Chapter 9

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"Thanks for coming over Gemma." I led her to the living room. We hadn't talked since Harrison's birthday almost a week prior. I invited her over to watch a movie since Mallory and Harrison were gone to California. "I've missed hanging out with you."

She looked up at him, "I've missed you too Chris. Where's Mallory and Harry?"

I hesitated, "she took him to California to visit her parents."

She shook her head, "that was a small detail you failed to mention when you invited me over."

I watched her start to leave but I grabbed her hand, "no. Please stay. I just wanted to spend time with you. Please Gem."


I hesitated, seeing the desperation in his eyes, "fine. But I get to pick the movie." I smirked as I heard him agree as he followed me downstairs to his screening room. I put on a movie and felt him sit next to me.

"What does your boyfriend think about you being here with me."

I laughed, looking up at him, "he doesn't care. I've told him everything."

"Everything?" Chris looked at her shocked.

I nodded, "yes. Everything. How you left me. How you came back with her. How you aren't happy. How you flirt with me." I hesitated, "and how I like it. How I'm using him to make you jealous. How I am jealous. He knows everything Chris."

He smirked, moving closer to her, "you admit you like the flirting?"

I laughed, "that's all you got out of all that?"

He nodded, "that was the only important part. Well and the you being jealous too part. I really am so sorry Gemma. You have to know how desperately I want to be with you." He leaned towards her with his mouth next to her ear, "how desperate I am to feel you."

I moaned at his admission, looking to see him staring intensely at me, "Chris. We can't."

He placed his hand on her cheek, "I haven't done anything yet."

I nodded, "yet."

He laughed, "yeah. Yet. Do you want me to do something?"

I felt my head go fuzzy as he moved even closer to me, placing his right hand on my thigh, his left hand on the nape of my neck, "yes?" I shook my head, "no!" I groaned, "no. We can't."

He shook his head, "I didn't ask if we could, I asked if you wanted me to."

I didn't say anything as he gripped my thigh, pulling me into his lap, making me straddle him, "Chris."

He could hear the desperation in her voice, "stop talking."

I moaned as he pulled my lips to his softly at first. I felt his tongue teasing my lips. As I parted them for him I felt him suck on my lower lip before biting it softly as his tongue found mine. I quickly forgot what was happening as I melted into his touch, into his body. I could feel his hard cock underneath me as I began to rub myself against him. I heard him moan loudly as his hands gripped my thighs before moving to my back. He moved one hand to my hair as he pulled me more urgently to him. I pulled on his shirt, making him remove it before he removed mine.


I quickly removed her shirt as I moaned, seeing her red lacey bra. I trailed kisses to her neck to her shoulder as I brought my hands up, removing the straps from them. I nibbled gently on her shoulders as I heard her small moans, pushing her hips down on my cock; my cock that was desperate to feel her. But I knew I couldn't rush it, force it. I kissed the flesh of her breasts that was exposed. I ran my hands along her back to the hooks, removing her bra slowly before tossing it on the floor. I moaned loudly at the first look of her bare breasts. I imagined them in my head so many times as I traced my thumbs gently along the areolas as I kissed them. I moved my mouth slowly to her left nipple, kissing it before gently flicking it with my tongue as I felt her hands firmly gripping my hair, desperate to keep my head where it was. I took her nipple into my mouth, sucking urgently as I nibbled it and heard her let out a loud moan.


I felt him taking my nipple into his mouth as I moaned. I pressed my hips down again against his cock. I wanted to feel his cock buried deep inside me. I wanted to use to it. I knew my panties were soaked in anticipation and I wondered if this was the sort of passion he once shared with Mallory. Fuck. Mallory. I knew I couldn't do this. I stood up quickly as I heard him groan, "I'm sorry Chris. I can't do this."

He reached for her hand as she put her bra back on, "no. You can. Please Gemma. I need you. I love you. Don't go."

I shook my head as I put my shirt back on. "No. Chris. You are married. I can't do this." I leaned down, kissing him forcefully once more before pulling away. "Fuck!"


I rested my head on the back of the couch as I heard her rush upstairs, slamming the door behind her. "Fuck." We were so close. I had her moans invading my head, her smell invading my nostrils. At least I knew she was as desperate for me as I was for her as I closed my eyes. How could I have fucked everything up in my life so spectacularly?

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