but you look like shit" she laughed.

" oh thanks, I didn't get much sleep last night. I was up talking to Jack about everything and I'm not gonna lie. There's a part of me that wants to pack up and move home right now." I sigh.

" nope, I'm not letting you do that. I promise you things will get better. and if they don't, I will personally help you move back home. As I said the other day, I really think you and Marshall need to talk. so Paul called. He wants you to meet in the visitors lounge, when you're ready and bring your lunch because you could be there for awhile" she says.

" I know I'll talk to Marshall eventually I just need some more time I think. perfect I thought I was going to have to wait all day to find out what was going on, but the visitors Lounge why not his office?. " I ask.

" I don't know, I'm just the messenger. I'll still be here till five and I'll take messages if anyone calls. " she says walking out of my office.

I grab my bag and my lunch I make my way down to the visitors lounge. I knock on the door, Paul comes out closing the door behind him.

" hello Emma, thanks for meeting me here so before we go in are you feeling okay? You don't feel sick or anything?. I'm asking this because it could be a long day and I wanna make sure you're fine. I won't be in the meeting just yet I have a few things to take care of. If there's anything you need picked up the phone shoot me a text or call me. I'll get food delivered around one and yeah that's about it." he says.

" oh okay, I'm feeling okay just tired so I should be fine. Will you be done by five just so I can pick up DJ?." I ask .

" probably not, I'll talk to Leah and see if she can pick up DJ and stay with him until you're finished. If she can't, I'm sure Kim will be able to." he smiles..

" great, thank you. So should we head in? "I question.

" yeah are you going? I'm just gonna grab a file and I'll be there in a second." he smirks.

He opens the door for me, and I walk in. I take a look, and I noticed that Marshall is sitting on the couch by himself.
I turn and look at Paul He smiles and closes the door, and then I hear it being locked.
I look back at Marshall, he looks at me, I turn and try and open the door but it won't open.

After trying for a few minutes, I sigh and sit on the seat opposite Marshall.
Can we sit there for a good 20 minutes in silence.

" Emma, I think we need to talk" he says.

" what could we possibly need to talk about Marshall ?. The fact that our baby is due in three months or the fact that you slept with Jane?. Do you know you're an asshole?. Do you remember telling me that I wasn't allowed to sleep with anyone while I'm pregnant with your kid?. But yet it's okay for you to stick yours in anything not care how I feel about it . " I say .

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