The End? Pt. 2

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{ No Ones Pov }

As the group flew closer to the towering obsidian structure that was spilling with corruption and reeked of death the sky turned a blood red colour and those at the front of the group could just make out a cage suspended from the ceiling containing a small figure. Unbenounced to everyone they were about to fly into a deadly trap.

{ Scott Pov }

As we approached the tower the horrid smell of death hit our noses and made me cough and splutter. That's horrid. How do people live here?

Our plan was simple. We arrive swiftly and quietly so we have the advantage of stealth, kill Xornoth and then fly away with Jimmy and Shubble. If they are still there. I pushed that thought aside, I don't need thoughts like that distracting me from the dangerous mission ahead.

We land on the tower in a circle surrounding the cage that holds a terrified looking gnome covered in bruises and scars who is lying deathly still on the floor of the cage. Below the cage is a huge spike with the most ugly looking crown I had ever seen laying below it. Does this demon not have any taste? How could we be related, I would never be caught dead wearing that hideous thing. Katherine immediately runs over and starts trying to break the bars to the cage but has no luck. Pix attempts to help but still Shubble is left trapped within the tiny cage.

We all start to try and wake Shubble up which means we all foolishly have our back turned when Joey appears and shoots Sausage in the leg with a poison tipped arrow. All we hear is an ear piercing scream then a loud thump and Sausage is on the ground in a heap, swimming in his own blood. Gem is the first to turn around and when she lets out an audible gasp we all follow suit and look behind us. Staring back at us is a victorious looking demon and a pleased looking Joey.

"Has it really come to this? You all had the choice to give me the gnome peacefully and none of you would be hurt but you chose the hard way and here you are watching your friends die and soon you will follow them too. It really had to come to this." Xornoth spoke in the same calm, emotionless voice that he always did. That same stupid voice that haunted us all.

Before any of us could respond Xornoth raised his hand up and made a slashing movement which sent us all tumbling back to the edge of the tower. He then proceeded to move towards the cage that held Shubble in it and recite a speech that he had been clearly practising for ages.

"The end has finally come for this world and all of its inhabitants. I have been waiting for this moment ever since this pesky gnome escaped her home world that I destroyed all those years ago. It's finally time for order to be restored and for that to happen all those who are stopping me need to perish. But, in order for me to properly destroy this world I must first place this crown with said gnomes blood infused into it on top of my head and then I will be all powerful. Of course those who have made my life an inconvenience will be the first to perish and because you all caused me so much pain to make it to this point I will make sure you all die slow and excruciating deaths. And who better to start off with than your good friend Sausage, the traitor, who has had poison shot into him which will keep him alive but will remove his ability to move or speak. Which means he will be fully alive as he falls to his death."

With no indication other than his words Xornoth kicked Sausage off the tower and down to the ground below. We were all standing glued to the spot dumbfounded about what we had just witnessed but after half a second a yellow and green blur sprinted past us all and dived head first off the tower, spreading her wings as she went, and beelined straight to the ground.

After this all hell broke loose. Fwhip, Lizzie, Pix and I all charged at Xornoth, swords drawn and murder in our eyes while the rest of the crew shot at Joey from affar. We were all battling it out, gaining deep cuts and scratches but we were still holding our own. We were all prepared for blood until a female voice rang out above the noise of the raging battle at hand.

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