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"Can you stay away from me? A lot of people like to befriend me and you're making them go away. I want to have friends, don't prevent me from having so because you are not my mother. You're like chewed gum sticking on me." Sunghoon said.

"But I don't have other friends here rather than you." Jake said. "Wow! So we're friends? How bold of you to assume we're friends. Of course no one will befriend you since you're GAY and nobody likes GAYS!" Sunghoon said then walked out the cafeteria. Jake was left there with a lot of stares from the other people around.

"Sunghoon wai-" Jake said and was about to run to Sunghoon but someone pulled his wrist. "Where do you think you're going Jakey?" The one who pulled him said. Jake immediately recognized the voice. It was his only best friend.

She said she wouldn't be present for the first day of the second semester but she's here. "Celia?! You're here?" Jake asked in shocked and covered his mouth. "Of course I am. I decided to come since no one can save my best friend from bullies rather than me." Celia said.

"Oh you don't have to. I can handle those. I've always told you that words doesn't affect me." Jake said proudly. "Yes but you can't defend yourself when some people go violent. Specially that guy named Chris. Gladly he already got expelled when we told the principal the things he does to you." Celia said. "It didn't hurt much though." Jake said. "You just got tortured and stabbed! HOW DOES THAT NOT HURT HUH?" Celia asked. "Aish forget about that. It won't happen ever again." Jake said.

"Since it's still lunch time, will you come with me to our favorite boba shop? We still have 45 minutes." Celia said. "Sure let's gaurr!" Jake replied then the two went to the shop they're talking about. When they entered they ordered their drinks and find a table for them to sit and talk.

"So Celia, tell me the truth. Why did you went to school early. You even lied to the principal that you'll attend the school one week after the opening. What happened? You're boyfriend already had you satisfied huh?" Jake said teasingly. "Disgusting to hear that but yeah, you're right. I wanted to cuddle more with him but his company already called him to go back to the States since it's urgent." Celia replied. "Gosh so envious. Why am I single?" Jake exclaimed.

"Why don't you make a move to that Sunghoon guy you told me. You can attend his figure skating competition and maybe have a chance to talk to him." Celia said. "I tried and he's more homophobic now. He always calls me gay bitch, chewed gum sticking to him, and I'm only doing sweet things to him to make him fall in love with me." Jake said.

"Wait, HOW! How did you talk to him? When did he said that? Spill the tea Jakey." Celia said excitedly. "Uhm, earlier?" Jake replied. "WHAT? WHERE?" Celia asked. "Gosh you're so behind the news. He's in our school. He already quit figure skating. He's the one with me at the table when you saw me at the cafeteria." Jake replied. "That handsome boy is Sunghoon? Bruh if I don't have a boyfriend I'll probably hit on him." Celia said. "I called dibs already, bleh." Jake said.

"And you already told me that you don't have a chance." Celia said. "Yeah, but I don't think that moving on will be hard since he's close to me now." Jake replied. "Then avoid him." Celia said. "Well it's not easy. I can't just let him on his own. He's been here only this morning and I haven't showed him all the places here in the school. He can get lost." Jake reasoned. "You got a point though."

"Jake, the bell is gonna ring in 15 minutes, we should get going now. I'll treat you at the mall later after school. My boyfriend gave me money to go shopping." Celia excitedly invited Jake. "Sure will go." Jake accepted the invitation. "But if you'll come, Sunghoon won't have a guide to the school, he can get lost." Celia said. "A girl went to him earlier and asked to hang out and he agreed. He'll be guided by them so no worries. And he also told me to stay away. " Jake replied. "Great, let's go back to the campus now." Celia said.

The two then exited the shop and went back to school. They then went to their respective classes.

Jake was having his history class and fortunately, Sunghoon was with him. He can then guide the older. Throughout the class, he sometimes steal glances to the older to see if he's fine. 'Jake he's just sitting, why are you so worried?' Jake asked himself.

The afternoon classes then ended and Jake went to find Celia to go to the mall. He was kinda hesitant because he's worried for Sunghoon. He's been in this school for 4 years but Celia is the only friend he made. He knew some other students but he avoided to make more because maybe they are homophobic. He was glad he met Celia, he can lean on her and tell his problems without hesitation. She can understand him and most importantly, she's not homophobic.
Both of them were now on the way to the mall.

"Sunghoon!" The girl who went closer to him earlier called him. "Oh hi! Where will we hang out?" Sunghoon asked. "Oh yeah about that. I, uhm, have projects to do so we have to cancel it and do it in another time. I'm really sorry. I gotta get going now." The girl said then ran away. Sunghoon was disappointed. He then heard his phone rang. It was his mom calling him. He then picked it up immediately.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Is school already over?"

"Yeah, I'm about to go home now."

"Great, bring Jake with you. I've invited his parents to out house for dinner since it's your first day in school."


"Come on Sunghoon. Don't be rude, he didn't even did anything bad to you."

"Yes he didn't do anything but he's gay. He'll infect me with his gayness."

"Hoon, we already talked about this. It's not an infectious disease. And what's wrong with being gay? Why is it bothering you?"

"It's just, he's not the Jake I knew before and I hate seeing him this, girly?"

"But he's not hurting you, let him be. If you ever hurt him even with just words, I'm gonna kick yo ass."

"I'm not hurting him and fine, I'll bring him."

"Great, hurry then."

Sunghoon then started finding Jake. He looked in all the rooms. He went to to the cafeteria, the library but he's not there. He decided to look at the back part of the school, he thought that Jake might be there. Gladly he knows the way since Jake already told him. He acted uninterested when Jake was talking but he's actually listening.

The back part contains the practice room for dancers, singers, musicians. He looked at each practice room but he's not. He asked some people but they said no. Sunghoon then started to panic. He was worried something happened to Jake.

        An update since I'm happy.

Ooh! Sunghoon is worried?!

Thanks for reading everyone. Have a good day and stay safe. Make sure to eat and don't starve yourself.

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