The Letter

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{ Jimmy's Pov }

I returned back to my hut deeply distressed after this morning's events. I'm greeted with two letters on my writing desk, one pristine white with a teal seal on it and one purple with a blue seal on it. I walk over slowly to the desk already knowing where one of the letters came from. I opened the purple first, almost dropping the letter in shock as I read that my sister, Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire was getting MARRIED to Joel of the Mazalian Empire! I knew there was something forming between them but I definitely did NOT know that this was happening. I continued reading the letter making sure I didn't read it wrong. Finally getting over the shock I copied down the dates of the wedding excited and happy for Lizzie, my Seabling! I turn to the second letter, I knew exactly where this came from. I reluctantly reach my slime covered hand to the white envelope on my wooden desk. I had been ignoring all these letters for too long now, I may as well read one.


That one word in that hand writing confirmed my suspicions from whom this was from. I grimace as I rip open the teal seal pulling out a beautiful white letter with gold writing and golden stag horns printed at the top. Seeing this brings back memories, a home in the mountain, a strangely placed enchanting area (at least in my eyes) and a cow called Daisy, fights, an arrow, death. I shake my head and snap out of my thoughts. That was an old life, it would never be the same.

Reluctantly I open the letter and start reading.

Dear Jimmy,

I hope you see this letter and can respond to it as soon as possible. I was wondering if you would like to meet up sometime and maybe form an alliance between the Cod Empire and Rivendell? I hope to see you soon.


I shook my head and read the letter again, becoming even more uneasy the more times I read it. This can't be real, Scott, wanting to see me! Just the thought of seeing him again brings tears to my eyes. No, I thought to myself. I can't see him, at least not until after the wedding. THE WEDDING! I thought. I have to at least meet my soon to be Brother in Law before the wedding. Of course I had met Joel before but that was when everyone in the land had gathered to meet. I smiled at the memory, It was the place I had made my first ally, Lady Katherine, Ruler of the Overgrown. Snapping out of my thoughts I shoved the letter from Scott into my desk drawer and pinned the invitation to my notice board.

{ Scott's Pov }

It was lunchtime when my owl flew into my bedroom. It had no letter with it. My heart jumped a little. Jimmy had taken my letter, sure he didn't respond but at least he read it. Or had he not. What if he just threw the letter into the swamp.

My mind was racing with thoughts when a small knock sounded at my door. Lauren poked her head with a purple letter in hand. I gestured for her to come and she came and sat on my bed. I looked up at her and smiled a small smile, she knew I had been through so much and that it was hard on me. I pried the letter from her hands, scanning it intensely. I gasped and threw the letter on the floor. A WEDDING!!! Lauren got up immediately and grabbed the letter.

" I-I can't believe it!" Lauren stuttered "A wedding! WHAT!"

Lauren looked over at me and said immediately

"You are going. I don't care what you say, you WILL go."
Great, now I will have to go to an event alone to see a happy couple get married. Sure I was happy for them but it should have been me and Jimmy sending the invite to the wedding. Jimmy. I suddenly thought, Going to this wedding would mean I would have to see Jimmy. I sighed and nodded reluctantly to Lauren.

"Fine I'll go..."

Lauren jumped up and started pulling me towards the door in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" I asked in confusion.

"To the tailor of course."

Lauren rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Great, I thought this is going to be a long day.


Well this is a chapter. I'm sorry it's kinda short but it took me a while to write and I couldn't think of much else to put in here. Next chapter there will be some more people included and it will definitely be longer. Also I will be including some events from Empires but the won't necessarily be in chronological order (sorry).

I hope you all are doing well

Lexi ♡

P.S: The wedding will be a whole different chapter than the one I was talking about above so stay tuned for that!


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