Date Nights are Late Nights

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Hi quick things before the chapter.

Last chapter I didn't get the nicknames right (so sorry)

I'm so sad that empires finished 😭 but so excited for season 2

Hehe here's the chapter


{ Jimmy Pov }

I woke up to a beautiful and bright day, an absolutely amazing day to go on a date with a beautiful person, Scott. Of course before that I had so much to do to get ready, first I had to visit Katherine about something and I had to choose to get an outfit for the ball coming up. But first I had to visit Lizzie who had asked for me to visit her.

I landed in the Prisma Palace where I was met by a squealing Lizzie and a smiling Joel. Lizzie ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"L-liz-zie, c-can't b-b-breath."

She didn't hear me but luckily Joel did and freed me by squeezing Lizzies shoulder. Lizzie pulled back with an ecstatic look in her eyes, she smiled and led Joel and I to a small common room where we sat on comfy pink and sea foam green couches with steaming hot mugs of coral tea in our hands.

"Sooooooooo, a little fish told me you're going on a date with the one and only Scott of Rivendell."

Lizzie looked sly as she said this and moved closer to Joel, leaning her head on his shoulder.

I blushed furiously. Those cod going around and telling every fish in the ocean about my personal life, how dare they.

"I-I mean... I guess I am?"

Lizzie started to shake with silent giggles before she burst out laughing completely.

"W-What do y-you mean, 'I guess'!"

Lizzie could hardly piece a sentence together because of how hard she was laughing, I was also the Grimlands couldn't hear us based on how loud she was being. Joel just shook his head, a small smile appeared on his face as he pushed his wife away in a playful way. When Lizzie finally finished laughing an expression of mock offence took over her face.

"How DARE you do such a thing to someone like ME!"

Joel just let out a small laugh and pulled his wife in for a kiss which Lizzie accepted instantly. It was an adorable sight if I do say so myself. They help for a second longer before breaking apart and turning back to me.

"So when is it? Joel inquired

"In a few hours... and I have to visit Katherine's for something."

"Well we won't keep you waiting, good luck tonight Jimmy!"

I stood up, Lizzie and Joel followed suit.

"My small damaged egg is growing up."

I roll my eyes at the nickname and hug Lizzie, when I pull back Joel ruffled my hair and gave me a reassuring smile. I turned away from them and flew away from the Palace of the North.

I landed in a field of sunflowers and could hear Katherine humming somewhere close by. I walked towards the noise and found Katherine standing at a flower bed full of red plants looking extremely confused. She was muttering and I could only make out the words ' it's spreading' before I tapped her shoulder and made her jump so suddenly I was sure she had experienced heart failure.

"Jimmy! You gave me a heart attack." Katherine glared at me for a minute before her face softened and she smiled. I smiled back and asked

"So what do you need Katherine?"

"Well Jimmy you know how the ball is coming up, well you can't wear the Cod Father head to it."

"W-What! But it's mine, it's what makes me, well ME!

"I know Jimmy and that's why I came up with a solution."

Katherine pulled out a crown that was the colour of cod and had a few intricately placed slime blobs. It was beautiful. I took it from Katherine and turned it in my hands.

"I love it!"

Katherine looked very pleased and smiled. I thanked Katherine and flew away with the beautiful crown in hand.

{ Scott Pov }

The sun was setting as I paced in front of the gates to Rivendell, waiting for Jimmy. What if he stood me up, what if he forgot, what if-

My thoughts were stopped immediately as cod head appeared in the sky. Jimmy landed gracefully and had a comically large smile on his face as he came up and hugged me tightly. I returned the embrace and kissed him on the cheek before releasing him and taking his hand into mine. I led him through Rivendell laughing on the inside as he stared with large eyes at the eleven architecture and the palace on the highest mountain. Jimmy had always preferred basic building and had a desirable way of finding the beauty in even the ugliest things. Suddenly Jimmy's face turned to pure shock as he pointed to something in the distance.

"S-Scott what's-that!"

I turn around and follow his outstretched hand to where he was pointing. A large, red tentacle was swirling around my enchanting tower.

"He's getting stronger..."

I mutter this under my breath so Jimmy doesn't hear me and make a mental note to tell Gem about this.

"Oh it's nothing Sunflower i'm sure of it."

Jimmy nodded hesitantly but turned to me smiling and asked

"So where to petal?"

I beamed and dragged Jimmy up to the cliff top where I had set up the little picnic. I heard a small sound behind me as Jimmy must have noticed I had surrounded the area with an assortment of flowers and added a decorative pond filled with cod.

"Scott, this is beautiful!"

I smiled and pulled Jimmy onto the blanket with the food.

We talked and ate for ages until Jimmy became so cold he started to shiver violently. I gave him my fur cloak considering I didn't really feel the cold. This should have been the indication to end this date for now but neither of us wanted to. As we walked back to the palace Jimmy nearly collapsed from exhaustion, I had to help him back and then Aeor decided to make it rain on us so that made matters even worse. When we eventually made it back to my bedroom and Jimmy and I were both dry, we both decided it was too dangerous for Jimmy to fly back. I was about to offer him one of the guest rooms when he slumped back onto my pillows and fell asleep. I was secretly happy because it meant I could sleep with him. I tucked Jimmy in and hopped into bed on the other side. I fell asleep to the warmth of Jimmy beside me and the steady breathing coming from him, the best way to fall asleep in my opinion.


Happy Valentine's day to all. I'm lonely and sick so that's amazing.

How about you?

Are you lonely like me or are you not?

Also TYSM for 1k reads I appreciate you all so much and I hope you are doing good.

Lexi ♡♡♡


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