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Bang Chan offered his hand for a handshake but obviously, Jake stood up and hugged him. Jake realized what he's doing so he broke the embrace before Bang Chan could even hug back. "Uh, I'm sorry. I'm just used to hug people when meeting them. Sorry Bang Chan hyung." Jake said bowing aggressively. "Don't be sorry. I prefer hugs than handshakes you know." Bang Chan replied.

"So, how did you meet Jeongin? Are you one of his classmates?" Bang Chan asked. "Yeah I am. We met just earlier. He went to me because he's worried about me." Jake answered. "Why would he be worried about you?" Bang Chan asked curiously.

"Oh it was nothing. My friend was mad at me for being so touchy and love skin ship. He said I was disgusting and the fact that I'm gay. He then put his coffee in my paper bag that contains my hoodie." Jake replied. "Can I beat up that guy right now?" Bang Chan said angrily.

"Woah easy there. Why are you so mad?" Jake asked shocked. "That's mean. Hugging someone isn't a valid reason to do such offensive act. How rude." Bang Chan said. "You're right but don't get super angry mode." Jake said. "How can I not get angry? Even if we just met I too got worried." Bang Chan said. "Wow, Jeongin and you are alike. But listen, just ignore him. He'll get tired of it." Jake said.

"Fine. But promise me that if that boy your saying bothers and bully you again, tell me then I can beat the shit out of him. You're my friend now on." Bang Chan said. "Well I can tell you but don't beat him up. He's still my friend and our mother's are best friends. Maybe you should just stop or reprimand him. My parents will be mad at me for not stopping you." Jake explained.

"Fine. But really Jake. Don't be affected by those people saying that you're disgusting. And I'm here to defend you. You also have Jeongin." Bang Chan said that made Jake smile. Jake hugged him again, feeling comfortable knowing Bang Chan also loves hugs. "Thank you so much hyung." Jake said. "No problem. Jakey. Uhm can I call you that?" Bang Chan asked. "Sure you can. And hyung uhm, have you just showered?" Jake asked.

"Uhm actually not yet. The last time I did was 2 days ago. Do I stink?" Bang Chan said. "No. Actually you smell good. I asked because you smell like you just got out of the shower and you were, naked earlier." Jake said. "Oh yeah. If you're coming here often, you should get used seeing me naked. It's just comfortable. I'm always naked since I'm the only one who lives here and Jeongin is used seeing me like this." Bang Chan said.

"We just met hyung but why are we close already? We act like we've known each other for a long time." Jake asked. "I don't know Jake. I think it's just that I understand you and you are a good person to talk too. You just got that charm that I think can make everyone befriend you. You're honest and sweet too." Bang Chan replied. "Really? I don't know if I can befriend with anyone. People at my school might even don't like me. I haven't really asked their thoughts about me but I think their eyes tells me everything." Jake said.

"Don't mind them. Even if their mad, jealous, or disgusted by you, they don't know you fully. They don't know the real you so they judge you easily. Once they'll know you thoroughly, they'll act nice to you I think." Bang Chan said. "But how about you hyung? You don't know me that well." Jake said. "We're friends now remember? You are always welcome here and we can hangout anytime."

"You can always count on me. You don't know alot about me either so hanging out and getting to know each more is fun. Are you up for it? We can do it some time this or next week." Bang Chan suggested. "I will gladly be up for it hyung." Jake said and hugged the older tighter. Surprisingly, Jake is taller than Bang Chan even he's older so Jake easily rested his head at the older's shoulder.

Both were still hugging. They were startled by the door opening. They immediately broke the hug and tries to look normal before Jeongin and Celia could enter. Jake sat down and Bang Chan was beside him. Celia and Jeongin were talking while going inside.

"Oh guys finally there you are!" Jake said. "I was bored. Gladly Bang Chan hyung accompanied me." He added. "It was Celia's fault. She took more food than expected." Jeongin said who went inside first. Celia was still outside taking her shoes off.

"You couldn't get enough right?  So I bought more. And they were on sal- oh God why is there a stripper beside you Jake?!" Celia asked and gasped. "What?! He's not a stripper. He's Jeongin's cousin." Jake defended. "Oh sorry. You're uhm....naked. So,I thought you are. Sorry again." Celia said.

"Excuse bang Chan hyung everyone, he's used to cosplay a new born baby. Let him be, don't mind him." Jeongin said. Bang Chan, Jake and Jeongin chuckled while Celia, who's the only girl, was weirded out.

"Don't be weirder out Celia. He's wearing boxers." Jake said. Bang Chan then stood up to show his boxers and to lessen how weirded Celia was. "Oh yeah thank goodness. You have a nice body btw." Celia said. "I know right. Envy much." Jake said then rubbed Bang Chan's stomach.

"Wow Jake. You just met and you're already close with him." Celia said. "Bang Chan hyung is very friendly and open minded. He easily makes friends but he doesn't go out so he rarely have any." Jeongin said.

"It's tiring to go outside you know. Why would you go out if it's already fun inside here." Bang Chan reasoned. "You're right but there are also fun activities you can only experience outside. Maybe someday you should go out with us." Jake said.

"If you'll force me I might." Bang Chan said winking to Jake. "What a flirt." Celia said. The four burst out laughing.

They then gathered in the couch and talked about Sunghoon. Jake and Celia explained everything to the cousins. They understood Sunghoon being homophobic but they said that he can be homophobic without hurting someone with words. Words sometimes hurts more than actions.

They were right. Jake and Celia agreed with them but they can't do anything about so they immediately planned to watch Netflix on Bang Chan's mini theatre upstairs. They did that to cheer Jake up. He must be really hurt with Sunghoon's words.

They decided to watch animated movies. They watched Despicable Me and the other movies connected to it. They were already grown ups but watching cartoons isn't based on ages, right? They really enjoyed it while eating the foods Jeongin and Celia bought. They enjoyed it much since Jeongin will only be present this week or something might change Jake's life. Maybe both.

       Spoiler: Something bad will happen to Jake, like really really bad.

I decided to publish this right now since I'll be gone for a few days. I'll be back by Monday. I hope y'all will be patient to wait hehe. This is kinda rushed since I wrote this earlier at lunch break so excuse me for that. I ain't got enough time to edit this yet so ignore errors.

BTW new chapter here. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. Stay safe everyone and eat well.

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