The Kiss...

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{ Jimmy Pov }

I woke up excited today for one reason only, Sausage was coming over to give me back the disc and to form an alliance. I jumped out of bed and raced towards my closet searching for an outfit that was suitable for this amazing occasion. This wasn't just an amazing day for me but also for the entire Cod Empire.

I rushed out my door and headed straight to the whole in the wall that led to the crater in the earth that divided mine and Sausage's empire. In a couple of minutes Sausage would arrive to solidify our alliance and to end all the fighting. Sausage is such an amazing builder. Maybe he could build something for me! A Cod statue would be amazing, or maybe an embassy in my empire where we could meet each other.

Sausage flew in and landed perfectly in front of me. He wandered forward and pulled out a disc as he went. Sausage came up to me and dropped the disc between us, he then proceeded to hand me a stack of moss and a stack of bone meal. I looked up in confusion. Sausage laughed,

"I'm sorry Jimmy but I really don't want to have to deal with having this ugly ravine by my base anymore. So I decided to make it less ugly and fill it with moss, to make it an eco ravine kinda."

I giggled, only Sausage would fill a ravine with moss.

"Right then, let's get to work, shall we."

Sausage nodded vigorously and glided down into the ravine, I followed,I was extremely happy to do something with it.

{ Scott Pov }

My days in Rivendell went like this; Get up late, ignore all of my letter that included offerings of peace or trade, I would stumble around tired all day barely eating or leaving the palace, then finally I would flop down on my bed and go to back to the blissful darkness of sleep.

But today my schedule was interrupted by three women. At 11 am in the morning Gem, Katherine and Lauren burst into my room and woke me up. Gem and Katherine were looking furious and Lauren kinda guilty.

"H-How did you get in?"

"Lauren was worried about you like she should be and she came to us for advice so we came over here to tell you to go over to Jimmy and confess your love to him."

Gem screamed at me while Katherine stormed over and grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe and laid them on the back of my desk chair. Lauren came over and ripped the covers off me and demanded I get up and dress.

"Scott this isn't healthy, you are locking yourself up in your room constantly and sleeping most of the day."

Lauren looked extremely concerned, Gem furious and Katherine was unreadable.

"Okay fine I will fly over to Jimmy and tell him I want him back and that I miss him so much and love him even more."

Gem nodded and gestured to everyone to follow her out while I got dressed. I sighed and got out of bed and trudged out of bed and over to the clothes Katherine had laid out for me and put them on slowly. I shuffled out the door and to the gardens in front of the palace. I looked at everyone in turn, sighed and flew to Jimmy's place.

{ Jimmy's Pov }

Sausage and I looked at each other and he took the leftover moss from my hand. We were standing on top of the ravine that looked amazing now that it was all lush and beautiful, while doing this we had agreed to build gates that led to each other's empires via a bridge. Sausage moved closer to me and I could have sworn my cheeks became a little warm.

"Promise me you won't break this alliance Jimmy."

Sausage glanced over at something in the sky and lent in and kissed, me quickly then stepped back, he blushed then flew off towards his kingdom without saying a word. I stood there paralysed and I was sure I saw something fly across the sky but I wasn't sure what it was.

{ Scott Pov }


Sausage knew about me and Jimmy and he looked at me right in the eye before he...did the thing. I was furious as I approached Rivendell but I also felt incredibly drowsy and tired. I crashed into Lauren when I landed and I got up to have a fit about Sausage and most likely burn something that he owned. But i couldn't, I walked a few paces before collapsing on the ground and drifting into blackness, the last thing I heard were the collective gasps of Gem, Katherine and Lauren.


Well this is a bit of a sad chapter. Pretty sure Scott and Sausage won't be allies anymore.

What happened to Scott?

Will he come back?

How's Jimmy going to react?

Hope you're having an amazing day/evening/night! Stay safe and healthy everyone.

Lexi ♡


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