Chapter 6

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I grabbed Lucas's hand before we walked into Chris's house, "I have to tell you something before we head inside."

He smiled, "okay. What?"

I hesitated, "so the guy you're helping me forget, and make jealous? He's married." Lucas started to say something but I put my hand up, "not done yet." I saw him smirk and close his mouth, "he's also Chris Evans."

"What?!" Lucas laughed, "Chris Evans is the friend you've been friends with since you were a kid?"

I nodded, "yeah. I'm sorry. You don't have to come inside with me if you've changed your mind."

He shook his head, "no no. But you owe me an actual story, an explanation, later."

I laughed, nodding, "deal." I pulled his lips to mine, making him moan softly as we were startled by the front door opening to a smirking Scott. I laughed, looking at him, "Lucas, this is Chris's brother Scott."

Lucas leaned forward, shaking his hand, "nice to meet you."

I pushed him ahead of me as I saw Scott laugh at me.

Scott pulled her back for a minute, "he's hot! You constantly surprise me Gemma." 

I pretended to look offended, "you don't think I could get someone as hot as him?"

Scott laughed, shaking his head, "that's not what I meant. I meant your decision to bring him here. I think you knew that."

I laughed, shrugging, "I really don't know what you're talking about Scott." I grabbed Lucas's hand as we reached the backyard where the party was, and where kids were running around. I saw Chris right away, glaring at us as Harrison ran up to me.

"Auntie Gemma! What did you bring me?"

I laughed, letting go of Lucas to kneel down in front of Harrison, "I brought myself, isn't that good enough?"

Harrison nodded, blushing, "sorry Auntie Gemma."

I laughed again, handing him his present, "I'm only kidding, here you go buddy. Happy birthday."

Harrison looked up at Lucas, "who is he?"

I stood up, grabbing his hand again, "this is my friend Lucas."

Harrison looked at him for a minute, "like boyfriend?"

I laughed, looking at Lucas who just shrugged, "yeah. Boyfriend." I motioned to his present as I felt Lucas kiss my cheek. I glanced up at Chris and saw him still watching us, clenching his jaw, "open your present buddy."

"Okay!" Harrison ripped the paper open to display a drone. "Cool! Thank you Aunt Gemma!" I grunted as he wrapped his hands around me before running to Chris.


I watched Gemma come out to the party holding hands with the same guy from the week before. Were they actually together, or was she trying to make me jealous. If it was the latter, it was certainly working as I watched Harrison approach them. I couldn't move as I felt like someone punched me in the gut. How could she bring someone here? I knew it was because Mallory had given her a hard time last time. Why couldn't she just mind her own business. I groaned as Harrison came up to me to show me his drone and they followed. I leaned down to my son, "hey, that is awesome buddy. Just be careful flying it. Don't run into anyone." 

Harrison nodded, pointing to Lucas, "Auntie Gemma brought her boyfriend!"

Boyfriend? Another punch in the gut as I tried to smile. I offered my hand to him, "nice to meet you, I'm Chris."

Lucas smiled, "Lucas. Nice to meet you too. Big fan."

I nodded politely again as I leaned in to kiss Gemma on the cheek, "how are you Gem?"

Gemma nodded, "I'm good Chris, you?"

Lucas smiled, squeezing her hand, "Gem. I like that. Can I call you Gem?"

I felt my heart stop at his question; his invasion. She was my Gem, of course he couldn't call her that. Only I could call her Gem. My heart sank to my stomach as I watched her nod in agreement. Was she intentionally trying to hurt me?


I looked at Chris before answering. I could tell he was wanting me to say no. He had always been the only one to call me Gem. I hesitated, but nodded, smiling at Lucas, "sure babe." I kissed him softly on the lips as I heard Chris huff away from us.

Lucas laughed, "how am I doing?"

I giggled, placing my hand at the nape of his neck, "perfect." I pulled his lips to mine once again as I heard someone clear their throat. I looked to see Mallory smiling at us. 

"Gemma! Who's this?"

I smiled, "Mallory, this is my boyfriend Lucas. Lucas, this is Chris's wife." 

He smiled, accepting her hand, kissing her knuckles, "nice to meet you."

I looked up at Chris who was sitting at the table with a clenched jaw. I looked at Scott and he just smirked at me. We sat at the table with them and Chris's family. I watched Chris doing all he could to avoid my gaze, knowing he was angry.

Mallory smiled, "so how did you guys meet?"

I looked over at her, "at a bar. He's a bartender." I started to continue, but she interrupted me.

"Just a bartender?"

I looked at Chris who looked up at me. Lucas started to say something, but I placed my hand on his, looking back at Mallory. "If you had let me finish, I would have also said he owned the bar. Anyways, what exactly is it that you do besides sponge off Chris?"

I looked around the table to snickers from his family, even Chris as he looked down at the table. I looked at Scott to see his mouth open, surprised at what I said. 

Mallory didn't say anything, only scoffed and stormed inside. Chris stood up, shaking his head, going after her.

Scott leaned forward, "what is with you?"

I shrugged, "as if it isn't true." I looked at Lisa and she only shrugged.

Lucas squeezed her hand, "that was a little more 'mean girl' than I expected."

I sighed, "maybe. But she deserved it."

He nodded, "maybe so. But is that who you want to be?" 

I groaned, looking around the table to avoided gazes again. "Fine!" I stood up, "I'll go apologize."

Lucas laughed, "that's my girl." 

I laughed, leaning towards him, "I kind of like the sound of that." I kissed him on the cheek before going inside to find Mallory and Chris.

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