Some Things were Never Meant To Be Happy

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{ Small Katherine Pov }

Work, work, work. That was all my life has been for the past week or so. Trying to prepare for the ball was absolutely the most stressful thing I have ever done. The Sky Palace was only just complete when I had sent out the invites meaning I had to settle in and get ready for a ball. It had been ages since all the empires had come together peacefully (other than Joel and Lizzie's wedding) so that ment there was a lot of pressure to make this perfect and that nothing would go wrong.

{ Jimmy Pov }

I arrived around six on Katherines floating island. I was wearing a suit the same colour as my crown and my tie was the colour of slime. Scott arrived a little later with a teal suit and gold tie, he looked amazing. When everyone had arrived Katherine came out wearing a pale lilac dress with flowers around the neckline.

"Where's Joey and Pix?"

Katherines words caused murmurs to fly through the crowd and everyone started to look around for him. Katherines face became taken over with panic. Stubble who was wearing a sage green dress with themed mushroom accessories. She calmed Katherine down. We all walked into the beautiful looking ballroom. Scott and I held hands the entire way into the ballroom and only when we got there and sat down did we let each other go. When we were sitting down one of Katherines fairy people stood in front of us and introduced us by our formal titles in the pairs we came in.

"First I would like to introduce Count Fwhip and Wizard Gemini also known as the Wither Rose Twins."

Gem and Fwhip stood up and waved. Gem was wearing an amethyst purple dress with a black half cape. Fwhip was wearing a red stone coloured suit with a black tie.

"Next we have Lord Sausage Queen Pearl"

Pearl was wearing a sunflower yellow dress with green gloves and sunflower crown around her head, what I found strange though was that she had her sword strapped into her belt. Sausage was wearing a navy suit and a blood sheep wool tie.

"Next Ocean Queen Lizzie and King Joel."

Lizzie was wearing a prismarine coloured dress with a seaweed necklace. Joel was wearing a purple suit with a gold sash and green tie, the Mezalian colours.

"Next I would love to introduce Scott and Jimmy."

We stood up and bowed, holding hands. As I sat down I caught Lizzie smiling at me.

"Finally the amazing host and her partner, Lady Katherine and Queen Shubble!"

Everyone clapped as Shubble and Katherine stood. Katherine walked up to the front.

"Thank you Celestine. My friends, welcome to this gathering today, as you can see Pix and Joey are missing but I'm sure they have their reasons. With all the introductions out the way, all I want to say is, have a good night everyone!"

As soon as she said that a band started to play, it was just like a fairytale.

Scott and I did the first two dances together before going over to the buffet table and getting some delicious food.

"Hey Jimmy, Hey Scott!"

Gem came up to us and reached around Scott for some chocolate.

"Hey Gem, how's this weather huh?"

I had to turn away to try and contain my laughter, Gem had to do the same.

"Really you have fallen this far into the 'royal speech' thing that you're asking me about the weather."

Gem shook her head and continued talking to Scott. I walked away and over to Fwhip. He was talking with Pearl, Lizzie and Joel about how to say bananas. I joined in saying that I pronounced it like Fwhip did and immediately Lizzie and Joel got so annoyed at me. We continued this debate for a while.

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