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All was still in the car, still taking in all the happenings. Silence was occupying but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was the opposite actually.

They were taking some time to accept the reality that one of their friend is dead. It's okay for the other four since they haven't spend much time with Celia but that doesn't mean they didn't had great time together.

They've spent a lot of times hanging out and she was fun to be with as they experienced.

Jake on the other hand, she was his best friend. The first person to accept him. The first person to acknowledge him. The first person that made him felt loved.

It was hard for him to move on and he believed that it was his fault.

He admits that he felt betrayed because he didn't knew about Celia having feelings with him and she even endangered herself for Jake.

It was her true love.

But what Jake hated was when she kissed him when she knows he's in love with another man. Jake hated that action. He felt like he's a cheater.

The silence that enveloped them was broken when a phone rang, indicating someone is calling. It was Chan's phone to be exact.

"Hello, Bang Chan speaking. Who is this?"

"Hello Mr. Bang. This is the police. We have found Christian Bang, on an abandoned restaurant and we are just near the location."

"Good, now please do your thing."

"Uhm sir, we have a request to you though."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Can you go in first because he'll probably be calm if you go inside. If it'll be us, hell probably go berserk instantly."

Chan thought about what the police said and it made sense. The police was right. If he'll go there, his twin would just talk shits and laugh maniacally.


"Thank you sir. I'll send you the location right now."

"One question though. I'm a legal holder of a gun so can I use it for self protection or self defense?"

"Of course sir. You might even just kill him yourself. The loss of him is beneficial to many."

"Thank you. I'll go there right now." Chan said as he ended the call.

"Uhm can y'all please like go out the car and like, go home probably or eat out? I have to use my car. I have some business to attend to." Chan said to the people around him.

"No hyung. We heard everything and we're coming. Right guys?" Jake said and the others agreed with him.

"It's dangerous to come along with me. You should all stay. It's for your own good. I'm not gonna risk everyone's safety." Chan explained.

"I know hyung but I have something to deal with Chris too. He killed Celia and he stabbed me two times so I need to see him die. I know what your planning hyung." Jake said and Chan sighed in defeat.

"Fine, Jake can come." Chan said and the others whined. "Hyung let me come to, I need to ensure my Jakey's safety." Sunghoon appealed.

"Fine Sunghoon you can come." Chan said and Jeongin whined.

"Yah hyung! I need to know that you're safe too and that shitty Chris almost killed me and mom too so I want to see him die." Jeongin said with determination in his voice.

"Fine, you can come too." Chan sighed while scratching his head. He then averted his gaze to Beomgyu while was just peacefully eating."

"Nope, don't bother asking. I ain't coming. Ain't gonna like seeing someone die in front of my salad." Beomgyu said as he went outside the car.

"I'll go home. Bye! Take care and please don't die." He added and waved at them.

"Okay now let's go." Jeongin said.

Chan rolled his eyes in annoyance of the others but can't do anything bout' their hard heads.

He then looked at the address. He remembered the said restaurant. It was their favorite restaurant. Him, his twin and Innie.

It was declared abandoned when Chris purposely but acted accidentally killed the owner.

It was when Chris was holding a sharp knife and tripped the owner to make him stumble down and lie down of the knife he was holding.

It was said by the authorities as accident but their family knows he did it on purpose. The reason why he did that? No idea, what they know is that he's crazy.

Chan drove fastly towards the said location and it was less than ten minutes when they arrived.

"Okay so the plan is that I'll go first and you three will sneakily sneak in with the police. You guys should text the police after 2 minutes when I get inside. Got it?" Chan explained and the others nodded.

Chan then sneakily took his gun and put it on the back of the waistband of his pants. Jake saw it and he knew what Chan would do.

He then went out now and went in. The car was parked not that close to the restaurant so it won't be suspicious.

A minute passed and the three started to worry. "Guys, we should follow Chan hyung and just call the police." Sunghoon suggested.

"Yeah we should. I'm worried about Chan hyung." Jeongin said and Jake agreed. So they went out the car and now was heading to the restaurant.

  This is the shortest chapter I've ever uploaded. I'm sorry. But yeah, the next chapter should probably be long. This book is also about to end. I don't how many chapters but yeah this is close.

To those who don't know yet, I've already published a new story, the story #1 I said from the last chapter. Check it out if you want to read it, just visit my profile.

I don't know how frequently will I update that since I also have to update "I like your eyes."For those who are wondering and messaging where it is, it's in my 2nd account.

And yeah, new chapter out! Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading. Hope you're having a good day. Stay safe and healthy!

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