Is this the End? Pt 1

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{ Small Katherine Pov }

This can't be true, this can't be happening. I was sitting a ball sobbing, holding Shubble's letter in one hand and attempting to wipe my eyes with the other. My back is pressed up against the walls of my sky castle as I cry over the imprisonment of Stubble. Scott had arrived with Pearl looking deeply worried. He explained what had happened to Jimmy and gave me Shubbles letter, the last thing Shubble had written. As I sit there crying a burning sensation overcomes me, anger. This mess that the demon had created has to end sometime, and that sometime, is now.

{ Jimmy Pov }

"Right you two, upland with me now!"

Lauren ripped the iron bar doors on the cell and grabbed Shubble and I by the shoulders. She pushed us out on the cell and motioned for us to follow her. As we started to walk Joey walked behind us, presumably to make sure we didn't run off. Eventually we made it to the surface where Xornoth was waiting for us in the flesh. I scoff a little too loudly.

"Is something funny, Jimmy."

"I guess it is. You have kept us locked up for all this time but only now you decide to face us, if I didn't know better I would say you're scared."

Xornoth took a deep breath and turned his back to Shubble and I and started to walk. Joey grabbed my shoulders and Lauren grabbed Shubbles. We were forced to walk towards a strange red covered area. There was a suspended cage above a black and corrupted crown and hanging from below the cage there was a massive spike. Shubble started to shrink as we got closer to the cage. Xornoth turned around to us and stared at Shubble. Slowly she started to lift off the floor and float into the cage above. Her eyes widened and her breathing became much heavier. Then Xornoth proceeds to close the cage and turn to me. The last thing I see is his blood red eyes before my vision goes black.

{ Scott Pov }

Everyone was gathered around a table discussing what we were going to do about Shubble and Jimmy being kidnaped and possibly killed. There was an obvious bubble around Sausage that only Pearl entered. I was trying to engage in conversation with Lizzie and Katherine about what to do but my mind kept on wandering off to Jimmy. If he dies then my life is basically over, I have already lost Lauren so Jimmy is the last thing keeping my sanity together.

"Scott? Do you agree with Fwhip's plan?"

"Uh yeah, it's great."

"Now the only problem is we don't know where Xornoth is hiding.

"I think I can help you with that."

All eyes flew to Sausage at the end of the table.

"In uncharted lands past the mountains is where Xornoth resides."

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