Chapter 4

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I sat at the table in Chris's backyard with his siblings and mom. Him and Mallory came and sat next down too; Chris across from me, "hey. Happy birthday." I saw him half smile at me. We hadn't talked for two weeks since I dropped Harrison at his house. But I'd never miss his birthday.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring a date."

My attention is drawn away from Chris to Mallory, "sorry, what?"

Mallory smirked, "I would have thought you'd bring a date to the party."

I shook my head, embarrassed his family was now watching me, "I'm not dating anyone."

Mallory scoffed, "why not? You're an attractive woman. Why aren't you married yet?"

I looked at her confused and shook my head. I was about to say something but Chris interjected.

"It's not our business."

Mallory didn't care as she continued, "well haven't you ever been in love before?"


I looked up at Chris and could see he was upset, "it's fine Chris." I looked back at Mallory, "yes. I've been in love just once." I heard Chris groan across from me.

"Gem, you don't have to answer her."

Mallory rolled her eyes at Chris, "well what happened then?"

I looked at Chris and noticed everyone was avoiding my gaze, especially him, "he left me standing out in the rain, crying. When he came back, he was otherwise attached." I looked down at the table, "excuse me." I got up from the table before anyone else could say anything.


I groaned, looking at Mallory, "I told you, it isn't our business." I went to get up to go after her but my brother Scott put his hand up.

"No Chris. You sit. I'll go."

I looked around the table and saw my sisters and mother avoiding looking at me as I got up from the table to play with Harrison and the other kids. 

"My birthday is soon now, right daddy?"

I smiled, seeing Harrison come up to me, "yeah. It is. Next week. And then you go with mom to LA to visit grandma and grandpa. Are you excited?" I laughed, seeing the giant grin spreading across his face as he nodded.

"Yes daddy. I can't wait!"

I sat watching them for a few minutes when I saw Scott come back outside without Gemma. I got up to go check on her, ignoring Scott shaking his head to discourage me. I found her in the sitting room off the kitchen, sitting on the couch. I sat on the coffee table across from her, "Gem. Gemma." 

She shook her head, trying to avoid his gaze until he placed his hands on her cheeks, making her look at him.

I watched her eyes, "Gemma. I'm sorry."


I shook my head and grabbed his hands from my face. "No Chris. I can't keep doing this. I'm sorry." I stood up from the couch, entering the kitchen, "there are certain lines that can't be crossed and you're already blurring them."

Chris followed her into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter, "I don't care about any lines. I care about you. I want to be with you Gemma."

I scoffed, "no you don't. Your wife isn't putting out so you go to the next available female you see, which is me. Well I refuse to be the other woman Chris!"

Chris groaned, "no. That isn't true at all and you know it. I love you. I've loved you since we were 16." He grabbed her waist, lifting her to set her on the counter so they were face to face.

I felt the electricity flowing as he positioned himself between my legs, "Chris. Let me down."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, "no. I want you because I want you. Not just because I'm bored or lonely, which sure, I am. But that isn't why." He cupped her cheek in his hand, leaning in so his lips were just hovering over hers, "tell me you don't want me Gem."

I groaned, as my hands found his hair, wanting to close the distance. I sighed, pushing him away as I jumped from the counter, "no Chris. I'm going. I think we should take a break from each other. I'll see you at Harrison's birthday party." I hesitated before kissing him softly on the cheek, "happy birthday."


I went back to my family who was all still avoiding my gaze. "Gemma went home. She wasn't feeling well."


I looked at my mother to see the disappointment on her face. 

Mallory scoffed, "a little sensitive, isn't she?"

I shook my head, "leave it alone."

Mallory shrugged, "I just don't understand why she's still single. Is she gay?"

"Mallory!" I slammed my hand on the table, "just leave it alone. Okay?"

"Geez. She isn't the only one that's sensitive."

After everyone left the party I went to go talk to Gemma. As I was about to pull up to her house I saw her pull up with a guy. It was obviously a hookup, as he had his hands all over Gemma; my Gemma. My Gem. Her mouth was attached to his as she opened the door for them to stumble inside. I groaned, resting my head back on the chair. It should be me with my hands all over her. It should be me taking her up to her bedroom, undressing her. I groaned, feeling the painful erection again; the same one I always got when I thought about her. I'm brought back to reality as I hear my phone dinging. It was Mallory wondering where I was. I groaned as I headed slowly back home, still thinking about the guy I saw attached to my Gem.

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