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{ No Ones Pov }

The day was bright and sunny with a slightly cool breeze. Some may say this reflects the lovers who were to be wed that day. One, a sunny ball of sunshine, and the other, one who needed the sun to heal his frostbitten heart.

The two lovers had spent the past 3 months planning the perfect wedding. The location had been chosen, special food orders had been placed, invites sent out and clothing had been carefully chosen. Every detail had been co-ordinated down to the positioning of the flowers in the vases. Everything was perfect.

The cod man stood at the end of the aisle, dressed in a dark green suit with slime coloured flowers sticking out of his jacket pocket. To his left was a slightly shorter (sorry Joel, admit it, Jimmy is taller) man who was grinning ear to ear with happiness. The wedding officiant was none other than the cod man's sister, who was crying happy tears as she realised that her brother was no longer the small damaged egg he used to be, but instead was a strong and resilient young man.

At the opposite end of the aisle was another young man who was dressed in a simple but beautiful cyan gown. He had icicle earrings in and a bouquet of sunflowers and poppies amongst other foliage.

Blushing deeply the man made his way down the aisle and stood at the altar where his soon to be husband was waiting. After the speeches had been made, and the vows said, one man's lips met another man's and the two were finally content. A singular kiss sealed their marriage, and they loved it.

That afternoon the couple danced, ate and shared stories with the wedding guests. One wizard had brought along something that brought joy to everyone there. A small baby dragon swooped down and landed on the woman's shoulder. Everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves well into the night.

When eventually everyone had left and only the two newlyweds remained they made a promise to never leave each other again. Not in this life, and not in any others they might be a part of. Under the stars the two danced until early morning, both knowing this love would last eternity, no matter the circumstances.


And the universe said I love you

And the universe said you have played the game well

And the universe said everything you need is within you

And the universe said you are stronger than you know

And the universe said you are the daylight

And the universe said you are the night

And the universe said the darkness you fight is within you

And the universe said the light you seek is within you

And the universe said you are not alone

And the universe said I love you because you are love



Never forget you are worth the world and so much more.

Lexi (aka Lauren) ♡


Flowers, Wings, Slime and NeglectWhere stories live. Discover now