Rescuing Pix

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{ Jimmy Pov }

"I hear it, Scott! Every night! Every night when I'm trying to sleep. Muffled screams, whispers of concern. It's DISTURBING Scott. Every. Single. Night! My people are scared! I don't know what to do and- and I'm... uh, I'M STRUGGLING SCOTT."

With that I buried my head into Scotts chest and cried. I cried until my eyes hurt and my cheeks were red. Scott traced patterns along my back while whispering calming words to me. His cold hands felt like heaven against my boiling hot back. He's so perfect, I thought. He comforts me when he surely has more pressing things to deal with, like running his gosh darn kingdom and making sure his people are alright. But here he is, putting me before everything else, making sure I'm okay. He really is perfect.

Scott and I stayed like this for a while. Scott whispers the stories from our past lives that he remembers and I giggle at all the right moments. He tells me about the little grove we called our home, friendship points, the cow saga, but most importantly, the flowers.

{ Scott Pov }

I woke up the next morning feeling slightly scared. Today was the day we rescued Pix from the dungeon. Jimmy had stayed for a long time last night and eventually I had to fly him home in my arms because he had fallen asleep and it didn't feel right to wake him up when he looked so peaceful. When I had gotten home it was well past midnight, so today I would be rescuing Pix on five hours of sleep, great.

As I was heading through the castle I realised that I hadn't seen Lauren for the past couple of weeks. I asked one of the maids if she had any idea where Lauren was but she simply said Lauren had left to go and meet someone. That was strange considering Lauren only ever really left for a couple of days, not a couple of weeks!

During breakfast my mind was taken off Laurens mysterious disappearance by the arrival of a letter from the Grimmlands. Great, what does Fwip want now? I ripped up the letter and skimmed over the red ink. After deciding the letter was too important to ignore I decided to read it properly. It read;

Hi Scott,

I know this probably isn't the best time right now but I think

you might want to check on Shubble. She has been acting strange

just the other day she was convinced when she went through a

nether portal it took her to her home land. I think all this

demon stuff is really getting to her, so if you could please just

take a moment to check on her. That would be great.


- Count Fwip of the Grimmlands

That didn't sound good. But before I could dwell on it any longer it was time for me to go and meet the others to rescue Pix from the grasps of the demon.

I arrive in the Cod Empire near the big lake where everyone else is waiting. As I look closely at the lake I realise there are a few cod floating at the surface, they are dead. I shiver at the thought that Xornoth really is keeping to his promises. Jimmy wanders over to the group a few moments later looking slightly worried but mostly confused.

"Has anyone seen my Cod head lately? I woke up this morning not being able to find it. So now I'm stuck wearing this stu- I mean lovely crown."

Jimmy glanced over at Katherine apologetically, Katherine just smiled and nodded indicating that she wasn't offended. Taking that as indication to move on Jimmy told everyone the directions of the ravine before hanging back to talk to me.

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