Red Flowers and Special Requests

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{ Scott Pov }

The day before the wedding and I had a problem, what amazing timing. The problem wasn't the amazing teal and gold suite in the corner of my room making me really stressed. The problem wasn't the fact that tomorrow I would have to see Jimmy. No, this problem was more distressing than that. I had woken this morning to red plants on my bedside table instead of white and as I looked out my window and around my empire there were whole chunks covered in disgusting red.

Shortly after breakfast Lady Katherine flew over to me shouting how she had the same red plants all over her empire.

"So it's not just me, that's good."

"Good! How is this good Scott? Everyone's empires are covered in this corruption."

"Everyone has this! Jezze there really is something wrong."

"You don't say." Katherine said with crossed arms and a stony expression on her face. "And what about the dream Scott? Did you have one too?"

"What dream?" I said, genuinely confused now.

Katherines eyes widened in shock but then she remembered she was supposed to be annoyed so she went back to her expression from before. She looked at me intensely for a moment as if she was trying to see if I was lying or not. Finally Katherine straightened up and proceeded to tell me that Gem, Fwhip and her all had dreams about a demon called Xornoth who could teleport and then captured them in a strange cage and called them a 'test subject'. My eyes widened with each sentence.

"This can't be a coincidence Scott."

I shook my head trying my hardest to get things straight. Everything just didn't seem real enough to believe. I wanted to break down laughing at how ridiculous it all was and go tell Katherine to have a lie down. I also wanted to break down in tears and everything. All this stress in my life is impossible at the moment. I knew Katherine wouldn't lie so I said simply

"No it can't be. There has to be a logical explanation for all this."

Katherine just nodded. She was studying me again. Then suddenly she pulled me into a hug. I stood there for a moment stunned by this but I slowly leant in and hugged her back. Katherine got up on her tip-toes and whispered in my ear

"It's going to be okay Scott."

I couldn't miss the double meaning in that.

"Thanks Katherine." I whispered back.

Katherine pulled back and gave me a calculating smile before flying off towards her kingdom.

I was still staring into the distance when Lauren came to get me for lunch. She kept shooting me questioning looks which I ignored until we got back to my personal dining room where we ate a small lunch.

"So do we know why there is red stuff covering the kingdom?"

I was done playing the silent game so I dove into a full explanation on what was happening. At the end Laurens expression was unreadable.

"That can't be good." She said

I shook my head and turned back to my food. We spent the rest of lunch in silence.

{ Small Katherine Pov }

Scott wasn't okay. I could tell it wasn't just from the news about the demon.

"Gem! Gem,Gem, GEM!!!! Scott isn't okay!"

Gem came running from her tower asking multiple questions at once.

"W-what Scott! Whats wrong with him? Has the demon taken him?"

Gem comes crashing into me and knocks me over. Panting, she gets up quickly and pulls me up.

"No everything's fine, it's just that, well."

I placed a sunflower between us.

"Oh, I see."

{ Jimmy Pov }

The feast that was held in the cod palace was amazing. Everyone was happy and having fun but there was still slight anxiety flowing through the room. Once I had announced my plans to rebuild the wall and the houses all of the anxiety disappeared. It would have been an amazing night if I hadn't had a certain cyanet stuck in my head.

That was a couple of weeks ago, now I was standing outside the Mezalian Palace in broad daylight, a day before the wedding. It was the most ridiculously large thing I had ever seen but it was also the most magnificent thing I had ever seen.

"I gather you like then huh."

I jumped as a voice sounded behind me and started to speak. I turned and saw Joel standing behind me with a cocky grin plastered across his face.

"I-it's amazing Joel!"

Joel smiled a genuine smile and jogged up to me.

"Well then Cod Father welcome to Mezalea."

Joel gestured to me to follow him. Wow, this is the most amazing place ever. Well maybe Lizzies Prisma Palace was the only thing to try and compete with this beauty, and a certain person. I pushed that last thought out of my head. I really don't need to think about Scott right now.

Joel led me right up to his meeting room where he sat me down and asked for some tea from one of his clones. I looked at him with an amused look on face.

"Tea, really. You live in one of the warmest areas of the land except Pix. You really had to pick tea."

Joel smiled sheepishly.

"Well I guess it's sophisticated."

"Joel, when have either of us ever been very sophisticated?"

"Well I guess because I'm getting married I should at least try my best to become a little sophisticated."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Joel you're marrying Lizzie, my seabling. You of all people should know she's more than slightly chaotic and really couldn't care less about sophistication."

Joel smiled then suddenly looked excited.

"So I didn't just invite you over here to admire the palace Jimmy. The real reason I invited you over is I wanted to ask you a question. Would you be my groomsman tomorrow at the wedding Jimmy?"

My eyes widened. Me, Joel wanted me to be his groomsman? I smiled and nodded,

"That would be an honour."


Hi again,

Okay a few quick things before question time. Can we please pretend that Katherine and Gem were part of 3rd Life. I realised they were not after I wrote that bit of the story and it kinda will affect the story later down the track.


Is it me or does Joel's question sorta sound like a proposal? Just me?

Don't forget to drink water today! I really appreciate everyone reading this!!

Lexi ♡


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