Life Messes and Disturbing News

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{ Gem Pov }


Katherine, Lauren and I run over to him. I drop to my knees and check Scotts pulse.

"He's still alive... but barely."

A single tear ran down Lauren's cheek and landed on Scotts forehead.

"What's wrong with him Gem?"

Katherines words were barely a whisper as she sat down beside me. I hover my hands over Scott and close my eyes, thank goodness I had learned medical magic from the hospital.

"He seems to be in a coma, an extremely dark and deep coma."

Katherine gasped and Lauren made a sob. Katherine and I looked over at her to see her crying silently, her tears landing on and around Scotts forehead. Katherine got up to comfort her.

"Wh-What caused t-this?"

These were the first words Lauren had said since Scott had come back.



{ Small Jimmy Pov }

Eventually I walked back to my hut and sat down and sighed. I felt kinda guilty for letting Sausage kiss me because I still did have feelings for Scott but I had to let him go.

Eventually I got bored of sitting on my bed so I got up and headed to my balcony that overlooked the water and if you looked hard enough you could see the edge of Lizzies Empire. I got onto the balcony railings and dived head first into the water. My plan was that I would be able to clear my head with a swim but as I swam closer to a little cave my head just got more crowded with thoughts about Scott, Sausage and what a mess I had got myself into.

{ Katherine Pov }

"Well Lauren I guess you are queen until we can get Scott back to normal."

Lauren nodded and started to pace around Scotts bed. We had moved him to his room so he could have some privacy.

"Should we tell anyone?"

Lauren and Gem looked at me in shock.

"Of course we should tell people, they're going to be worried if they don't hear from him for weeks or if he's invited somewhere and he doesn't show up or respond they are going to be concerned."

Gem's voice had a slight edge to it.

There was an awkward pause between us all.

"I'll do it."

Gem and I were shocked.

"But Lauren well... you don't have wings and I guess... uh your not exactly well..."


With that Lauren sprinted out the room and down the hallway. Gem looked at me and I immediately felt terrible for what I had said. Lauren was one of the scariest and strongest people I knew. But she had WINGS! Only the rulers had wings and that was the rule. Lauren came running back a few minutes later wearing the most beautiful pair of galaxy themed wings I had ever seen.

"I'm only allowed to use these on special occasions and no one knows about them except Scott."

Lauren looked rather sheepish as she said this. I was sure my mouth was open slightly because the wings were absolutely beautiful on Lauren.

"I'm going to go and tell everyone about what is happening and I know exactly who I'm starting with.

{ Jimmy Pov }

I had just got out of the water and was drying my hair when Lauren burst through my door looking scared and furious. Lauren and I had never really been that close, in fact we had never really spoken to each other much. Lauren had always stayed in Rivendell, she never really left and now here she was here in the Cod Empire with amazing looking wings.

"Uh can I help you Lauren?"

Lauren looked like she was on the edge of tears as she said.

"Scott's not okay."

I immediately started gathering my stuff and said.

"Take me to him."

Normally I would never be aggressive or demanding but this was Scott, and he was in trouble.


Okay I have a plan. I know where this story is heading (finally). I had a general idea but now i have a really good idea about release dates of some different chapters.

Scotts and Jimmy's date will be released on 14th of Feb cause I thought that would be really cute! Also yes this will happen, hehe.

A ✨special festival✨ will be posted on 1st of March (During Mardi Gras because yes)

Also I have not forgotten about the demon but there is some tea happening right now so I don't really want to go too deep into it but it will happen.

That all really but I have all the plot lines and most of the details sorted out so this is going to be amazing.

Love y'all

Lexi ♡


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