With Light Theres Always Dark

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{ Jimmy Pov }

I woke to the warmth of Scotts arms around me. I smile and look around the room and immediately my eyes land on two steaming hot mugs of... something. I get out of bed and walk over slowly to the mugs of unknown liquid.

"Oooo Lauren brang us hot chocolate."

A sleepy Scott was standing behind me and reached around me to grab a mug.

"What is that?"

Scott nearly choked.

"W-what! You have never had hot chocolate!!"

I nodded slowly. Scott was in disbelief as he handed me a mug. I took a sip slowly and immediately regretted not taking a bigger sip. It tasted like heaven in a cup. It was all warm and cosy, definitely my favourite drink. I must have looked ridiculous because Scott nearly burst out laughing. I glared at him and continued drinking. Scott shook his head and proceeded to sit down at the desk in his room looking over his kingdom. I sat next to him. It continued like this for a while before Scott turned to me, he looked like he had a slight blush.

"Uh Jimmy. I, well you know how Katherine is having a ball? I- uh was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

At this point Scott looked like a tomato and I probably wasn't far off either. I nodded my head then leaned over to hug him. Was this really happening!? Scott just asked me out to a freaking ball! Wow.

We made plans for ages before I left to get back home. That was amazing.

{ Sotts Pov }

I had asked Jimmy to the ball! I had finally done it. I walked around the castle for a while with a stupidly big smile on my face. Eventually I went over to visit Pearl because I was bored and she always had stuff to do in her Farming Empire.

"Heyyyyyyy Pearllllll!"

Pearl was out in her fields as I flew down and landed in them.

"You're crushing the plants Scott!"

Of course the first thing she says to me is that I'm crushing her plants. I mentaly roll my eyes and get down onto the path. Pearl came down onto the path not long after to greet me.

"Hi Scott, sorry about shouting but these are really important crops."

I simply nodded with an amused expression on my face. She sighs, she looks so tired, why though? I think of asking her but I'm pretty sure it's because of the harvest coming soon. Pearl leads me to her beautiful beanstalk that seems to have grown so much.

We fly up to the main floating pod where something new catches my eye. It's a beautiful flower crown of sunflowers. As I get closer I realise they aren't actual sunflowers but instead gems that looked like sunflowers.

"My gosh Pearl, this is beautiful!"

Pearl comes over to see what I'm talking about, when she realises her face lights up.

"That was a house warming present from Sausage, Katherine and Gem. Katherine grew real sunflowers and then made them into a crown, Gem changed it so now the petals are Citrine and the centre is Brown Tourmaline. Finally Sausage enchanted it so it has the same protection properties as netherite with a few of my favourite enchants on it. So now whenever I go and formally meet someone or go to war I will be protected."

By the end my mouth was hanging open in shock. That was an amazing concept, having a crown that was both functional and beautiful.

We talked about anything that came to mind until eventually it led to the ball happening in less than a week.

"So who are you going with?"

I really wanted to know, I didn't know why but I did.

"Oh Sausage and I made plans to go together as friends because we are growing quite close and we are trying to figure out what this demon really wants."

I look at her in question. How did she know about the demon? There wasn't any corruption around her kingdom. As if she had read my mind she said.

"I haven't had much corruption but Sausage has been hit hard."

That's why, well it made sense. But for some reason I didn't trust Sausage, but I couldn't tell you for the life of me why. I didn't say anything, instead nodded my head and smiled.

Eventually the conversation led to me being forced out into the fields to help Pearl. The last words I said were.

"I'm too pretty for manual labour!"

{ No Ones Pov }

The sunset over the beautiful land these 12 people had created. But of course with the light there's always going to be darkness, just like the moon and the sun, neither could live without the other. Those who seek the darkness are promised power while those who fight it are threatened with loss. Words can't begin to explain the darkness that this world is about to face...


Writing this was fun, when I say that I mean being able to finally use Scott's "I'm too pretty for manual labour quote" was fun and as well as writing that last Pov.

The support for this book has been amazing and I just want to say that I love and appreciate every single one of you.

Don't forget to drink water!

Good Night/Day to you all.



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