Send in the troops

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This story is completely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Porters POV....

After getting back to the studio from the doctors appointment with Emma , I decided it's time to call in the troops and sort slims shit out .
I send a group message out to meet here in 20 .

To - Swift , Kim , Leah , 0 cent , RoceyBoy .

Yo ,  y'all need to meet me in studio 4 before shady gets back ..!! Don't make me come find you hoe's .. 20 mins no later , @swift Bring some pizza or shit I'm fucking starving ..!!  And @Roceyboy don't tell slim what you're doing - peace ✌️ .

I must have dosed off , I'm awoken by slamming of the door .

" Yo what the fuck " I shout .

"Dude we have been here for 5 minutes and you been snoring your head off , whose plan was it to meet here?" Fifty laughs .

" Shut up man ! You bring food swift ? " I ask .

" Yeah pizza and tacos , so what's this emergency meeting about anyways ? What did slim do now ?" Royce asks .

" Right well everyone take a seat and we will get started , Leah you want to take notes since that's your job and shit ". I laugh .

" Fuck off porter " Leah shouts taking a seat beside everyone .

"Is this about Marshall and Emma ? " Kim asks .

" Yea , we seriously got to do something . I went to her appointment today cause Marshall was at a meeting , we decided to mess with and tell him I went into the room with her he went mental ! Yo he called her his girl and shit and poor Emma sat there listening looking terrified as he screamed at me on the phone . Also the other fucking day he admitted that he was in love with her too . Stupid white ass mutha fucker afraid to do shit !" I sighed .

" Man I don't know , since everything happened after proof died he's been adamant about not getting into a relationship, what's different this time ?" Fifty questions.

" I think I'm per blame for all of this, considering mine and Marshalls relationship didn't work out, and I think that screwed him up something serious. But I am seriously team Em and Em , ha ha you get what I did there.  They are ment for each other , iv never seen him this way with a girl before not even me and we were together for years . I'm totally on for locking them in a room together until they cop on and realise it themselves. " Kim laughs .

" This ain't your fault girl , don't be talking shit . Slim was always fucked up when it came to girls , I think you guys just were together at the wrong time with the amount of drugs he was taking no wonder he couldn't do shit ! . But now he has his head screwed on and the girls are grown up I think he just needs help realising it won't be as bad as he thinks settling down and taken a break from the celeb life " swift says smiling at Kim .

" Thank you " she smiles back at him .

" Okay so we're locking them in a room until they get together yes?" Royce asks .

"Yeah , we will do it Friday we have nothing down on the recording schedule and there is no meetings on our end . So Leah you check Emma's schedule and let us know , Il double check with Marge and cancel all his " I say .

" Ok il let you know later when I get back to my desk , but eh what are we going to do about Jane ?" Leah asks .

" what you mean Jane ? As in tech Jane ? What she got to do with all this ?" Kim questions .

"Eh will I think her and Marshall have been having sex sessions in his office , the other day I was going to drop some files off, Marge wasn't there so I was going to knock but I heard moaning . It stopped after a couple of seconds so I moved away from the door and a few min later tech Jane came walking out looking all flustered . I hid so she couldn't see me but eh yeah I think they might be fuck buddies " Leah sighs looking at us all .

" what the fuck ? That idiot !  I'm going to cut off his balls and then make him eat them , what the hell is he thinking does he want to get this whole office fucking pregnant sticking it in to everyone women but the right one " I shout getting off my chair and pushing it across the room.

" I can't believe that , and he told Emma she can't have sex . He's being a bit of a hypocrite isn't he ?. Look guys I have a plan , il talk to Marshall tonight , Porter you go to Jane and tell her no more booty calls with Marshall she probably doesn't know about Emma cause I'm sure If she did she wouldn't be hooking up with him that girl ain't like that . Then come Friday we will still to our original plan . " Kim says as she pulls out her phone and starts typing .

" Okay , Marshall will be back soon so everyone get on their way . I have a flight to Miami to catch . So keep me updated and you guys might wanna tell Paul he will loose his shit if he finds out and we didn't keep him in the loop " fifty says getting up and grabbing his stuff .

" Il fill Paul in , I have to see him anyways " Royce says .

" Okay that's sorted everyone out before slim comes back , see y'all later " I shout as they leave the studio .

I pull out my phone and call tech Jane and ask her to meet me in my office . I can't believe slim is fucking a nerd chick , he wouldn't even take a look at her a couple of years ago , not that I have anything against nerds or that it's just so not slim .
But hell if he thinks I'm going to let him get away with this he's wrong I'm going to show him out stupid he is ! .

To fill Emma in or to keep her in the dark ? .
Decision made ..

To Emma -  Yo girl , can you meet me in the morning before work?  I have something I wanna run by you . - Deshaun .

From Emma - Yea of course , where will I meet you ? .

To Emma - How about the diner beside the doctors office around 8.30 after you drop DJ to school ? .

From Emma - yes perfect , il gladly meet you there . Don't judge if I eat my weight in pancakes and bacon LOL .

To Emma -  I won't girl .! Cya then .

From Emma - see you tomorrow D .

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