Chapter 18

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I woke up in the morning with my hand still on Gemma's stomach, making me smile. I had everything I had ever wanted in my hands, literally. I just had to somehow not fuck it up again. I knew I would have to get Harrison as well. He was now a big part of my life, and I couldn't let him go. I groaned, laying on my back, worried about the day.

Gemma woke up to Chris groaning, "are you okay?"

I looked over at her as she turned to face me, "yeah. Just worried about today. Thank you for agreeing to come with me."

She nodded, bringing her hand up to his cheek, "of course I will come with you. I know how important this is to you. And despite anything that has ever happened here between us, you know I love Harrison like he was my own."

I smiled, "I know you do love. Thank you."


I ran my hands along his chest, "I've missed you."

Chris nodded, "I know. I have missed you too Gemma. For so long."

I sat up, pulling the blanket down to display the obvious erection he already had in his underwear as I positioned myself between his legs. I hovered over him, pressing my lips to his, making him moan. I moved my kisses down his chest and stomach, taking my time. His body was mine now, and I felt the need to claim it as I reached the band of his underwear. I heard his breath hitch as I looked up at him, removing his underwear. I wasted no time taking him into my mouth as I heard him moan, laying his head back on the pillow, "aren't you going to watch me?"


I chuckled, looking back down at her to see her mouth around the tip of my cock; a smirk on her face. I moaned as she didn't waste any time, stroking and sucking. She twirled her tongue around before moving to my balls. Her eyes never left mine as she took one into her mouth, sucking, "fuck Gem." I heard her giggle as she sat up, undressing quickly. She straddled me, lowering herself on me urgently. I moaned loudly, as I felt her gripping me firmly. I ran my hands up her stomach to her nipples; playing softly with them as I heard her moan.


Chris sat up, grabbing my waist.

"Slow down girl. We don't need to rush anything anymore."

I nodded, letting him guide my hips at a slower pace as he brought a hand to my cheek. He kissed me softly at first, his tongue teasing mine, making me moan. They were soon working together in a content dance as I moaned into his mouth.

Chris trailed kisses down her neck to her shoulder, "I love you Gemma. I don't want anyone but you."

I nodded, bringing his lips back to mine as I felt the rush of the orgasm. I felt him guiding me more urgently as he was close too. It wasn't long before we were both releasing together and his moans met mine as our tongue remained intertwined. He laid me back onto the bed next to him as I rested my head on his chest, "I love you too."

He hesitated, "and Lucas?"

I looked up at him, "we haven't been together since I found out I was pregnant. We're just friends. Our relationship wasn't much more than friends with benefits. Now it's just friends."

Chris nodded, "and Lucas is okay with that?"

I laughed, "of course he is. He knew what it was the whole time. He knew it was you that I wanted and that he was just a distraction."

He smiled before rolling to his side so they were face to face. "I have so many things to apologize for. To make up for. We can start with, I'm sorry I never asked you to come to LA with me. I should have. I didn't think you would have said yes."

I brought my hand up to his cheek, "of course I would have said yes Chris. I was madly in love with you. I never stopped."

He groaned, "I know. I was an idiot, in so many ways. I'm so sorry."

I laughed, "it's okay. You can make it all up to me."

He sighed, laying back on his back, "and I will. I promise." He stood up, "for now. We have mediation. I'm gonna go home and shower and change. I'll come pick you up when I finish?"

I sat up and watched him get dress, "sure. Sounds good. And grab me a coffee?"

He laughed, nodding, "of course." He stopped for a minute, "how about tea. You're pregnant."

I groaned, "fine."

He laughed, "I'll bring you an apple fritter too. To make up for the tea."

I smiled, "okay!"

Chris laughed, leaning down to kiss her once more. "I'll be back in a bit."

I nodded as I watched him leave before getting up to shower.

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