Broken Walls and Shredded Hearts

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I'm not shipping the irl. Anyway, I wasn't really having a great time when I wrote this and I'm sorry if this story takes time to become interesting. Also, this is my first story so I'm definitely not the best, but I hope you enjoy this tale!

Lexi ♡


{ Scots Pov }

How stupid was he?

That was what constantly played through my mind like a broken record.

"I'm so stupid!"

For the millionth time that month, Lauren rolled her eyes in front of me, her king, as I constantly complained to her about my broken heart.

"If only I had been the one in front of the arrow, I could have been shot and still lived to be with him another day.

There were tears in my eyes again, warm and soothing as they ran down his face. They felt like lava on my cold face, a small price to pay for being the ruler of Rivendell, the Kingdom in the Mountains, home to the elves.

Lauren stood up and walked around the table to me, taking my pale hand and crouching beside me. She leaned into my ear and whispered...

"There's nothing you could have done Scott and you know that. Be grateful that he's here in this world ruling over his people in the Swamp Empire like you do here in Rivendell."

"But I wish he would talk to me!" I shouted back. "The Amount of owls I've sent to him is ridiculous, and everyone comes back the same. Unopened. He's ignoring me, Lauren! He's ignoring me, and there's NOTHING I can do!"

Not waiting for Lauren's answer, I got out of my quartz and gold chair and ran to the big wooden doors at the end of the dining hall, pushing them open and running at full pelt down the corridor. The workers looked both concerned and confused as I ran up the stairs, using my wings to help carry me all the way up to my private quarters where I locked the door and ran to my bed sobbing about everything. A few minutes later I heard a loud bang on the door and a female voice called out begging me to come out. I ignore it until eventually, I hear footsteps get quieter and quieter and Lauren descends the stairs from my tower.

How stupid was he?

{ Jimmy's Pov }

I woke up to a bang. Then screaming, followed by hurried footsteps.

"Emperor Cod Father Sir."

A member of his closest personal assistants rushed into Jimmy's hut, a worried expression painted on his face.

"Please just jimmy. What's the matter? What's all the screaming?

I said that last bit hurriedly, wanting to know as soon as possible.

"Count Fwhip, Lord Sausage and Wizard Gemini have blown a huge crater between the Mythlands and the cod Empire. It happened early this morning and has left a gaping hole in the wall as well as blowing up some of the village. Five Families have been left without a home and two people have been injured."

My eyes grew the more my assistant spoke.

"W-WHAT! How could they? *pause* Prepare the palace for the five families and a feast for the village, they need some food and reassurance after what happened. Go now, and make sure the injured are treated immediately.... that's an order!"

My assistant walks hurriedly out of the hut without questioning a thing. This is all my fault, it's that stupid disc! Ugh, that disc is the cause of this. *pause* Sausage has got it coming for him.

I get out of bed and put my clothes on in a hurried fashion. Slamming my door open I rush onto the far side of the kingdom to see the damage. I heard the calls and cries from halfway across the kingdom. How bad was it? When I arrive I realise it was much worse than I imagined. Half of the wall has a hole in it and there's a man-made ravine separating the two empires. Slowly the village turned to stare at their ruler, me.

"Dear citizens of the Cod Empire, I'm here to address a serious matter that occurred to me half an hour ago. Due to the many fights that have occurred between us and Mythlands, Lord Sausage has decided to take matters into his own hands. With the help of Count Fwhip and Wizard Gemini, they have blown a missive ravine between the two empires. We have lost five homes today and two of us have been injured, they are being taken care of and I will hold a massive feast tonight in the castle where I will try to answer your questions as best I can. * pause where the cod people talk among themselves for a minute * People of the Cod Empire today I would like to make two new vows to you all. First, rebuilding and helping our empire will now be at the top of my priority list. Secondly, that man, Lord Sausage, has it coming for him, of that you have my word."

I let out a loud sigh at the end of the speech knowing that my people had the reassurance they needed to go about their day, until tonight.

{ Scotts Pov }

Dear Jimmy,

I hope you see this letter and can respond to it as soon as possible. I was wondering if you would like to meet up sometime and maybe form an alliance between the Cod Empire and Rivendell? I hope to see you soon.


I sighed as I put my owl feather quill down. Reaching over to my stamps I picked up the one with the Rivendell coat of arms on it. I stab it into the wax, sealing the envelope close. I walk Over to the royal owlery and hand it to my finest owl who I only send out on the most important jobs. Anything for my petal. I repeat this in my head over and over, it's one of the only things that's keeping me going these days.


Well hey again. A cliffhanger? Yes (hehe). Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this and that you are looking forward to the next chapter. Make sure to stay healthy and safe, love you all.

Lexi ♡


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