Revelations and Plots

655 24 37

TW - Mentions of Death

{ Scott Pov }

Everyone turned to me in confusion.


Pearl was exasperated and Sausage was confused. I looked sheepishly at them.

"Uhhh that may have been a small detail I had forgotten to mention... sorry."

Everyone looked downright confused. Great. Xornoth shook his head and laughed.

"You are trying to take down the strongest force to ever come to your lands and you can't even communicate simple information with each other, amateurs. *pause* All that aside, there is an actual purpose to me coming here. I come here to present a warning to you all, I know where you are at all times and also you have not seen the worst of my wrath yet and I can assure you I can do so much worse, so get ready because the end of your world is closer than you would like to think.

With a wicked smile plastered across his face, Xornoth rested his hand on Laurens shoulder and disappeared into thin air.

As soon as he had left Sausage and Pearl turned to me with the same expressions on their faces that screamed one word, explain. I sigh and sit down on the couches, preparing myself to be talking for a long time as I explained to them how Xornoth and I, are in fact, brothers.

{ Jimmy Pov }

My head pounded like crazy and my ears rang extremely loudly. My vision is blurry and I can feel cold hard stones against my body. As my vision clears I can see what seems to be a deep slate roof covered in thick vines with a single drip stone that dropped water onto my head. Where am I? I sit up on the cold stone floor and look around. Every wall except one is made from deep slate bricks and covered in dying vines and brown leaves. The last wall is just bars and provides the only light in what I assume is a cell. On my final sweep of the room a small figure huddled in the corner catches my eye. Shubble? I walk over and shake her gently. The small mushroom girl looks up at me with desperate eyes.

"They're going to kill me Jimmy."

My eyes widened in shock and horror.

"W-What, why? How do you know?"

I stammered. Shubble started to sob.

"When you were knocked unconscious, Lauren and Joey came through talking about it, they thought I was still out cold but I wasn't, I heard every word. They said that Xornoth is planning to kill my over a special crown so that he can destroy this world and it has to be my blood otherwise it won't work and the reason it won't work with anyone else's blood is because for the crown to work, the blood needs to be from someone who survived from the last world that he destroyed which happens to be me."

Shubble looked very distressed and I was very confused.

"I have only ever told Katherine though so you have to keep it a secret, at least until after all this has ended..."

"Of course I will keep it a secret but that's very traumatic, do you want to talk about it?"

Shubble curled into a ball and shook her head vigorously. I sat down against the wall and watched as the door swung open as Joey and Lauren strutted into the room connected to our cell. They sat down at a small table in the corner, bent their heads close together and started to discuss something in low voices.

"Well, if you're going to talk in front of us you may as well tell us what you're actually saying."

Lauren and Joey's head whip around to see Shubble and I stare at them waiting for them to spill the tea. Joey glances at Lauren and they seem to agree it's safe to tell Shubble and I.

"Basically Xornoth and Scott are brothers."

My eyes become the size of dinner plates as I struggle to believe what I have just heard.

"W-What. How did he figure that out and how does that even make sense, Scott is an only child!"

"Basically Scott found some old elven library and Xornoth followed him there and after Scott left he went down and found out that he and Scott are related because he is Exors champion and Scott is Aeors champion."

Lauren said this so casually it was unnerving.

"Does that mean I have to ASK Scott for his blessing to marry Xor Xor!?"

Joey banged his fists on the table and stalked out the room fuming.

{ Scott Pov }

After my very long explanation Sausage flew off and I invited Pearl to do something I had been putting off for too long now, visiting Shubble to make sure she is okay. Pearl and I flew to the Undergrove only to find it practically deserted.

"Shubble!, Shubble, where are you?"

Pearl and I search every crevice of the Undergrove looking for the Gnome. We decided that she must be out and as we were about to leave one of her wolves came up to us bearing a note. I took it from the wolves jaws and immediately recognised Shubble's handwriting. As I skimmed through the letter Pearl scratched the wolf's ears.

Dear Reader

If you are reading this it means I have been kidnaped by Xornoth, about time if you ask me. There is probably no way I am surviving this so please look after my people and the wolves especially. This is a short note but my 1 dying wish is for Katherine to have this note with her forever.


P.S. I love u Katherine ♡

I almost dropped the note in shock and quickly showed Pearl the disturbing news. Her eyes widen and she looks at me with a scared expression. Shubble is gone.

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