Bionic Dog

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"Guys, guess what I found!" Adam said as he stepped out of the hydraloop. A dog followed after him.

"Aw! It's a puppy!" Jodie squealed as her, Leo and Bree started petting the dog.

"Where did you get a dog?" Leo asked.

"And please do not say from a guy with sunglasses and a cane." Bree said.

"No. He started sniffing me when I got on the hydraloop, then he went crazy and wouldn't leave me alone." Adam explained.

"And did you by any chance have meat in your pocket?" Chase asked.

"No! Wait, is salami a meat?" Adam asked.

"He can't stay." Chase said. The dog sat down, following commands.

"Whoa! Did you see that? You said stay, and he did. He's a genius." Adam said.

"He's a good boy." Jodie cooed.

"Otis?!" Douglas asked as he walked into the common area, looking at the dog. Douglas then whistled, Otis ran to him. "Oh, that's my god! He was a stray I took in and nursed him back to health, back when Krane and I bought our first evil lair together! Actually, it was more of an evil townhouse." Douglas explained as he petted Otis.

"How were we ever afraid of you?" Bree asked.

"Ooh, this guy got me through some pretty rough times." Douglas said.

"Well, it's nice to hear that you had someone to comfort you while you were plotting to kill us." Leo said.

"I think Otis ran away because Krane terrified him. He must've been searching for me forever. I bet he smelled my scent on Adam and followed him back here." Douglas said.

"Are you sure it's the same dog?" Jodie asked.

"Absolutely, watch this! Otis sit." Douglas said, which Otis followed command and sat. "Look left." Otis looked in the way Douglas pointed. "Look right." Douglas said ad Otis looked to the right. "Speak." Otis then barked.

"Whoa. I can't even do all that!" Adam beamed.

"I'll tell you another little secret: Otis has super strength." Douglas said to the group of five.

"Wait. You gave bionics to an animal?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, he was injured and I did it to save his life." Douglas answered.

"Well, I'm glad you saved him but I also can't belive the fact that you wasted bionics on a dog." Chase said.

"I wouldn't say wasted. Do your thing Otis." Douglas said. They all watched as Otis kicked Chase with his super strength.

"Whoa! Cool! I thought I was gonna have to train him to do that." Adam said.

In the cafe in front of the training area, Adam and Jodie were at a table, playing a game of cards with Otis. The two then heard Chase sneeze from the table next to them.

"Chase, could you keep it down? Otis, Jo and I are playing cards." Adam said, then returned to the game. "Alright, what do ya got?" Adam asked. He and Jodie watched as Otis used his snout to pick up an ace.

"Another ace? I fold." Jodie said, giving up.

"Man, you're a lot better than the other dogs I play with." Adam said as he and Jodie gave treats to Otis.

"Guys, that fur factory is making me sneeze. You have got to get rid of him." Chase said, looking at the two.

"Stop right there. Otis is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Adam said, walking over to Chase.

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