Chapter 2

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Harrison and I let ourselves into Gemma's house just before the game was to start. I laughed as I watched Harrison run up to her. I was thankful he took to her so much, especially since Mallory wasn't exactly emotionally open. There wasn't a day I didn't regret marrying her. But I couldn't leave my son.

"Just let yourselves in."

I laughed, seeing Gemma smirking at me, "I always do." I saw her roll her eyes and accept the beer I brought.

"I'll put this in the fridge."

I followed her into the kitchen as Harrison started on the snacks in the living room. I hesitated, watching her put the beer away as I leaned on the counter, "hey, I'm sorry for last night."

She turned around and smirked up at me, "sorry for what?"

I shook my head as she approached me, knowing she was teasing me. I brought my hand up, running my hand through her hair, "you know what Gem."

She nodded, "what's up with you lately?"

I shook my head again. I couldn't be honest. I couldn't tell her I wanted her. That I always wanted her. I brought my hand to her cheek as she stepped into my touch, running my thumb across her lower lip.

**I run my thumb across her lower lip. She kisses and bites it softly, teasing me, making me hard instantly. I feel her hands on my pants, undoing them quickly as she falls to her knees. I was desperate to see her mouth around me.**


"Chris?" I lean into his hand on my cheek as I feel him run his thumb across my lip. I wanted him to kiss me. I see him zone out again. What was he thinking? I knew what I was thinking. I brought my hand up to his, removing it from my face, "Chris?!"

He shook his head, "sorry. Watch the game?"

He started to walk away, but I grabbed his hand to make him look at me, "what's the matter with you lately?" I brought my hand up to his cheek, seeing the normal sadness I always saw in his eyes, "are you okay?"

He nodded, grabbing her hand and kissing it before dropping it, "I'm fine. Let's just go watch the game."

"Sure." I followed him into the living room, sitting next to him on the couch. I see him looking at me for a minute before turning back to the tv, explaining the game to Harrison. He put his arm up and I took my normal place, my arm wrapped arm his torso, head on his chest. I felt his hand on the small on my back as he slipped my tank top up a bit to place his hand on bare skin. I looked up at him to see him looking at me, his stare intense. I start to say something but he shakes his head and looks back at the tv. I take the hint and rest my head back on his chest. I can hear his heart beating fast as I felt him tracing small circles on my back. Running his fingers along the band of my shorts. I closed my eyes, taking in the feeling of his touch, wanting desperately for it to go further. But I knew that could never happen. I cleared my throat, sitting up as he took the hint and removed his arm. I pulled my shirt down, getting up and grabbed a beer for each of us. I handed him one as I sat back next to him.


I knew I went too far, playing with her back. I just wanted to touch her but she sat up, away from me. I rested my hand on her bare thigh and heard her breath hitch. I looked over to see her looking at my hand before up at me. She didn't remove it as I slid it up slightly towards the bottom of her shorts. I knew she was feeling the same way I was. That she wanted me too, but she was the more sensible one; she always had been. I saw her hesitate, still looking at me as she grabbed my hand, running my hand up higher, towards her inner thigh before she removed it. Sensible, but a little naughty. I saw her smirk at me as I smiled.

Harrison didn't make it through the entire game. He fell asleep somewhere around the seventh inning stretch, making us both laugh. I picked him up, placing him in the bed of the bedroom Gemma had made for him at her place. She was always the most considerate person I ever met. I found her on the couch still when I returned, sitting next to her. "Gem. I'm sorry."


I shook my head, "for what Chris? Are you going to talk to me? You're my best friend, what's going on with you?"

Chris sighed, shaking his head, "I don't know."

I moved closer to him on the couch, grabbing his face to make him look at me, "you're always sad. And lately you're starting to cross boundaries here between us."

He groaned, "I know. I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "don't be sorry. Talk to me."

He shook his head, "I love you Gemma."

I smiled, "I love you too Chris."

"No." He positioned himself to face her. He brought his hand up to her cheek, "no. You're my Gem. I love you."

I sighed, "I knew what you meant Chris. And I love you too. But that ship long since sailed." I stood up from the couch, pacing, "that ship sailed when you left me and came back married!"

Chris groaned, standing up, "I know. What did you expect me to do? I couldn't leave my son."

"No one would ever have asked you to Chris! I certainly wouldn't have. That doesn't mean you should have married her!"

He grabbed her hand, to make her stop and look at him, "I'm sorry. I thought it was the right thing to do Gem."

I couldn't control the tears that were coming as I look up at the desperation in his eyes, "you left me standing, crying out in the rain. You left me here alone and you came back with her."

"God. Gemma, I know! I'm so sorry!" He realized they never talked about their goodbye. He grabbed her face firmly with both hands, "you have to know this is not how I thought things would go. You have to know I thought that you would be the mother of my children one day."

He leaned in to kiss me, but I pushed him away before contact, "no! You're married. You have to go. And you have to stop flirting with me Chris. Please, go. I will bring Harrison home in the morning after breakfast. But you have to go."

"Gemma. Please!"

I shook my head, turning away from him, "go!"

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