Chapter 15

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I got a call from Scott. "Hey! I just went to Gemma's house but she wasn't there. Do you know where her and Harrison are?"

Scott hesitated, 'Chris. You're here in Boston? You need to get down here to the hospital. Now.'

"Why? What happened? Scott?"

'Just get here.' I heard him hang up before saying anything else.

As I entered the emergency room I found Scott with Lisa, "what is going on?"

Scott approached his brother, "Harrison was in a car accident." He hesitated, looking back at his mother before continuing, "with Gemma. Someone ran a red light and hit them."

"Oh my god. Are they okay? Where is Mallory?"

Scott shrugged, "no one has been able to get ahold of her."

I saw the doctor come up to us, "how's my son? And Gemma?"

"They were both lucky. Concussions from hitting their heads on the glass, some minor scratches. Just need to wait for them both to wake up."

I nodded, feeling a little more at ease, "okay. Thank you. Can I see them?"

The doctor nodded, "I'll send someone out shortly for you to see them."

I looked back at Scott, "where the fuck is Mallory?"

"She's right here."

I turned around to see Lucas walk into the emergency room with an obviously drunk Mallory, "what the fuck?"

Lucas crossed his arms in front of his chest, "she was at my bar, flirting and drinking it up." He handed his phone to Chris for him to see photos he took of her kissing some guy.

I gave his phone back, "pregnant huh?" I felt the fire welling in my gut from all the pent up anger. I went to say something to Mallory but I felt my mom grab my arm.

"Not here son."

I nodded, looking back at Lucas, "thank you. Gemma is fine. Concussion. Just have to wait for her to wake up." I looked back at Mallory, "your son is fine too by the way. If you care."

I saw a nurse come out to us.

"Only two of you can come back here."

I looked around, "me and Lucas. He can check on Gemma." I saw him nod at me as we followed the nurse. I stopped her when we were inside Harrison's room, "can you do something for me? Discreetly?" I saw her nod as I continued, "can you run my blood against his. I need to know if I am in fact his father."

The nurse nodded and disappeared. When she finished drawing my blood I went to check on Gemma. As I walked into the room I heard Lucas talking to the doctor.

"And the baby?"

I stopped just inside the door, "baby? What baby?"

The doctor looked at them both, "the baby is fine."

I saw him disappear quickly as I looked at Lucas. Was he getting everything I wanted? "You guys are having a baby?" My heart has taken up a permanent residence in my stomach.

"No Chris. You are."

"What? What do you mean I am?" I moved to her side to see her asleep, "how do you know it's mine."

Lucas laughed, "because we always used protection. She said you didn't." He went to her purse, pulling out the ultrasound picture and handed it to him, "it's yours."

I sat in the chair looking at the picture as I heard Lucas leave the room. I looked back up at Gemma as I felt the tears beginning to well. She was having my baby. It was all I ever wanted. Why did it have to be now? Why did it have to happen like this? I put the picture in my back pocket before resting my head on the side of the bed next to her. I'm not sure how long I had my head there, but I fell asleep. I woke up when I heard the door open, and I looked up to see the nurse.

"Mr. Evans?" She held a piece of paper in her hand.

I stood up, accepting the paper as I ran from the room. I found Mallory in Harrison's room. "I thought you were pregnant. What were you doing drinking?"

She looked up at him, "I was pregnant." She stood up and made her way to him, "I lost the baby. I was depressed." She tried to put her arms around his neck but he pushed her away, "we can try again."

"No!" I handed the paper to her, "the son we have already isn't even mine. Did you know? Did you know he wasn't mine?" I took her silence as admission, "did you always know?"

Mallory hesitated, "yes. I was pregnant before we slept together."

"Oh my god!"


I sighed, going to Harrison's side, "hey bud. How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts. How is Auntie Gemma?"

I nodded, running my hands through his hair, "she'll be fine. They said she's just sleeping for now." I leaned down, kissing him on the head, "I'm so glad you're okay buddy." He would always be my son. I was there when he was born, I rocked him as an infant in the middle of the night.

"What are you and mom fighting about?"

I shook my head, "nothing. Don't worry about it. Just try and get some sleep. I'm gonna go check on Gemma again. Okay?"

I saw him nod as I grabbed Mallory's arm, dragging her from the room, "I'm done. Divorce papers are already waiting for you back home. And I'm taking Harrison. I don't care that he isn't my son. He's mine."

She laughed, crossing her arms, "you can't have him. Like you said, he isn't even your son."

"Do you know who his father is?"

She hesitated before shaking her head, "well no."

I smiled, "good. Then we'll let Harrison decide who he wants to be with." I left her in the hall as I went back to Gemma who still wasn't awake. I stood over her, running my hands through her hair. I placed my hand on her stomach where my baby was growing. My baby. My Gem. Maybe I could get what I wanted. I pulled the chair close, resting my head on the side of the bed again as I fell asleep.

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