I walked into the attorney's office for Mediation with Gemma. I was relieved when Harrison ran up to me.
"Daddy!" Harrison smiled, wrapping his arms around Chris's neck.
I knelt down to him, wrapping my arms around him, "hey bud." I pulled away, grabbing his face in my hands, "how are you. Are you okay?"
"He's fine."
I heard Mallory scoff behind as I looked up to see her glaring at me. I stood up, "if you say so."
"What is she doing here?" Mallory glared, pointing at Gemma.
I looked back at Gemma who looked annoyed, "for support. And to keep an eye on Harrison while we talk."
"She isn't coming in with us." Mallory crossed her arms in front of her chest.
I rolled my eyes, "no. She is staying out in the hall." I heard her scoff as she went into the room. I looked back at Harrison, "stay out here with Auntie Gem, okay?"
Harrison smiled and nodded, "sure."
I looked at Gemma and she just nodded encouragement as she sat with Harrison. I sighed and walked into the room to see Mallory and our attorneys already waiting for us. I looked at Mallory, "let's just skip to what you want. I want full and complete custody of Harrison."
She leaned forward, shaking her head, "you aren't even the father."
I shrugged, "I don't care about DNA tests, he is my son. I've been there his entire life. And besides, you told me you don't even know who his father is anyways." I tried to remain calm, "so. I ask again, what do you want?"
Mallory shrugged, "I want alimony."
I laughed, "seriously?" I looked at my attorney and she just shrugged, "how much?"
"Five million."
I laughed, outraged, "that's ridiculous! That's way too much money."
Mallory shrugged, "you want full custody, don't you?"
"You're insane. You're basically selling the rights to my own son." I sat and thought for a moment. I knew I had to do whatever I could to not only get custody of Harrison, but to get rid of Mallory once and for all. "Fine two and a half and I want you to sign away all parental rights to me. You get no say in how he is raised, where he goes to school, or visitations. All decisions go through me. If he wants to see you then we will work something out. But it will be up to him." I looked at my attorney, "and I need her to sign something saying she can't ask me for anything moving forward; especially money." I saw my attorney nod and we looked at Mallory and her attorney. I saw her attorney try to whisper something in her ear, but she put her hand up.
I shook my head, "seriously? You're just going to walk away from your son like that?"
She didn't say anything, only nodded.
I stood up from the table, "fine." I looked at Mallory, "you can tell your son why you won't be seeing him." I went to the door and motioned for Gemma to bring in Harrison. Gemma stood back next to me as Mallory knelt on the ground in front of him.
"Hey bud. I probably won't be seeing you for a while. But I need you to know how much I love you."
Harrison nodded, confused, "okay. I'll be with daddy?"
She nodded.
"And Auntie Gem?"
Mallory glared up at Gemma who just smiled, "yes. And Auntie Gem."
Harrison shrugged, "okay!"
I had to almost stifle a laugh at the excitement in Harrison's voice at wanting to be with me and not his mother. We watched Mallory walk out ahead of us and I felt Chris grab my hand, interlocking his fingers in mine. I looked from our hands, up to him to see him smiling at me.
We left the office, heading to a local diner for lunch as Chris and I sat on one side and Harrison sat on the other.
Chris leaned towards his son, "hey bud. Are you excited about Thanksgiving with Grandma Lisa tomorrow?"
Harrison smiled, nodding, "oh yes!"
I laughed, "do you want to help me make a pie to take over there tomorrow?"
He nodded again, "can we?"
I laughed as I nodded, "of course bud." I noticed Chris watching me, "what?"
He smiled, shaking his head, "we'll talk about it later." He looked back at Harrison, "hey bud. How do you feel about the fact mommy won't be living with us anymore?"
Harrison hesitated, "it's just going to be you and me?"
I looked from Gemma back to my son, "is that okay?"
Harrison shrugged, "what about Auntie Gem?"
I smiled, looking at Gemma, "what about Auntie Gem?" I saw the hesitation on her face, but I grabbed her thigh and saw her relax.
"Can Auntie Gem live with us?"
I looked back at Harrison, "I don't know bud, how would you feel about that?"
He smiled, nodding enthusiastically, "I would love that. I love Auntie Gem!"
I saw Gemma's eyes welling with tears as she leaned towards Harrison.
"I love you too bud. I don't know if I'm ready to move in yet though."
Harrison shrugged, "okay. Well I wouldn't mind if you did."
I laughed, seeing Gemma looking at me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her to me as I kissed her on the head. I knew she would automatically have said no if I had asked. I knew I would hear about using Harrison against her later, but I didn't care.

Two Steps Forward ✔️
Fanfiction~~Complete ~~ Chris has been best friends with Gemma since he was a kid. It was always expected they would get married and have a family of their own. When he leaves her after high school for LA, he comes home with extra baggage than everyone was ex...