The Angel Awakes

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{ Jimmy Pov }

I followed Lauren south, every second it got colder and colder but I didn't notice because I was already numb with fear for Scott. We arrived at Scotts palace in Rivendell and Lauren walked down the corridors briskly. The further we went I noticed something different, the servants and maids were bowing to Lauren?! That would only happen if she was the stand in ruler and that would only happen if Scott was away or if he was... dead. I pushed that thought away and hurried after Lauren who had picked up her pace, we must be close to Scotts room. We climbed a twisting staircase and at the top Katherine was standing there holding Shubbles hand very tight and looking like she hadn't slept in days. Shubble looked very worried but also something else... was she flustered? Actually I could make out a faint blush on her face. Before I could dwell on this any longer Gem came out the door that I presumed led to Scotts room.

"His pulse isn't any better. He is alive, but barely."

Katherine collapsed to the ground and started crying silently. Shubble dropped to the ground and started to comfort her as much as possible. It was then that Gem noticed me.

"Jimmy, Scott isn't doing too well."

Well of course he isn't! Lauren is the stand in ruler, Katherine looks absolutely terrible and you are checking his pulse to make sure he is still alive. He's alive. Scotts ALIVE! I nodded and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"You should go and see him, you know, considering... past lives."

So she knew about us.

"Okay I'll see him."

Gem nodded and pushed open the large oak door letting me walk in before closing it behind me quickly.

I stood there on the carpet of Scott's room looking around taking everything in, slowly, afraid that if I went too quickly I would find a certain somebody too soon. Eventually my eyes landed on Scott. He looked like a sleeping beauty. His hands were resting in his lap, his eyes were closed and his hair was done to look messy but still presentable. In any other situation I would have thought he was sleeping. I felt a single tear run down my face that was closely followed by a never ending stream. Seeing Scott lying there 'barely alive' was breaking me and knowing I could do nothing about it was even worse. I walked over to Scott and started playing with his hair, moving through my fingers and eventually leaving tucked behind his ear. That's when I noticed a flower crown on his bedside table. I grabbed it quickly and placed it gently on Scotts head making sure that it didn't disturb his perfect hair. I sighed and blushed strongly at the sight of him. I lent down slowly and brushed my lips against his, lingering for a second before getting up and starting to walk towards the door. At the last second I couldn't bear it any more and turned on my heel sprinting towards Scott, halting at the last second and pressing my lips to his, to his deathly cold lips. So many emotions went into this kiss, love, frustration and regret. I stayed there for a long time not moving, not wanting to.

{ Scott Pov }

I was in darkness and it was amazing, no constant feeling of being tired, no weird red corruption and no love worries. I stayed like this for a long time enjoying not being able to feel anything. Then suddenly a flash of bright light flared in the distance I tried to reach for it but before I could it disappeared. A few moments later the bright light returned this time stronger and brighter. I didn't have to reach for it this time because it engulfed me, making my blind for a few seconds before vanishing. I felt different, like I was in a different place, like I was human. Then everything came rushing back, the wedding, passing out, the kiss. I also felt something heavy on my lips. I flicker my eyes open slightly to see a beautiful mop of golden blonde hair in my face, a closed pair of eyes. I flickered my eyes back shut and started to wrap my arms around Jimmy's back pulling him closer to me. I miss him so much. I open back up my eyes and are met by a beautiful pair staring back at me. Jimmy pulled back and looked like he was on the edge of tears.

"S-s-scott-t" Jimmy whispered.

"I'm here Petal." I say softly.

Jimmy beamed at the nickname. I sat up and pulled him close, hugging him tight and kissing his cheek. We stayed like this for a bit longer before Jimmy got up to tell everyone I had awoken. I was waiting and looking around when I heard a scream and immediately stood up. Suddenly Katherine came running in with Shubble in tow, Katherines face was stained with tears and she looked like she hadn't slept in ages. Katherine hugged me with such force that I fell backwards onto my bed. She let go and Shubble hugged me with not as much force and when she moved aside Gem was there who looked so relieved but also confused. I hugged her and when she pulled back she asked,

"H-how are you here, how are you awake?"

"I really couldn't tell you."

Of course I did know but that was a secret I was going to keep. Gem shrugged and moved over to Katherine and Shubble. Last to come in was Lauren and when she entered I nearly fainted, Lauren was wearing the Rivendell crown! What! Why? Lauren looked amazing in the white and gold crown but was the coma really that bad that they needed her to be the stand in ruler. Also Laurens crown wasn't the normal one I wore, it was slightly bigger than mine and was studded with purple gems instead of blue. Lauren walked up to me and plopped her crown on my head and hugged me. I smiled and gave her back her crown and put on mine.

Eventually everyone left except for Jimmy.

"Hey Scott I was wondering if you would like to meet up later to, you know, form an alliance?"

I smile knowing that Jimmy had finally responded to my letter even if it was in a different way than I had anticipated. I nodded and said,

"Meet me outside the Rivendell gates at this time in a week, I will have something prepared."

Jimmy smiled, nodded and walked out my door.


I have literally nothing to say... so hi

Lexi ♡


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