Spy Fly

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"What is that?" Bree asked as she swatted away at a fly.

"Bree, relax. It's just a fly." Chase said as he and Jodie looked up from their homework.

"Well, why is it bothering me when the foul, ripe stench of Adam is right there?" Bree asked.

"Lucky undies. Nine days in a row, and no lighting strikes- that's science." Adam said.

Jodie tried not to laugh as she was Bree swat at the fly again. But stopped laughing, when the fly moved on to her.

"You two look ridiculous." Leo said, laughing, as he walked into the lab.

"Well, yeah, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." Bree said as her and Jodie continued to swat at the fly.

"Would I?" Leo asked, pressing a few buttons on his watch. The buzzing stopped and the fly landed in the palm of his hand.

"How'd you do that?" Bree asked.

"I talk to insects. They call me the fly whisperer." Leo said as the four superhumans walked up to him.

"Right." Jodie said, not believing him.

"You can talk to flies? Ask him why bees are such jerks." Adam said.

"Guys, Leo's messing with you. That's Mr. Davenport's spy fly, he desinged it for recon missions. You see, the fly's head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling the entire thing with a trackball on this watch." Chase explained, holding a container he took out of Leo's bag.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asked, turning to the bionic boy.

"Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys." Chase said.

"Well, then, he shouldn't have gone to Rock 'N Roll Fantasy Camp. Hello! You're almost forty! You can't rock, and you're no one's fantasy." Leo said.

"Can I see it?" Bree asked and tried to reach for the fly.

"Back off, handsy." Leo said, taking the fly away. "It needs to charge in it's fly hive. I used it all night." Leo explained, walking over to the table.

"You spent all night using that thing?" Jodie asked as her and Bree followed Leo.

"Well, half the night. I spent the other half editing the footage." Leo said.

Bree and Jodie looked at each other. "What footage?" Both girls asked.

"Well, not that you've asked..." Leo said. He walked over to one of the screens as the four superhumans watched. "I give you the best... of Bree and Jo." Leo said.

He pulled up a video on the screen that showed various different clips of the girls sleeping. Some of the shots were of Bree snoring, drooling, and kissing the walls of her capsule. The others were of Jodie sleep talking, punching and kicking the air while she tossed and turned. The three boys started laughing as Bree and Jodie looked embarrassed.

"I can't believe you, Leo!" Bree said as the boys slowly stopped laughing.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly." Leo responded.

At school, Leo continued to torment Bree and Jodie with the spy fly. He laughed as he saw them swat at it.

"Would you cut it out?! I cannot believe you brought Davenport's fly to school. Now I have two little pests following me around." Bree said.

"Yeah. Come on, Lee. It's not funny any more." Jodie said.

"How could I not? He's my... wing man." Leo said as he held the fly.

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