Chapter 11

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I'm woken up just before 8 on my birthday by someone shaking my bed. I open my eyes to see Chris standing at the end of my bed with coffee and a Dunkin's bag.

"Happy birthday! I always bring you breakfast. I was a little worried that Lucas might be here."

I grunted, shaking my head as I sat up, "no. But he'll be at my party later." I watched him for a minute as he surveyed his eyes down to my chest. "Are you going to put that stuff down and get in here with me?"

Chris nodded enthusiastically as he set the stuff on the dresser before removing his shoes.

He started to get into bed but I rested my arms on my knees, "no. It's my birthday. I want to watch you undress." I watched him bite his lip as he obliged, removing his shirt first as I watched his jeans barely hanging onto his hips. I could see the outline of his already hard cock under the fabric, desperate to break free. He removed his socks next, his eyes never leaving mine. He started to undo his belt as I stood up from the bed, "wait!"


I stopped undressing as I watched Gemma get up from the bed. She undressed quickly in front of me as I let out a louder than intended moan. I heard her giggle as she approached me. Her eyes never left mine as I felt her undo my belt and pants, letting them fall to the ground. I kicked them out of the way as she began to rub my cock through my underwear, "Gemma. Don't tease me." I heard another giggle as she fell to her knees in front of me, pulling my underwear down with her. I looked down to see her still looking at me as she took just the tip into her mouth. I moaned loudly, the actual visual was far more pleasing than I had imagined it. I watched as my cock bobbed in and out of her mouth urgently before I had to push her away, "stop, stop. You're going to make me cum."


I laughed as he pushed me back onto the bed. He hovered over me, kissing me forcefully as he tried to calm himself down. He moved his mouth to my neck, "I need to feel you Chris."

He pulled back to look at her, "is that a command?"

I giggled, nodding, "yes. Now." He positioned himself between my legs, running his hands up my thighs as I felt him enter me slowly this time, eliciting a loud moan from me as I felt him stretching me.

He leaned down to her ear, "god, I love your moans."

I nodded, "I love yours. I need to hear them as you bury yourself deep inside." I heard the low growl from his chest at my words as his thrusting became more urgent. It didn't take long before I was feeling it build inside. I had been desperate to be with him for so long, "Chris, don't stop."

He moaned as picked up the pace to match her urgency, "never Gem." He saw her nod, pulling his lips back to his.

His tongue quickly found mine as my orgasm was sent over the edge, wrapping my legs tighter around him, digging my hands into his back as I moaned loudly into his mouth. I felt him releasing deep inside as I came down from my own.


I laid next to her, out of breath. I rolled to face her, "I love you. And I love this. Even better than I could ever have imagined."

She smiled, rolling to face him, "me too Chris."

I ran my hand through her red hair, "I talked to a divorce attorney this week."

"Wait, really?"

I nodded, "yes. I promised you I was done. And I am."

She smiled, "god, Chris."

I felt her wrap her arms around my neck, pulling my lips back to hers. I groaned when I heard my phone ring, making me pull away from her, "fuck." I stood up, seeing a message from Mallory. >It's important, you need to get home ASAP.<

I sighed. "I have to go. I'll see you later though. Okay?" I put my underwear and pants back on as she sat up in the bed.

"Okay. I love you Chris."

I would never get tired of hearing her say that to me. I moaned softly, kissing her softly. I sat on the edge of the bed, putting on my socks and shoes as I felt her press her breasts to my bare back as she ran her hands down my chest. "Gem. You can't do that. I really have to go." I grabbed her arms as she rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her arm before standing up to put on my shirt. I stood at the doorway, taking one more look at her, "I love you too. My Gem."


When I made it home I found Mallory in the living room, "what was so important? You know I always have breakfast with Gemma on her birthday. Is Harrison okay?"

Mallory shook her hand, "he's fine. In the back playing. And you'll see her later, it isn't that big a deal."

I shook my head, resting my hands on my hips, "it's important to me." I saw her start to say something but I put my hand up to stop her, "I can't do this anymore Mallory. I don't want to be with you. You don't want to be with me. I want a divorce."

Mallory stood up from the couch, laughing, "of course I want to be with you." She held up the stick, "I'm pregnant."

I felt my heart sink to my stomach, "what?!" I started shaking my head, "no! No way! You expect me to believe that you touch me once in a year and you're pregnant? No. You go to the doctor and confirm it. And I still mean it. I don't want to be with you! Fuck!" I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. I looked back up at her, "and don't you dare say anything about it today. Today is about Gemma, not about you." I sat feeling sick as I heard her eventually walk away. How would I ever explain this to Gemma?

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