Dude, Where's My Lab?

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"Okay, now we'll check your bionic reflexes. First the left arm." Donald said. All of them were in the lab that day.

'I'm lucky I'm not bionic.' Jodie thought to herself as she saw the bionic trio wearing neck braces that were connected to a machine.

"Ohh!" Adam groaned as Chase smacked him in the face due to the reflexes.

"Okay, now the right arm." Donald said.

"Ohh!" Adam groaned again as Bree hit him in the face this time. "Oh, I hate this game!" Adam exclaimed.

"Okay, Adam. Well, you can sit this one out. I'll just do Bree and Chase." Donald said.

"Ohh!" Adam groaned again when Bree and Chase hit him in the face.

"Come on, Davenport, it's summer vacation!" Jodie said, hopping off the table.

"Let's hit the beach. Slap on some shorts and show everyone your pasty little walking sticks!" Leo continued.

"Not now, guys. We're doing some routine bionic chip maintenance. Besides, this is fun, right, guys?" Donald asked, looking at the bionic trio.

"Good times." "A blast." Adam and Chase said sarcastically.

"Okay, are we done here? I wann go be normal for a while!" Bree said and took off the neck brace, making it start sparking and making Tasha drop the drinks she was holding.

"Can't we go just five minutes without something sparking, exploding, or oozing around here? Ever since summer vacation started, it has been like one long science experiment." Tasha said.

"I'm sorry, honey. I...you know...maybe...maybe Leo and Jo are right. Maybe we need to take a break and go to the beach." Donald said.

"Ahh!" "Yeah!" Adam and Bree cheered.

"We'll take a whole weekend, as a normal family, you know? No gadgets, no phones. We'll do it totally tech-free." Donald said.

The group of five teens were cleaning up the drinks that were on the ground.

"Oh, that is exactly what I need. You would really do that for me?" Tasha asked.

"Of course. You are way more important to me than the amazing innovations born of my genius." Donald said. Tasha smiled and walked out of the lab.

"Wow, Big D, it's really nice of you to blow off work for my mom." Leo said.

"Yes, very husband-y things. Take notes, Lee." Jodie said as the duo snickered.

"Well, you know, guys, now and then, everybody needs a little piece and-" Donald said, but was interrputed when an alarm went off. "Quiet!" Donald yelled over the alarm.

"It's the early warning satellite system." Chase said as they all looked at the screen.

"It's detecting a giant solar flare. When that thing hits the atmosphere, it'll cause massive power failures and a total blackout of satellite communications". Donald said.

"Okay, I should tell my mom we're not goint to the beach, then." Leo said and started walking.

"No, no, no, no. Don't tell your mom a thing about this." Donald said.

"Oh, right. Let's just ignore the biggest solar flare in history to keep the little lady happy." Chase said sarcastically.

"It's called 'love', Chase. You'll understand someday." Jodie said, making Donald roll his eyes.

"Don't worry about the  solar flare. I'll handle it. Just pack your stuff in the R.V. and get ready to get your beach on!" Donald said. The group of five stopped walking and looked at him. "I know nobody says that. I know that." Donald continued.

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