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"Thank you for the dinner Selena. We're gonna go now!" Jayka said to Selena. "Oh you're so welcome. Don't forget tomorrow. 8am at our favorite coffee shop." Selena replied. "Yeah yeah I won't forget." Jayka said. While the parents were saying goodbye to each other, Jake and Sunghoon stayed silent at the side. "Now Jake and Sunghoon , you should now exchange your goodbyes now." Selena said.

"No mom! I don't want to." Sunghoon said, annoyed. "Don't be rude Sunghoon. Exchange your farewells now or I'll confiscate your car from you." His mom said. "Fine." Sunghoon replied. Sunghoon then went to Jake and hugged him slightly saying the most unenergetic goodbye you'll ever hear. But Jake, he hugged Sunghoon tightly. He missed him so much and only this time he got consent from his parents. After the hug, he kissed Sunghoon in the cheek and said, "Goodbye Hoonie, see you tomorrow at school." and then ran to his parent's car.

Jake's action made Sunghoon's blood boil. He really want to throw a tantrum but his parents are around them so he 'acted' nice and pretended he was fine after Jake kissed his cheek. 'God, I wanna wash my face right now. I don't wanna be gay. Shit shit shit. "Bye then Jake!" Sunghoon replied fastly and ran inside their house and washed his face. "Bye guys, safe travels!" Hoon's parents said.

"You'll pay for this Jake Sim." Sunghoon mumbled while washing his face intensely.

When Jake arrived at his house, his mind was bothered. "Wasn't I bringing something with me? I'm pretty sure aside from my bag, I also brought another thing. What is it?" Jake took a shower, changed to his night clothes while trying his best to remember what was he bringing. When he turned off the lights, he then remembered what it is. "Oh gosh! The hoodie Celia gave me!"

The next day

Jake woke up a little later than the usual time he wakes up. He hurriedly took a shower and ran to his school. It was just a 10-15 minute walk but he still ran because maybe Sunghoon already arrived and the might start to get crazy. When he arrived at the school gates, Sunghoon just arrived and now was parking his car.

When Sunghoon went out the car, he was welcomed by a panting Jake Sim. "Good morning Hoonie! I was wondering if I left a paper bag containing a hoodie in your car. Can you please look?" Jake greeted and pleased the older. Sunghoon just nodded while sipping his coffee. He opened the door and looked for a paper bag. It was just in the seat. He then grabbed it and brought it outside.

"Is this it?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes that's it thank goodness." Jake said then about to grab it but Sunghoon lifted it higher. "Hey! Give it to me please!" Jake said while jumping to reach the paper bag. "No I won't." Sunghoon replied coldly. "Why? What did I do to you?" Jake asked. "You kissed my fucking cheek and you acted like you didn't do anything??!" Sunghoon said angrily.

"Oh! Does it bother you that much?" Jake asked kinda nervous. "It doesn't bother me as long the one who kissed me in not GAY!" Sunghoon said emphasizing the word 'gay'. "I'm sorry then Sunghoon. I wont do it again." Jake said straight forward. "But you deserve a punishment." Sunghoon said. "What? Please don't hurt me." Jake said. "Nope. I ain't gonna hurt you."Sunghoon said. Jake was curious for what will Sunghoon do.

Sunghoon then brought down the paper bag and poured his coffee inside it. "Here you go! A hoodie macchiato for one." Sunghoon said then handed the bag to Jake. "See you later dumbass." He added then left Jake who was just standing there holding his paper bag, coffee leaking at the bottom of the bag.

A guy then went closer to Jake. "Uhm hi! I'm sorry for feeling close but I saw the whole situation. Are you alright?" The guy said worriedly and with sincerity. "I'm. Fine actually. Thank you for asking." Jake replied. "Wait, I've been this school for years but I haven't seen you once, this is the first time actually. Are you a new student?" He added. "Oh yeah I am. I'm just a transfer student here for this week. I'll go back to my old school next week. My dad went for a business trip here and brought me."

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