Chapter 14

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I woke up on the morning of Halloween to a knock on the door. I went downstairs to find Mallory with Harrison. I hadn't spoken to any of them since my birthday two months ago. Chris tried to contact me a few times but he was off filming, so I didn't have to see him. I looked over Mallory, she was wearing a coat so I couldn't tell if she had a bump or not. Surely she would by now.

"What's up guys?"

Mallory smiled, "can you take Harrison for the day? And take him trick or treating. I have something to do."

I hesitated at her being cryptic but I nodded, "yeah. Of course I can." I smiled at Harrison as he entered my house, "want me to bring him back int he morning?"

Mallory nodded and smiled, "that's perfect."

"Okay?" I shut the door and looked at Harrison, "I'm gonna go get dressed. Have you had breakfast?"

He shook his head.

"Okay. Watch tv. I'll make you breakfast when I'm done."

Harrison nodded, "chocolate chip pancakes?"

I laughed, "whatever you want bud." I went upstairs to see Lucas now sitting up in bed, "hi." I sat on the bed next to him, leaning in for a kiss. Before I could make contact I became nauseous, barely making it to the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet.

Lucas followed her to the bathroom, leaning on the doorframe, "I can't be that gross to kiss.'

I laughed, "shut up. I don't know what's wrong with me."

He nodded, kneeling down next to her, grabbing her hair out of her face, "what's the matter? Just nauseous?"

I nodded, looking up at him, "yeah."

Lucas cleared his throat, "um, can I say something without you getting mad at me?"

I groaned, "I guess."

Lucas hesitated, "well you've gained a bit of weight. And your nipples have been more sensitive lately. Are you sure you aren't pregnant?"

I laughed, "Lucas, we always use protection when we have sex." I watched him watch me as I groaned again, "oh no."

Lucas nodded, "I'm sorry. Did you use protection with him?"

I shook my head, feeling my heart racing, "oh my god. No. This can't be happening."

He watched her grab her chest, "you need to calm down. It will be okay. Do you have any tests here?"

I nodded, pointing to a drawer. I watched him grab one, and hand it to me. "Harrison is here, downstairs."

Lucas stood up, "I'll take care of him. You take care of yourself."

I nodded as I watched him leave the bathroom. While I waited for the test I messaged Chris. >Your wife was acting sketchy this morning. She dropped Harrison off here overnight. Did you ever get confirmation of her being pregnant?<

I watched it go to read right away as a message appeared. >I'll try to find out what's going on. And no. I left before she went to the doctor. I'm working on it. I miss you.<

>Just letting you know about your son. I'm still not ready to talk to you.<

I watched three dots appear and disappear as I went back to the test. I groaned, "not even here and still fucking everything up." I got dressed quickly, finding Lucas in the kitchen with Harrison making pancakes together. I smiled watching them. Lucas looked back at me, wanting an answer and I just nodded.

After we ate breakfast I pulled Lucas off to the side, "could you watch Harrison for a bit? I got a last minute appointment at the doctor. I'll be back before you need to go to the bar."

Lucas nodded, "of course I can. Are you okay?"

I shook my head, "I don't honestly know."


When I arrived back home I found Scott and Lucas playing games with Harrison. "Scott, what are you doing here?"

He looked up and smiled, "I came to see you. Lucas said you wouldn't be gone long. I hope it's okay."

I shook my head, "of course it is. Can I talk to you and Lucas in the other room?" I watched Scott hesitate but get up and they both followed me into the kitchen. I set the ultrasound picture on the counter.

Scott squealed, looking from her to Lucas, "you guys are pregnant?" He looked confused as they both shook their heads.

I groaned, "no Scott. Lucas is not the father."

Scott laughed, "then who is?" He watched them both watch him for a minute. He gasped, "no!"

I nodded, resting my head in my hands on the counter. "Oh yes. Fucking things up, a thousand miles away."

"What are you going to do Gemma?"

I looked up at him, "I don't know! Just please Scott. Don't tell anyone. Especially Chris. Please!"

He shook his head, "I won't. You'll have to tell him eventually though."

I groaned, "I know. I will."


I received a message from Gemma saying Harrison was at her house which I thought was weird. I messaged Mallory. >Why did you drop Harrison off at Gemma's this morning? What do you need to do that you can't take your own son trick or treating?<

>None of your business. I don't have to tell you everything.<

I sat in my trailer, seething. >You do when it comes to our son. Do you have an ultrasound for me yet?<

>Haven't been able to get into the doctor yet.<

"Fuck this." I went to the producer to get a few days off for a family emergency. I knew something was going on and I was determined to find out.


After I helped Harrison get dressed in his Ninja costume I took some pictures. "I'll send these to your dad. You want to go see Grandma Lisa before we go trick or treating? I know she'll want to see you in your costume."

Harrison smiled, "can we?"

I laughed, "of course." I grabbed my purse, "let's go." I got him buckled into the backseat behind me. We were stopped at a busy intersection when the light turned red. As I stepped on the gas, I got halfway through the intersection as I felt a car hit the passenger side of the car and everything went black.

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