Chapter 20

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"Good job bud! Now we just have to get the crust on top like this." I laid the top piece of the crust on the apple pie I made with Harrison in Chris's kitchen after we got back from the diner. "And we make little slits on the top and we're good to go. We just have to wait now." I put the pie into the oven. "Grandma is going to be so happy to see your pie."

Chris came into the kitchen, "why don't you go get cleaned up Harry."

He nodded, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

I wrapped my arms around Chris's waist, "that was a darn, dirty trick Christopher. Using your son against me; trying to get me to move in with you."

He laughed, "I know. I'm sorry. I had to try. Just think about it, please. You're having my child. I want to be around you as much as possible." He grabbed her by the waist, putting her on the counter as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I need to be able to do this whenever I like."

Before I could say anything I felt his tongue desperately in my mouth as it found mine. I moaned softly as my hands found his hair. I pulled away laughing, "I'm not clean yet. I got flour in your hair."

Chris laughed, shrugging, "I don't care. We can shower together later."

I giggled, "oh you think so, do you?"

He nodded, "yes. Please Ms. Dixon." He rested his head against hers, "I am serious though Gem. I need you here. I need to be able to go and get you what you're craving. Stay up all night with you because the baby won't stop kicking and won't let you sleep. I love you. And I want to be there for everything. Please."

I nodded, "I know. I want all those things too. Don't you think we're moving a bit fast though? The ink on your divorce is still wet Chris."

Chris laughed, "fast? Don't you think we've wasted enough time? I know I only want to be with you. Do you not want to be with me?"

I shook my head, "of course I only want to be with you Chris. It's all I've thought about."

He nodded, "good. Then move in with me. Please."

I sighed, "I need you to buy a new bed. And all remnants of her need to be out of here before I'll consider it."

"Done. Anything you want. I mean it."

I nodded, "okay. I'll think about it."

Chris smiled, "can we tell my family tomorrow about the baby?"

I groaned, "do we have to?"

He laughed, resting his hand on her stomach, "it's kind of becoming obvious love."

I feigned being offended, "are you saying I'm getting fat?"

Chris laughed again, "no. I think you're beautiful and pregnant and all mine."

I laughed, "nice save. If you want, we can tell them. I think we should tell Harrison first though."

"Tell me what?"


I looked to see Harrison standing in the doorway of the kitchen, "come here buddy." I helped Gemma off the counter as we went into the living room. I had Harrison sit on the couch as I sat on the coffee table with Gemma standing next to me. "What would you think about being an older brother Harry?"

"A brother? Really? Are you giving me baby brother?"

I laughed, looking up at Gemma who was just smiling, "or a sister. We don't know yet bud." I looked at Gemma, placing my hand on her stomach, "Auntie Gemma and I are going to have a baby. That means you're going to be a big brother. How do you feel about that?"

Harrison sat and thought for a minute, "is that why mom can't be here anymore?"

I hesitated, "not the only reason. She just had other things to do." I leaned forward, grabbing his face in my hands, "look bud, your mom gave me you. And for that, a part of me will always be grateful to her. But sometimes adults just can't get along. So it's easier to walk away than to try and force things. Do you understand?"

Harrison nodded, "I think so. And you get along better with Auntie Gemma?"

I nodded, "yeah bud. You know we've been friends since before we were your age. A long time she's been my best friend."

"Do I have to keep calling her Auntie Gemma? Or can I just call her Gemma?"

Gemma laughed, sitting next to Chris, "you can call me whatever you want buddy."

Harrison smiled, "and you're having a baby?"

Gemma nodded, "that's right."

"How does that work?"

I laughed, "we'll discuss that when you're a bit older. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with being a big brother."

Harrison nodded, "how long until I am?"

Gemma laughed, "well, about five to six more months. Around the time the school year ends."

He groaned, "that's a long time!"

I laughed, "it is buddy. But the baby has to stay inside Gemma for as long as possible. So we'll have to wait. Okay?"

Harrison nodded, "okay. I can't wait."

I nudged Gemma's shoulder, "I can't wait either buddy."

Gemma stood up, pulling her shirt up a bit to display her small bump. She put her hand on her stomach, "the baby is right here, cool huh?"

Harrison smiled, reaching his hand out, placing it next to hers, "is it sleeping?"

I laughed, "the baby is still small. We will probably be able to feel them kick within the next few weeks." I saw him looking disappointed, "don't worry buddy. We'll keep you updated the whole time."

Harrison nodded, "okay."

I laughed again as he got up and just walked away. I looked up at Gemma as she sat on the couch across from me, "I can't wait for you to have my baby."

She nodded, "me too. I'm sorry I told you I wasn't going to keep it. I just wanted to hurt you."

I shook my head, placing my hand on her cheek, "I know. I probably deserved it." I went and got my laptop, sitting next to her on the couch, "want to pick out a new bedroom set?"

Gemma laughed, resting her head on his shoulder, "sure."

"Good. When we're done, we'll pick out a crib."

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