This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only :)
Emma's pov..
"Mommy when are we going on the plane to see grandad ?" Dj comes into my room asking.
" We're going in the middle of the night tonight after mommy gets off work il pick you up and you will have a nap and then we will go " I smile .
" But will we come back here ? " He asks .
" Yes sweetie we're only going on a little holiday to see grandad for his birthday " I say hugging him.
" Oh good , cause I'd miss my friends and Whitney oh oh and mr Marshall mommy he's my friend to " He smiles .
" That he is sweetie , no come on or you will be late for school and il be late for work " I say picking him up and grabbing my bags .Marshall's pov...
" Yo slim, what's happening bro ?" Denaun says as I walk into the studio .
" what's up Porter? Not much man just chilled by myself all weekend was good though needed it Yano " I sigh taking a seat by the mixing board .
" Good man , I'm glad your getting back to yourself . What's happening with you and Emma though you still hitting that? " Ha laughs .
" Nah I need some time alone , I talked to her Friday night she was so understanding man she didn't go crazy or anything like she was legit cool with ending it " I say .
" Damn that girl to good to be true, you let go of a good one slim " He says .
" I know , but she deserves better and I just want her to be happy " I say .
" Yeah I get ya but man what if you made her happy , what happens when she finds someone else then it's to late for you ?. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time and I can remember the day proof try to explain to you that Kim wasn't the one for you after you guys getting married and that the one would come along when you got your shit sorted out and he was right Yano cause I think you just let that go and if he was here he would be whooping your ass right now " he laughed .
" I can remember that day to , was the night night we stayed in my studio drinking tequila and Ronda kept calling his ass to get home and him trying to explain to her that he can't be tamed . God what I wouldn't do for just one night with him again man we had so many laughs and the shit we got up Yano thank fuck no one knew what we got up to behind closed doors " I laughed .
" Yea and the day we filled Paul's office with the shit from the fire extinguishers and proof locked Royce up in Paul's closet man he was so pissed " He sighed .
" Paul bringing us all in for questioning thinking he was the shit ,and doody telling him Royce set fire to the desk so it was only right we tried to put it out and that's why we put him in the closet cause we didn't want him to leave the scene we were so fucked up on shrooms " I laughed .
" Good times man " he laughed .
" They we're the best of times , if only he was here now he would be going around ordering everyone about . Anyways should we get some work done , what time will Royce and Fifty be here at ? " I ask .
" They said at 10 but you know them man they run on a different time then us " He laughs .
" Yo Yo motherfucka's Royce 5'9 is in the building along with this dumbass half dollar who I had to go out of my way to pick him up at Leah's house otherwise I would have been here at 10 " Royce says pissed taking a seat on the couch .
" Yo man quit your bitching just cause you ain't getting any " Fifty walked in behind him laughing .
" I'm getting it don't you worry brother , I have my girl stopping by later with some pizza cause I'm fucking cool like that " Royce laughed .
" I hope she bringing enough pizza for everyone " Porter says .
" Don't worry man I got you " Royce winked .
" Can we get to work now or we just going to sit around all day talking about bitches and pizza" I laugh .
" Let's do it, yo Royce get in the booth" Porter says to Royce .A few hours pass and we're chilling in the studio eating pizza with some chicks that came along with Royce's girl .
" Did I just open the door to 2005?" Paul says coming in .
" Nah man we just eating pizza and chilling no drugs or beer here . You want a slice ?" Royce asks .
"Good I'd hope you have all grown up since then I really didn't want to have to sit here and baby sit . But no I'm good thanks , I'm heading home for the evening so Marshall if you need me call my cell " Paul says looking at me .
" Shit it's that time already? Yeah man no worries il be heading soon to but il catch you tomorrow " I say .
" Okay then , well behave guys and clean up the trash before leaving " Paul smirks looking at the girls and leaving.
" Is he always that rude ?" A black hair girl asks .
" Yo he wasn't rude he just didn't have anything to say to you so he didn't " Fifty laughs .
" He called us trash " Another girl who was sitting beside me said .
" He was talking about the pizza fucking chill " I laugh .
There's a knock on the door and in comes Emma , fucking great this is what I want her to see ." Hi guys , sorry I didn't want to interrupt anything " She smiles .
"Your not , what's up girl ?" Porter says .
" I just came to say goodbye , I'm going home to Ireland for abit so I won't be seeing you guys " She says still standing at the door .
" What your going home, why ? " I ask .
" Eh yeah I told you this last month , but it's my dads 60th birthday and I'm not missing the party so me and DJ are going home for it " She says and then looks around and stares at the girls .
" Oh yeah sorry I forgot " I apologise.
" It's okay I can see your busy , but anyways if you need anything Ben is there and Paul has someone incase something serious comes up . But you guys can always reach me by email don't be calling me with the time difference I don't want to be woken at 3 in the morning " she laughs .
"Don't worry girl ,enjoy your holiday and we will catch up when you get back " Porter says getting up to give her a hug .
" Thanks guys , il bring you a souvenir " she smiled .I go to get up to give her a hug and she stares at me .
" No need to get up , im going now I need to pick DJ up and let you guys get back to it . See you all when I get back " she says and leaves .
" You need to go clear this shit up with her " Porter stares at me .
" yeah " I sigh getting up .I see her walking down the corridor when I shout after her she stops and turns .
" Yes Marshall ?" She asks .
" Look it's not what it looks like back there we were just chilling and they were Royce's girls " I explain .
" Marshall you don't need to explain yourself to me we're not together it's none of my business what you do , so if you don't mind I need to go otherwise il be late to pick up DJ and I still have some packing to do before we leave tonight " She sighs .
" Your leaving tonight ?" I ask .
" Yea tonight Marshall il see you when I get back " she says and walks away .
" Emma wait !" I shout but she keeps walking .FUCK ..!!!!!! And with that I know I just fucked up the one chance of being happy with someone again .

Started with a bet
FanfictionFormerly know as - For the love of law -. Emma Mathews is a lawyer from Ireland, after heartache and fall out she decides to take up a job offer working as head of legal for shady records. After befriending Marshall Mathers Ex wife Kim Scott and...