Chapter 10

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I laid in bed in the morning two weeks after leaving Chris alone in his basement. I avoided his calls and messages. I knew he knew I was close to giving in. I was desperate to feel his cock inside me. I was desperate to taste him, run my tongue along the veins of his cock. I groaned, turned on. I rolled over to a sleeping Lucas. I watched him sleeping for a few minutes. He was so hot; chiseled torso with a heavy peppering of dark hair inhabiting everywhere. I started to run my fingers along his hair at his chest. I trailed my hand slowly down his body as I heard his breathing begin to change. I felt him grab my hand just before I reached his now hard cock.

Lucas looked over at Gemma to see her smirking, "you're insatiable. I've never had this much sex with a woman I was dating before."

I laughed, "are you complaining?" I watched him shake his head as he moved my hand to his cock and I gripped it firmly in my hand, stroking slowly. I saw him close his eyes and heard him moaning as I gripped his balls in my hand. I giggled, letting him go as I straddled him, lowering myself onto his slowly as I felt him grabbing my hips.


"What did you do while we were gone?"

I looked up at Mallory in the kitchen, "not much really. I did read some scripts I liked. So we'll see how that goes."

She smiled, "that's great." She hesitated, watching him, "did you see Gemma?"

I shrugged, "just once. Why?"

Mallory shrugged, "no reason."

I watched her smile as if I gave her the answer she was looking for. She seemed to be becoming increasingly jealous of Gemma. I didn't know why, she wouldn't touch me; why shouldn't I let Gemma? I got distracted by Harrison coming up to me.

"Daddy, will you play a song with me?"

I smiled, nodding, "of course I will bud. Come on." I led him to the piano, sitting next to him.


A month later I sat in my classroom, once again meeting with the parents of the students I'd have in my class. I sat on the edge of my desk as I looked around the room. I saw Chris watching me intensely. We still hadn't spoken since I left him alone in his basement. I saw him smirk at me, making my heart race. I hadn't stopped thinking about him or our almost sex. If anything, I wanted him even more now. I stood up, wrapping it up as I watched parents leaving supplies and leaving. Chris hung in the back with Mallory so they could be the last ones to leave.

"Hey guys." I saw Mallory half smile at me as I looked down at Harrison, "I'm looking forward to seeing your face everyday bud."

Harrison smiled, "me too Auntie!"

I laughed, "in class you can't call me Auntie or Gemma. You have to call me Ms. Dixon." I looked up at Chris to see him smirk at me again. I smiled at him and Mallory, "I guess I'll see you guys next week at my birthday?" I saw them both nod as Chris kissed me on the cheek before they all left. I started putting stuff away when I heard the door to the room shut. I looked up to see Chris leaning on the door, "what are you doing here? Forget something, Christopher?"


I followed Mallory and Harrison out into the hall. I grabbed her hand, handing her the keys. "Why don't you take Harry home. I'm gonna stay and help Gemma put away all the supplies and stuff." I watched her hesitate but agree. "I'll have Gemma drop me off when we're done."

Mallory nodded, "okay. Fine. Don't be too late."

I nodded, kissing her on the cheek before returning back to the classroom. I closed the door, seeing I surprised her.

"Forget something Christopher?"

I moaned softly as I nodded, making my way to her, "I did. Ms. Dixon." I grabbed her waist, "please. I need you."

Gemma moaned quietly as he quickly started to kiss her neck, pulling her blouse from the top of her skirt, "Chris."

I pulled away slightly, watching her, hearing her breathe heavy. "Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. Please Ms. Dixon."

She hesitated, locking eyes with him as she felt the ever growing wetness between her legs, "I need you to fuck me, please. Christopher."


I heard him growl as he quickly hiked up my skirt to my waist, turning me away from him as he removed my underwear.

"God, you don't know how many times I've fantasized about this very thing."

I giggled as I heard him undoing his jeans, "like I said, you've watched too much porn."

He moaned, "lucky for you."

I started to giggle again as I felt him enter me in one swift thrust, quickly replacing my laugh with a desperate moan. "Fuck."

He moaned, "yes." He pulled her up so her body was pressed firmly to his as he brought a hand to her clit, rubbing urgently as he let her moans guide him. He brought his other hand to her blouse, unbuttoning it quickly as his hands found her breasts.

I felt him lean his mouth to my ear as he remove his hand from my breasts. He grabbed my hair, pulling it to the side to expose my neck to him.

"I've wanted to fuck you in your classroom for so long."


I felt her pressing her hips back against me as I thrusted harder. I bit her neck, kissing and sucking as I pulled her hair, keeping it exposed to me. I heard her moaning as I brought my hand to her mouth, "Shh. Don't want to get found out. Are you going to cum for me? I need to to cum on my cock." I felt her nod as she moaned louder and I knew she was close. I felt her hands gripping my arms as I thrusted harder. I quickly felt her clenching around me, pulling me deeper as she came around my cock, making me cum buried deep inside her. I held onto her as I felt her body convulsing against mine. I helped her to her chair to sit as I quickly put my pants back on.


I laid my head on the back of the chair as I tried to catch my breath. I looked down and saw him buttoning my shirt back up for me. I grabbed his neck, pulling his lips to mine urgently, making him moan loudly into my mouth. I released him as he hovered his mouth over mine, "better than I thought."

Chris chuckled, pulling away as she stood up to fix her skirt and blouse. He leaned against the desk as he handed her her underwear back, "I meant what I said. I'm leaving her. I can't do this anymore. I want to be with you. I need to be with you Gemma."

I nodded, positioning myself between his legs as he rested his head on mine, "I need to be with you too Chris. I love you."


I moaned softly, placing a hand softly on her cheek as I felt her hands in my hair. This time I kissed her softly, tenderly. I needed her to know this wasn't just sex. I wanted more. I needed more. "I love you too Gemma."

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