Blankets and Berrys

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{ Scott Pov }

A few hours after the ball, where Xornoth came with Pix as hostage and threatening Shubble, I started to write letters to everyone, inviting them to a meeting to plan a rescue and discuss everything that's happening.

"Scott, where are the blankets!?"

Jimmy had come back with me after the ball because he was scared, and admittedly I was too. Jimmy had decided to build a blanket fort while I wrote the letters to everyone, except it turns out that the man I was dating had no idea how to build a blanket fort!

"They are beside the table in a NEAT pile."

"Right, thanks Scott! I will try not to make a mess... no promises though!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, Jimmy really was the best.

{ Jimmy's Pov }

I started to throw the heavy blankets Scott had pointed out over the backs of chairs and laid some on the ground. I found some cushions and added them too. I walked around trying to find the kitchens and eventually bumped into Lauren who led me to them where I collected some frost berry muffins and some brownies. I had only had frost berries once on my date with Scott. They were delicious, frosty, sweet and were absolutely going to be amazing in the muffin. I set down the plates of food and called Scott to come and join me.

"Scottt, I have food!" I yell across the room.

Immediately Scott scrambled into the blanket fort and immediately took one of the frost berry muffins. I giggled.

"You really love those muffins, don't you?"

"Not as much as you!"

I roll my eyes and smile and Scotts cringe but cute words of affection.

We spent the next few hours talking about the entire Xornoth situation, the letters Scott was sending to everyone and anything that came to mind really. Eventually I started to drift off to sleep on Scotts shoulder, even though I was still wearing my suit and crown. The last thing I felt before I fell completely unconscious was the cold and soothing touch of Scotts hand resting on my face.



I uh- well it has been a long time since I have posted but I have been really unmotivated and I have been on holidays so it's been hard to find time to write. I am really sorry about this and will definitely post more often!

Can I just also say the support on this story is absolutely incredible! I was actually on the verge of tears when I went through and checked all of the comments, likes and saves the fanfic has got. I really do love you all so much!

Anyway I hope you all have an amazing day/evening/night. Love you all!



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