Chapter 17

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A month after Chris dropped Harrison off on my door step, I'm woken up by knocking on the door. I found Harrison down in the living room watching cartoons. I opened the door and my heart stopped, seeing Mallory, "what do you want?"

"I want my son."

Harrison heard his mom's voice, "mommy!"

I put my arm up before he could reach her, "you can't have him."

Mallory laughed, "I can. He's my son, you can't keep him from me."

I looked down at a confused Harrison, "do you want to stay here with me, or go with your mom?"

He hesitated, but smiled, "I want to stay with you Auntie Gem."

I looked back at Mallory, "he doesn't want to go with you. Chris will be home tomorrow for Thanksgiving break. Just wait until then. Please."

Mallory scoffed, "he's my son. You have to release him to me. If you don't, I'll involve police and say you kidnapped him."

I shook my head, "Mallory, please don't do this." I watched her and saw she wasn't going to give in. "Fine." I shut the door on her, turning to Harrison, "you have to go with your mom bud. Why don't you go get dressed."

"Am I going to see daddy tomorrow?"

I nodded, "I promise you'll see your daddy and me. But for now you have to go with your mom. Go get dressed." I watched him leave as I packed a bag for him. I opened the door, handing the bag to her, "he'll be out in a minute."


I was just walking off set when my assistant came up to me, frantic, "Gemma keeps calling. She said it's an emergency; about your son." I took the phone she held out to me, "Gemma? What's going on?"

'Chris, Mallory was here. She came and took Harrison.' I heard her begin to cry on the phone. 'I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her but she said she'd get the police involved.'

"It isn't your fault, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can Gem."


When I arrived back to my house, I found Mallory sitting in the living room, "where is my son?"

She stood up, "he's fine. He's safe. He's back at the hotel."

"You left our ten year old son in a hotel alone? And you say he's safe? He was safe with Gemma! What are you doing here?"

Mallory laughed, "with your mistress? Please. He's fine. I'll bring him tomorrow to mediation. If you give me what I want, I'll give you what you want." She walked up to him, placing her hands on his pants, "are you sure you can't just be with me?"

I huffed, "no way!" I pushed her hands away, "I don't want to be with you. I don't know how many times I have to say that for you to understand. I want to talk to my son. So I know he's okay."

"I'll have him call you when I get back to the hotel."

"Fine! Get out!"


I heard a knock on my door just before dinner. Before I got to the door, I saw Chris enter. "Chris."

He didn't say anything as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. "Can I stay here tonight?"

Before I could answer I heard his phone ring. I stood, listening to the one sided conversation.

"Hey Bud!"

"Yes. Everything is fine."

"Of course. I will see you tomorrow. Have fun with your mother."

"I love you too buddy."

When he hung up, I grabbed his hand, "what is going on?"

He shook his head, sitting on the couch, "she took my son. She said she'll bring him tomorrow to the mediation. Will you come with me?"

I nodded as I sat next to him, "of course."

He turned to face her, placing his hand on her stomach, "and the baby?"

I placed my hand on his, "it's fine Chris." I stood up, lifting my shirt to see the small bump that was forming. "I'm about 14 weeks. We can find out the sex just before Christmas. If you want."

He nodded, pulling her to him. He kissed her stomach before resting his head on her stomach, "I do." He looked up at her, "I know I have a lot to make up for. But I promise I will. I love you Gemma."

"I know you do. Just because I decided to keep the baby doesn't mean I'm ready to be with you. Or that I will. But I'd never keep your child from you Chris."

He nodded as she sat back next to him, "I know."

I felt him rest his head on my lap as I played with his hair. "Are you hungry?"

"No. Are you? Do you want me to go get you something?"

"No no. I have food on the way." We both laughed when we heard the doorbell as I got up to get the food.


"You never said if I could stay."

I laughed at Chris, seeing it was getting late, "you can stay. But just to sleep." I heard him follow me up the stairs. I watched him get undressed to his t-shirt and underwear as I got undressed. "Can I have your shirt?"

He nodded, smiling as he pulled it off him, handing it to her. He watched her crawl into bed after putting it on.

I felt him slide into bed behind me as I moved back towards him. He took the hint, pulling my body to his as he wrapped his arms around me, his hand on my stomach.

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