The Truth Will Always Be Revealed

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{ Jimmy Pov }

I have been searching for the Cod head for nearly five days now and it still hasn't appeared. Honestly where could it be? I decided to take a stroll around my Empire to help to clear my head. I noticed that after we rescued Pix that everyone seemed much more relaxed.

"Cod Father Jimmy, Cod Father Jimmy! Look what we made!"

I turn around and I see some of the village children running towards me. They were all giggling and one of them was holding their hands behind their back. I bend down so I'm eye height with them.

"Hey you all, what are you doing?"

They all start giggling like mad but eventually the tallest pulls themselves together and starts to speak.

"Well. Emperor Scott told us to make you a gift and give it to you in his name. So he told us to make you a flower crown!"

From behind their back the tallest one pulls out a surprisingly well done flower crown. I take it from their hands and look at it. It might not be perfect but it's the thought that counts. This makes me smile. I put the flower crown on my head and tell the little children to run along.

After searching every single corner of my, admittedly, very corrupted kingdom, I sulked off back to my cabin to get ready for a swim. I had just finished putting my flower crown in a safe spot when a female voice started talking out of nowhere.

"That was a very sweet thing the village children did for you Jimmy, even if it was under Scotts orders."

I spin around quicker than lightning and see Lauren standing in the doorway looking emotionless.

"Jeez Lauren you nearly gave me a heart attack."

Lauren's face stayed as emotionless as a rock.

"Umm sooo... what brings you here Lauren? Scott says you have been away for a while."

At the mention of Scott's name Laurens face grew darker and I'm quite sure her eyes flickered red, but that was probably just a trick of the light. Right?

I start to back away from her but before I could move even an inch Lauren starts to talk.

"Well Jimmy, I have been away on a journey of discovery. I have finally learnt that there really is no good and evil, but simply power and those who are simply too weak to seek it. My former best friend slash controller, Scott has simply been keeping me from reaching my full potential. I have learned from my mentor that by following in his footsteps I will be the greatest person to ever grace this earth."

"And um... who might this 'Great Mentor' be?"

Lauren smiled and this time her eyes definitely flashed red.


Before I could even comprehend what she had said, Lauren knocked me out cold.

{ Scott Pov }

I was staring out my window wondering where on earth Lauren was when a knock sounded out my door. I open it to see a very energetic Gem and a very tired looking Katherine.

"Scott guess WHAT!"

I roll my eyes at Gems enthusiasm.

"We discovered really big news! Somewhere buried in the mountains there is an ancient Elven library that is said to hold the answers to all questions. And it is said to hold the truth about the past, present and future!"

"And how long did it take you to discover this."

"Three whole days of searching." Katherine said miserably.

"Well yes, but it's a great discovery, don't you agree Scott?"

"Yes Gem, it is a great discovery. So great in fact I think we should go there now instead of standing around here like a bunch of idiots."

The journey to the ancient library was filled with coldness and complaints from Katherine. When we eventually landed at the entrance to the library I was shocked by its beauty. It was made of quartz, with towering pillars of marble holding up the structure. We entered through the great double oak doors to discover it was even more grand inside. There plush cyan carpet with rows and rows of books. The room was arranged in one massive cross, with a lectern at each end of the cross. We went around to look at the title of the books. The Book Of Prophecies, Past And Future. Hymns For Aeor. Elven Folklore. Spells From The Ancients. There was quite the collection down here the only trouble was it was all in elvish, all except one.

"Look here, it says in the prophecies book that the two ancient stag spirits, Aeor and Exor, will choose champions to descend upon the world and finish the battle started hundreds of years ago. It also says The champion of Aeor will sit upon the Rivendell throne."

We all stayed silent and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Does that mean..."

"I'm brothers with Xornoth."


Hi all.

First off, I'm really excited for Empire's season two which will be dropping on the 25th of June. This was confirmed by Scott. Secondly I will not include any lore from season two in this book (sorry).

But I also just wanted to point out that my upload schedule is really terrible and I'm very sorry about that. We just had our half-yearly reports handed out so hopefully the workload will be lighter for a while and I will have more time to write.

Also before the comments come in being confused about Jimmy, all I'm going to say is that I promise this story has a happy ending!

Love y'all

Lexi ♡


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