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I would like to start this chapter by paying my respects to Technoblade. I loved watching his content and that is one reason why I have been using a few quotes from him.

After learning that he had passed it made me extremely sad and I tried my best to not cry too much bc I knew that's not what he would have wanted.

This means that I have not been motivated to write so I'm very sorry about that.

Even though he may not be with us physically anymore, that doesn't mean he isn't with us in spirit. Technoblade never dies!


{ Scott Pov }

It had been a couple of days since I had found out that Xornoth was, in fact, my brother. The corruption in my kingdom had gotten as bad as my mental state. Rivendell, as I was about to find out, had gotten off pretty easy in terms of how bad the corruption really was.

"S-Scott I need HELP!"

Pearl came bursting through the doors of my castle looking extremely dishevelled and sleep deprived.

"Uh- Pearl, are you... okayyyyy?"

"Welllll... my entire kingdom is practically completely destroyed, my people are in distress and I have probably destroyed all hope of the demon being defeated, but other than that I'm doing great!"

"It's always the sarcasm with you Pearl."

I say this while pinching my nose.

"Pearl, Pearl, Pearl it worked! Gem did the thing!"

"Sausage... oh my god Sausage! You're okay."

Sausage had burst into my castle looking extremely happy and Pearl was in shock and she silently slipped to the ground. I am VERY confused.

"Pearl, get off the floor and back away from Sausage, he is corrupt."

I stood up and drew my sword out of my belt and started to slowly approach Sausage.

"No no Scott stop! I'm fine, Gem freed me from the curse that stupid Xornoth placed upon me."

As soon as he said this Pearl started to silently sob and Sausage moved over to comfort her. I decided to go out and figure out how many extra people we would have to house after Pearl fled her Empire. There were roughly 75 of them so that would be easy to manage. I head back inside to see Pearl and Sausage weeping in each others arms, they really were best friends, basically siblings at this point. I walked over to my couches, sat down and started to wonder how it had been a long time since I had seen, heard from or kissed Jimmy, is he okay? I continued to ponder on everything, including where the hell Lauren is and how we were possibly going to get rid of Xornoth and all the corruption that was over running our kingdoms.

{ Small Lauren Pov }

"I'm back."

"Do you have the captive?"

Xornoth walked round the corner to where I was waiting with Jimmy laying at my feet, looking very pleased.

"Obviously I do."

"Good job, you will one day be very powerful, you are much better than that traitor Sausage ever was."

Xornoth basically spat Sausages name and glared past me and towards the door where Joey had appeared carrying someone who was about 4 foot tall and was also knocked unconscious.

"Is- is that Shubble?"

"Ah yes, the gnome. She unfortunately escaped when I destroyed her home land. Now I have her at my mercy."

Joey and I looked at each other in confusion. Xornoth had never told us he had destroyed another world.

"That story is for another time though. Lauren, I want you to go and find out where the traitor is and Joey, come and help me build something."

With that I flew off towards a place that I knew Sausage would be. Ana that place was the place I used to call home.

{ Scott Pov }

Pearl came over with Sausage to sit on the couches and explain everything.

"Scott, I'm very sorry about all of this but the corruption in my kingdom has gotten so bad that we simply can't live there any longer. Xornoth seemed to target those who fight, more than he targets those who run. He has corrupted the soil so badly that we are unable to grow anything, the water has turned red and the beanstalk has started to crumble."

"Oh Pearl, I'm terribly sorry. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you need."

"And by that he means you can never leave."

All three of us whip our heads to see where the fourth voice had come from. Standing in the doorway was Lauren wearing her wings and looking very happy, but something was off, her eyes were glowing red just how Sausages were when he was corrupt.

"L-Lauren? What are you doing here? Where have you been?"

"Well Scott, some would say I have been on a journey of discovery, I would say I have been on a journey of freedom. I have found someone who doesn't place restrictions on me to 'protect me' but instead they have made me widen my views and see what I can really do. Including kidnapping the one you call Jimmy who you seem to be very close to."

She had kidnapped Jimmy. Jimmy is gone. He is gone again and I'm not sure where he is and if he is okay. This is hell.

"Lauren, he is corrupting you, this isn't the real you. Snap out of it, you are only going to hurt others and yourself in the process. Please, please, for the sake of your own mental health please stop!"

Sausage was walking towards Lauren and raising his voice.

"Sausage stop, remember this is still Lauren." Pearl hesitantly walked towards Lauren. "Why did you turn towards Xornoth?"

Lauren's eyes flicker back to their usual colour as she collapses on the floor.

"I- I changed sides for power, for freedom. Scott you never let me use my wings, you never let me have any freedom. You wanted to know where I was 24/7, I felt like I was trapped inside these walls. I know you wanted to protect me. I know you didn't want to lose me like you lost Jimmy and I will always love you like my brother Scott but you can't control everything I do!"

Lauren was hanging her head downwards and resting her hands in her lap. My heart was cracking inside my chest as my voice came out croaky.

"So why- why didn't you say SOMETHING!"

Lauren looks back with her eyes glowing blood red.

"I tried Scott, but all you cared about was Jimmy! Stupid, lover-boy Jimmy! Scott, you are really just a piece of s-"

"That will be enough Lauren."

Lauren was cut off by Xornoth waltzing in like he owned the place and looking very pleased with himself.


"Yes, it's me, traitor. I sent Lauren out to look for you but it turns out she has done more than what I asked for, she has brought me to the traitor, the fighter and... my brother."


Once again I would just like to pay my deepest condolences to Technos family for the terrible loss they have experienced.


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