IT'S A.......

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This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only

Marshall's POV...

Driving up to her house, all I could think about was her, about everything that we could and should be, but then there's this thing in the back of my mind that says that you're gonna fuck this Up.
Do you know I was never like this, it's only after everything that happened between me and Kim and overdosing a couple years back, that I feel like I'm not good enough for anybody.
So, what happens when you get a girl pregnant? are you fall for that girl and her son and you would do anything to make sure that they're okay.
So what now do I tell her how I feel? or or do I just leave everything the way it is?.

Knocking on the front door waiting for her to answer. I'm getting nervous.
As soon as it opens, she smiles, and says my name, and that's when I know that I'm completely an utterly in love with this woman.

" hi Marshall, come in" she smiles.

" yo mama, how are you doing?" I laugh ( I can't believe I just called her mama) .

" I'm good thanks let's take a seat and I'll show you the pictures and we can find out the gender together" she giggled.

I follow her over to the sofa and take a seat beside her , she pulled out a white envelope, and some sonogram pictures from her handbag, then looked at me, and smiled.

" so this is baby, the doctor says everything is good it's measuring well and the heartbeat is fine so that's a good thing. Look at its hand it looks like it's pointing the finger at me, I couldn't help but laugh when I seen it on the screen" she laughed pointing to the little baby on the picture.

" damn baby is getting big, I can't remember the girls being this big it's mad how long ago that was. It's definitely my kid, I'm pretty sure that's the middle finger. The Mathers genes are strong" I laugh.

" they sure are, are you ready to look at the gender?" she asks.

" let's do this" I smile .

She opens up the envelope, and takes out a piece of paper . She looks at me and smiles, and then turns the paper over to reveal the gender of the baby.
We will look at each other and then back at the piece of paper it reads " IT'S A BOY" .

I can't believe it, I jump up at my seat pull her up and hug her . 

"holy fuck Emma, it's a boy I'm having a boy sorry I mean we are having a boy. I can't believe this thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me that you are giving me a son. I know I can be a prick sometimes, but honestly, this is one of the happiest moments of my life and it's all because of you and for that I will always be grateful." I say still hugging her .

" another boy, oh God, my hands are going to be full. DJ is going to be over the moon to have a baby brother. I'm happy that you're happy.  I know now that you're definitely excited about this I'm not gonna lie I was kind of freaked out a little and I thought that you might bail at the last minute, considering everything that's happened between us. Thank you Marshall for doing this and being with me through all of this, it's a lot easier even though we're not together, but knowing that you're gonna be here for us both means it means a lot. " She smiles taking a step back and sitting down 

" I know, I think we should probably tell your folks now we know everything is alright And that your having another boy . but man , I don't want them to be to be angry or anything with you blame it all on me, you say I was the one that just wouldn't leave you alone, if it makes it easier. Yo your bro is going to lose his shit with me. I think I might have to hide out at porter's or something?" I laugh taking a seat beside her .

"Don't be so silly Marshall it was both of us and I don't think they're gonna be annoyed. I'm pretty sure my dad is going to be over the moon considering now he will have a grandchild belonging to Eminem so I don't even need to worry on my parents part. Jack might be a bit mad but he'll get over it. He loves DJ and I'm pretty sure he will love this baby too . " she smiles .

" yeah their grandchild of Eminem ha we are going to have to talk about that, you know I don't know people about my personal life right? So I'm gonna have to talk to Paul and see how we go from here with all this. I know it's a lot to ask but can we just figure this all out before we tell your folks? I know it was my idea to tell them right now, but I never thought of all of this other shit " I sigh .

" yeah of course. I would rather that we had a plan before we started telling anybody anyways, and you know I know how you are about your personal life so whatever makes it easier for you I'm down for . But I'm going to have to tell DJ soon because I don't think I can hide my belly for too much longer. It's getting pretty big if you haven't noticed." She laughs .

" yo I wasn't going to say anything, but damn your belly is massive man, but in a good way don't be hating on me for saying that. Can I be here when you tell DJ?" I ask giving her a small smile .

" ha ha thanks for calling me fat. I'm only joking. but yes if you would like to be here when I tell him that would be great, it easier explaining to him, but it also might complicate things. It's probably gonna bring up the conversation off who his father is and that hasn't happened before so yeah I'm nervous about that." she sighs looking down at her hands .

" you know, I love DJ right? And I do anything for the kid. so if you wanted and I'm just  putting it out there , you can tell him that I am his stepdad or something if it makes it easier. But that's only if you want it I'll do whatever it takes to make this easier and you guys I care about you both. And regardless of what happens between me and you I will always be there for the two boys." I say putting my arm around her pulling her into a hug .

" thank you, Marshall . But you really don't have to do that. Maybe I'll think about it and let you know and then tell him at the weekend or something. I just need time to process everything. I didn't think how hard this is going to be but it has to be done regardless doesn't it?" she cried hugging me back .

" it's all going to be okay, I got you girl " I say .

We sit in silence for a few minutes. I'm still hugging her and the thought of letting her go is killing me.
She eventually pulls away, wiping her tears are looking up at me . We stare at each other for a few minutes before I know it were leaning in and eventually my lips touch hers .
Every part of my body explodes, as if I was waiting for this moment, my whole life, kissing her is like a drug I want more and more every time I taste it .
We slowly pull away, looking into each other's eyes there's nothing more than I want, then to continue, kissing her.

" Emma, I'm so sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that" I apologise.

" don't be sorry Marshall I enjoyed it, more than I probably should have" she smiled .

" so if I do it again, you're not gonna hit me?" I ask .

" no" she says .

And with that, I grabbed her, pulling her closer, smashing my lips to hers. The taste of cranberry is overwhelming but yet, so good.
I slowly lay her down on the couch, carefully, not wanting to hurt her, looking into her eyes. I kiss her again.  She moves her hands into my hair as I slowly with my hands down her body, pulling her top up, feeling her stomach that has a smallest little bump . She giggles as I run my hand up  her sides and onto her breasts. She pulled at my T-shirt, so I sit up and pull it off, giving her a little Wink as I do so . I then pull her top off, trowing it onto the floor beside me leaning down and kissing her  .
I  kiss her neck down to her shoulder over her breast than her stomach eventually getting to the band of her trousers , I look up at her, and she smiles at me just as I'm about to take your trousers off. The doorbell goes off, we look at each other waiting to see if it stops.
Next thing, we hear DJs voice shouting " Mommy let me in ".
I quickly get up, passing her, her shirt and putting mine back on, I take a seat on the sofa as she goes to open the door  .

Thoughts to myself right now I can't believe I just got cocked blocked by a seven-year-old.  I sigh and lay my head against the couch .

**•• Sorry haven't updated in awhile , il try do my best of updating every 3/4 days .. Don't hold it against me though if I dont 😅 I'm so bad at this 😂😂••**

Thank you to everyone who has read , voted and commented so far. You guys are awesome..!!

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