Chapter 22

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"Hey. Where are you guys?" I sat in the living room at my mom's house on Christmas Eve. Gemma said she had something to do with Harrison and would meet me here.

'We'll be right there.'

As soon as I hung up the phone, I heard the front door open and saw a little white and brown dog com running into the house, "who is this?"

Gemma followed shortly behind the dog with Harrison, "this is your gift from Harrison. You said you wanted a dog."

"What? This is our dog?" I sat on the ground playing with the dog, "are you kidding me?"

Gemma laughed as Harrison got on the ground with Chris, "I'm not kidding. It's our dog. We adopted him a few weeks ago. They said they'd keep him until Christmas for me for the extra dramatic effect."

I waited until she was close, and grabbed her hand to pull her down into my lap, making her squeal.

"Pregnant here!"

I heard everyone laughing as I brought her face to mine, "thank you Gem. I love you." I kissed her softly as I felt her bring her hand to my hair. I knew I would never get tired of her touching me. "Can we talk alone for a minute?"

Gemma nodded and turned to Scott as she held out her hands for him to help her up off Chris. Once she was standing, Chris grabbed her hand, pulling her into a bedroom, "what's the matter?"

I shook my head, "no. Nothing. Everything is perfect. I have everything I want." I paused for a moment, "almost everything." I sat on my childhood bed, motioning for her to sit next to me, "I know we're still working on getting to a good a place. But I want you to know how much I love you, and how the only thing I have ever wanted is to be with you."

She nodded, placing her hand on his cheek, "me too babe. I love you too."

I grabbed her hand from my face as I knelt on the ground in front of her, placing my head on her stomach as I felt my baby kick, "and this is all I ever wanted." I looked back up at her, "and I'm terrified you'll think this is far too soon, but I don't want to waste anymore time without you. And even if it takes years, I need you to know how much I want to marry you." I pulled out a ring box and handed it to her as I heard a small gasp from her.


I accepted the ring box, opening it to find a simple diamond solitaire engagement ring, "Chris. I don't know what to say."

He sighed, "you don't have to say anything right now. You can hold onto it and put it on when you're ready. I just needed you to know it what I want. It's all I want."

I nodded, "it's all I want too Chris. You know that. And it may seem soon or sudden by normal standards, but I've been in love with you for most of my life." I placed the ring on my finger, shocking him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "of course I want to marry you Chris. I've never wanted anything more." I pulled away, placing my hands on my stomach, "except for maybe this little one."

Chris nodded, smiling with tears in his eyes, "me too love."

I felt him kiss me urgently, making me moan softly. When he pulled away, I put my arms up, "ready to go tell them the gender?"

Chris laughed, nodding, "oh yes. Harrison hasn't stopped asking all week. I told him he had to wait until Christmas like everyone else."

I laughed as he grabbed my hand to lead me back out to his family. I waited until everyone was watching us as I placed my hands on my stomach, "so, who wants to know what we're having?" I laughed as everyone got excited and started to cheer.

"Okay okay." Chris put his hands up to quiet everyone down.

"The baby's name is Isabelle Claire Evans. We're having a girl!"

"I'm getting a sister!"

I nodded as Harrison came up and hugged me and Chris, "you are bud. Are you happy?"

He smiled and nodded, "yes!!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm as I felt Chris kiss me on the cheek, wrapping his arm around me.


I wrapped my arm firmly around Gemma's waist as I looked around to at all the smiles in the room. I finally had everything I always wanted; Gemma and a family.

*************THE END*************

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