Wedding Problems

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{ No Ones Pov }

The day of the royal wedding dawned bright and clear. Each empire was doing their own things in preparation for the event. Sausage was preparing the Blood Sheep church, Jimmy was over with Joel hyping him up, Fwhip, Scott and Pix were out collecting gifts for the soon to be wed couple, Joey was preparing something special and Katherine, Gem, Shubble and Pearl were helping Lizzie get ready which was a hard task considering Lizzie was just the tiniest bit... stressed.

{ Lizzie's Pov }

"What if I trip when I'm walking down the aisle? What if I-"

"If you don't stop talking right now I WILL put a spell on you to make you unable to talk!" Gem said loudly

I look at her indignantly.

"Well that's a bit harsh."

But I knew it was a valid threat. I had been pacing around my bedroom for the past 20 minutes stressing about my wedding in a few hours.

I had invited them over to help me get ready, and to give me a gift for my outfit. Pearl gave me an enchanted golden apple, Gem came bearing an amethyst, Shubble had an exotic type of mushroom and Katherine being the angel she is, gave me her tiara to wear! I was okay for the first hour as I put on my midnight blue dress and let the girls do my make up. Shubble started brushing my pink hair and did it up into an elaborate knot on the top of my head letting wisps of hair fall around my head framing my face. I looked amazing if I did say so myself. When Katherine started placing blue and purple flowers in my hair I completely lost it. I started fidgeting really bad. At first Katherine tried to continue with the flowers but eventually gave up when I was legitimately shaking in my chair. The second she sat down with the rest of them I jumped out of my chair and started pacing stating every possibility (most of them absurd) that could happen at the wedding. Pearl and Gem tried to comfort me but eventually gave up and let me get all my worries out.

"Lizzie please stop. You're going to be fine, just take some deep breaths and calm down."

I took Pearl's advice and it made me feel the slightest bit better. I sat down and heard Katherine get up behind me and seconds later I felt her soft touch on my hair. 10 minutes later she stood back and gasped.

"Lizzie, you look amazing!" Katherine gushed.

I got up and went over to my mirror. Wow, I really did look amazing. I ran over and hugged each of them in turn.

"Careful Lizzie, you might mess up your hair." Pearl said teasingly.

"With the amount of hairspray I put in it doubt even a bomb could mess it up." Shelby laughed.

Half an hour before the wedding, they all left to get ready themselves. I sighed and went to look at myself in the mirror. Wow I really did look amazing.

{ Jimmy Pov }

We all gathered outside the church of the Blood Sheep. Not the most cheery place to get married but considering it was the only church in the world to do it, it would do.

"Welcome everyone to the church of the Blood Sheep. Please come in and take a seat, don't forget to leave your gifts in the basket provided." Sausage bellowed over the noise of the crowd.

Everyone filed in and took their seats. I walked up and stood next to Joel who was wearing the most amazing purple suit with a green sash across his chest. Joey got up on the platform with a book in front of him ready to join the empires in marriage. My eyes scanned the room landing on a vibrant set of cyan locks. My eyes scanned every inch of him, he didn't look the same. His skin was paler and his cheeks slightly hollow. Was he sick? My brown eyes locked with his deep blue ones. I felt my cheeks get much warmer and I could see pink touching his. We stayed like that for a while before he turned back towards Katherine who was trying to talk to him. Joey cleared his throat and everyone went silent.

"She is beauty, she is grace." Joey started his long list of compliments.

"And she's eating a golden apple." Joel said under his breath so that only I could hear.

I giggled softly and continued to watch Lizzie glide down the aisle. My seabling really did look amazing today. It caused me pain just to imagine how long and hard it must have been to A) get Lizzie to calm down for long enough and B) make Lizzie's hair stay up like that. Lizzie stood next to Joel and Joey went into a long speech.

{ Scott Pov }

When Joey finally got to the vowels it was almost 7 o'clock at night. Joel kissed Lizzie and everyone cheered and clapped. Fwhip stood up and announced

"Please come outside, we have a firework show."

Everyone filed outside and sat on the edge of the cliff. The fireworks went off and it was beautiful. Afterwards everyone broke off into their own groups. I was looking around and my eyes landed on Jimmy and Sausage who are deep in convocation about something. They were moving closer together and started to smile at each other about the thing they were talking about. Sausage nodded his head and started to walk away, Jimmy hurried after him. My heart started to crack and it must have shown because Lizzie tapped on my shoulder with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay Scott?"

I wasn't okay, but I didn't want Lizzie to be worried on her wedding day.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired that's all."

"You should go home, the celebrations are over anyway."

Lizzies words were comforting to say the least. I nodded and my head flew away and I heard a few pairs of wings beating behind me.


Sorry this took me so long to upload. I have been really busy but I was really excited to upload this finally. Anyway, drama is coming up so I'm really excited to write that.

Lexi ♡


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