For the love of law .

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Hi all,
Just a disclaimer this story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only . Sorry if my vocabulary or way of writing isn't the best this is my first story . I came up with the idea ages ago wanted to starting writing it down . So please be kind in the reviews etc ...
Anyways thank you all for reading :)

May 3rd 2010.

As I make my way up to the high rise building in front of me , I had to stop for a minute and just take it all in . 
Am I really doing this- I thought to myself, I recently just moved from Ireland to start a new job here in Detroit Michigan.

I finally feel my feet moving and before I know I'm in the door at the main reception desk .
The lady at the desk looks up at me and smiles politely " hi there , how can I help you ?".
"Hi , my name is miss Emma Mathews I'm meeting mr Rosenberg" I smiled back .
"Okay miss Mathews of you just take a seat over there , il call up to let him know you have arrived "she says while pointing towards a black leather sofa and picking up the phone with her other hand .

I sit there patiently waiting taking all in front of me in , this place is huge and very dark I thought to myself . Before I know there is a man standing in front of me .

"Emma , it's about time welcome to Detroit I hope the weather isn't treating you harshly " he laughs while shaking me hand .
" hey Paul , oh thanks very much no the weather isn't as bad as I thought it's similar to home " I smile .
" great, so let's make our way up to the offices so I can show you around before our meeting in 20 " he says making his way towards the elevator.
"Perfect, we have a meeting this morning ?" I ask as I follow him into the elevator.
"Yes, sorry my assistant Dave must have forgot to email you . It's just a quick meeting with the heads of the company and some of our talent managers it won't take long " answering my question and pushing the button for the 10th floor.

he walks out of the elevator, down the corridor and into a massive office with a lot of windows , desk , seating area with tv , table and chairs along with coffee station and a private bathroom .

"Wow , this office is amazing no wonder you like working here so much " I say walking in and looking around the space .
"Oh no Emma this isn't my office, it's yours "he laughs.
"What really? This is amazing thank you so much I wasn't expecting such a big office " smiling at him .
"Don't be silly, you think we would have given you are head of legal a crappy office not a chance , we here at shady records don't do things have arsed "he laughed .         
"Well thank you so much I really appreciate it " I say putting my bag down on the desk .
"Your welcome Emma, now we must head into this meeting I got some business cards made up for you so bring a few of them with you along with a notepad ." He says pointing to the desk .

I grab some cards and a notepad and follow Paul out of the room , as we walk past a few offices he tells me who's office is who's .
"This one here is mine " he pointed towards a door with his name on it you can't see into his office it must be for privacy .
"And this one here is Marshall mathers" he points to the one 3 doors up on the opposite side of his .

We finally get into the conference room there is about 15 people seated with 3 seats left , one at the head of the table and 1 each side of it .
"Take a seat " Paul says pulling a seat out at the side of the table for me .
"Thanks " I smile .
Paul takes seat at the head of the table and looks at his phone before standing .

"Hello everyone , thank you all for meeting this morning . This won't take long as I know everyone is busy with marshals recovery album release and just let me remind you all that 6th of June is the date so we have 4 weeks to make sure that this album gets all the attention it needs and deserves " he says looking at his phone again .

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