A Meeting Like No Other

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{ Jimmy Pov }

I went back to the Cod Empire in the morning with my letter from Scott inviting me to a resistance meeting that was being held tomorrow. Before that happened though, I had to announce the terrible news to my people. I grab my Cod head and change into my usual clothes.

As I'm walking through the Cod empire my eyes look over and land on the gates in the wall that lead to the Mythlands. Immediately memories flood my brain like a tsunami. Discs, explosions, screams, destruction, greenery, alliance and the kiss... I try to push these memories to the back of my mind but the harder I try the more vivid they become. I had trusted Sausage with my life and he had gone ahead and betrayed us all. This triggered the memory of Pearl's face at Katherines ball last night when Sausage walked over to stand next to the demon. I felt terrible for her, she was such good friends with him and he had betrayed her like it was nothing. This demon had to be stopped before he ripped anymore friendships apart.

{ Small Pix Pov }

I wake to my head pounding and my forehead throbbing. I stand up and look at my surroundings. I seem to be in a dark and dirty dungeon with deep slate walls and hard stone floors. In the corner there was a small puddle of murky green water and there were suspicious red stains covering the walls and floors. Aside from all this there was a basic bed pressed up against the wall and thick steel bars that run from floor to ceiling.

"Well, well, well look who's finally up." Joey comes into the dungeon looking awfully smug.

"What have you done! Why am I here, are the others alright?!

"Oh wouldn't you like to know."

Joey says this with a laugh that tips me over the edge. I run up to the bars and try to get through them.

"Tell. Me. If. The. Others. Are. Okay!"

"Geez, calm down. They're fine for now, I guess."

With that I sulk back into my prison cell and sit on the bed, waiting for something, anything to happen.

{ Scott Pov }

I was waiting for my owls to come back with the responses from the other rulers when I saw the strangest thing ever. The tentacles around my enchanting tower start to unwind and lean over. Suddenly an eye appears on the top of the tentacle. Somehow the tentacle managed to place the eye that had materialised upon it. After this the tentacle rapped back around the enchanting tower. Great, now I had even more eyes constantly watching me. I really don't need this.

Eventually everyone arrived looking slightly scared. I tried to go up and speak with everyone but I was just scared by the fact that Jimmy hadn't appeared yet. I waited a little longer but eventually I had to invite everyone in the meeting room. I started speaking but all I could think about was the empty seat next to me.

"Welcome everyone, I think you all know why we are here. I think we should start by addressing the threats that Xornoth has made. The best way to address this is to go around and say what's been happening to our Empires. I'll start, just before you all arrived an eye appeared on one of the tentacles and is now on top of my enchanting tower. Other than that I just have a heck of a lot of corruption around the place. How about you Pearl?"

Pearl started by saying that Xornoth had lived up to his promise and had destroyed most of her kingdom's crops. We then went to Gem who said the mountains around her place were starting to deteriorate. Fwhip said the same.

Eventually we had made it most of the way around the table where we got to Lizzie who said that most of her floor was now red with corruption but other than that it was fine. When it got to Joel... well, let's just say he didn't really agree with the whole "demon thing".

"Look this all a great act but honestly it's just that, an ACT. Stop with the game, the demon isn't frickin' REAL!"

And with that he storms out of the meeting room.

"I'm sure, he will come around to his senses- eventually."

Lizzie looked so concerned but all I could think about was we had been here for over an hour and Jimmy still wasn't here. Where was he? I start to breathe much heavier than before and my vision starts to go slightly blurry.

"I need to leave for a moment. Just talk about how we are going to free Pix from Xornoth, or something."

I leave the meeting room with everyone staring at me.

I sit outside and take deep frosty breaths in and out while watching the grey clouds pass by. I look out into the distance and see a strange thing flying through the air, at first I thought it was just an owl but as it got closer I realised it was a human. The figure got closer and closer until just before it hit me I realised that it was JIMMY! He tackled me to the ground and hugged me so hard I almost couldn't breathe. He got off me after half squishing me to death and pulled me up with him. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek before turning to him and demanding answers.

"Where the HELL have you been?! I've been worried sick!"

"Oh Scott, I'm fine, seriously please calm down. I was busy making sure Sausage couldn't ruin any more friendships and relationships, especially ours, I really don't want to lose you again."

With that he pulls me closer and just before he kisses me his whispers against my lips...

"Oh and I may have found out where Pix is being held."

With that he puts his lips on mine and pulls me close. We stay like that for a couple of minutes before I realise what he's just said and I push him away.

"NO, you of all people don't get to tell me something very important then KISS ME like it's nothing!"

"Scottttttt, stop complaining, I'm here now and that's all that matters. Come on, the others are probably waiting."

Jimmy drags me back inside the meeting room and sits down. Everyone greets him and fills him in on what happened. Then the questions start rolling in.

{ Jimmy Pov }

I answered all the small questions before the big one, where was Pix being held.

"Well in the ravine that SOME people made there is a trap door that must lead to some kind of dungeon, a-and the worst part is that when I was down there looking I, I heard screams..."

With that people around the table gasped and a cold grabbed mine and I held on to it as tight as I could.

We spent the rest of the meeting discussing how we were going to rescue Pix. We eventually came up with a plan and agreed that in a days time we would rescue Pix from the place he was being held.

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