Plans & Co Parenting

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This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only 😊

Emma's POV...

Sitting on the couch deep in thought , I was interrupted by the sound of the door bell.
Sighing I get up and open the door to Marshall with a bag full of snacks I couldn't help but smile , I didn't think he would actually grab some.

" I brought snacks " He smiles and walks into the house .

" Thanks, I didn't think you would get any " I laughed .

" So we should talk " he says putting the bag on the counter and making his way to have a seat on the couch .

" Yeah we should " I sigh following and taking a seat opposite him .

" Look Emma, I'm sorry for everything. Ever since I came into your life it's been a fucking mess . We have been through so much shit in the last couple of months to last us a lifetime.  And whatever you want to do about this baby I'm a 100% with you I'm sure we can do the whole coparent thing and be friends " He smiles .

" Thanks Marshall, I'm sorry to and I didn't mean to loose my shit with you earlier but I was so stressed I couldn't believe what was happening . I want to keep this baby , I can't get rid of it I'm sorry . I just hope you mean it about the whole friends and baby thing " I say giving him a small polite smile .

" Don't worry about it I get that you were angry . Well I guess we're  having a baby ha . Who would have thought I'd have another one " He laughed .

" I guess so . But I don't want you to be pressured into anything. So you can be as involved as you want doctor appointments and so on . If you want to wait till baby comes to be involved that's totally okay to , whatever works better for yourself " I smile .

" I want to be involved in it all , if I can make it to appointments il be there but if not I'd like you to tell me as soon as you get out . And don't worry about buying anything , Il do all that and pay the medical bills " he says .

" Marshall eh I think it's best if I buy some stuff to considering we're not living together we're going to have to buy two of everything  so il buy for me and you buy for you . And we can split the medical bills " I laugh .

" Yeah I never thought of that , il get what I need for my place . You just might need to give me a list or that , been years since I bought baby stuff . Your not paying the medical bills as I said I got them covered don't even argue " He says .

" Thank you . This is so messy . What are going to tell people ? what am I going to say to DJ? " I sigh , I could feel tears reaching my eyes .

" Hey , it's going to be okay . Everyone close to us here will know what happened . And with DJ we will figure it out and il help you tell him " he says coming closer putting his arm around my shoulders .

" Oh god what about my folks , I'm going to be disappointing them again " I cried .

" sshhh Emma , we will tell them we're dating and with working together it just got complicated and we only found out after we broke up . Il even call them and let them know I'm here for you, DJ and baby even though we're not together " he says pulling me into a full hug .

" Thank you Marshall that means a lot . Now I'm going to have to tell Charlie " I sigh .

" Im sorry Emma" he says .

" What if he's okay with it Yano , how would that work " I ask .

" Well il be shocked if he is , it's a lot to take on . But if he's okay with im glad you guys can make it work . But im going to make it very clear now , Emma he has nothing to do with my baby . He doesn't look after it , doesn't go to doc appointments or goes shopping for it . I will not have another man think cause he does that , that he can play stepdad took me years to be okay with rob and the girls . " he shouts .

" That's understandable Marshall and I'll make it clear to him that your in the picture. " I say .

" And if he is okay with it , no having sex with him or anyone while your carrying my child " he says .

" Seriously Marshall , no sex for 9 months do you realise how turned on pregnant women get . This is stupid " I say standing up looking down at him .

" If you can't wait , heck il offer my services cause I'm the only one that's going near you while your ass Is pregnant " He smirks .

" That's going to go down a treat. So what il just me like, hey Charlie I'm going over to Marshall's for sex il see you when I get home " I laugh .

" Yeah why not , if he has a problem send his ass to me . " he winks .

" Your sick , no sex for months I guess . " I say .

" so when is your next appointment?" He asks .

" In three weeks , I have another scan and need to let her know that we're carrying on with the pregnancy. When I have a date and time il let you " I say .

" Yeah sounds good thanks , do you need anything right now?" He asks .

I'm just about to answer, when I'm phone starts ringing . I walk to the counter and see it's Leah calling , I quickly mouth sorry to Marshall and answer the call .

" Hey Leah , what's up ?" I ask .
" Are you okay ? You seemed upset when you were at the office . " she says .
" I was , but I'm okay now " I sigh.
" Well still , me and Kim are going to come over with some goodies and have a girly takeout night , we'll obviously including DJ " she laughs .
" Shit I have to pick DJ up from after school " I say .
" Don't worry girl we can get him , save you leaving the house " she says .
" Awh your a lifesaver Leah thank you , he will be so excited to see you guys " I laugh.
" no problem girl, look we will see you in an hour . If you need anything give me a text " she says .
" great see you guys then , and thank you " I smile .
" No worries girl, bye " she says .
" Bye " I say hanging up the phone .

I put it down and walk back over to the couch .

" So that was Leah , her and Kim are coming over and getting DJ on the way " I smile .

"Cool, well I'm going to head out . If you need anything or wanna talk some more just let me know yeah " he says getting up of the couch .

" Thanks Marshall for everything, I'm glad we're staying friends through all this . It means a lot " I sigh.

" Me to . Are you going to tell them ?" He asks .

" I don't know , should i?" I ask.

" It's totally up to you , I'd be telling Kim soon anyways along with the girls so you might aswell . But if you want me to be here telling your folks il do it " he smiles .

" Okay thank you " I say .

" No worries , call me later or whatever " he says giving me a hug .

" Sure " I smile hugging him back .

He walks out the front door and My chest tightens .  Then it hits me , the man I love just wants to be friends and co parent .

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